Tang Long has been blown out by this invisible strength.

However, under the hindrance of Tang Long's magic weapons, most of the invisible air intake has been blocked. Therefore, the power of the invisible energy bombarding Tang long at this time has been greatly reduced, and it can not cause much damage to him.

Moreover, although Tang long suffered some internal injuries before, he was not serious enough to tolerate them.

The most important thing is that his physique at this time has been fierce and terrifying, and his recovery ability is even more terrible. Therefore, even in the constant fighting, his internal injury can also be quickly recovered.

So at this time Tang long, internal injury has been much better than before.

He looked up and looked ahead.

The ice and fire energy dragon was also blasted out by the invisible energy generated by the ice fire explosion. It flew more than 50 meters directly, and then crashed into a wall with countless cracks all over its body.

Then, the ice and fire energy dragon, it is burst to pieces!

Tang Long didn't dare to hesitate at this time. He suddenly sprang up from the ground, regardless of whether the ice fire energy dragon would condense again, he directly used the chaotic sky fire to burn the ice fire energy between the heaven and the earth!

at the same time, he also canceled the previously inspired potential.

In a blink of an eye five minutes later, the roaring ice fire energy between heaven and earth has been completely consumed by the power of chaos fire!

And at this time, Tang Long is feeling that his strength has been improved again.

But he is still a long way from promotion.

However, it is clear that the current hurdle has passed.

At this time, there was no new situation in the hall.

"Now it's time to accept the inheritance." Tang Long is full of expectation, but he has already felt it. At this time, in this hall, the strange ice fire energy array has been condensed again!

"Haven't you reached the place of inheritance here yet?"

Seeing the appearance of this array, Tang long felt a little depressed.

That formation, already flew toward him.

At this time, he was helpless, so he had to take out two pills to recover his vitality again and seize the time to recover his vitality again!

Not long after, he had already arrived in a big hall, which was the fourth hall he had reached in the ice fire mansion.

"I don't know what it is like."

Tang long thought secretly, but suddenly found that on the walls of the hall, countless mysterious runes flew out of the hall. These runes are also condensed by the energy of ice and fire.

These runes form a large, mysterious array above his head.

In the array, the ice fire energy is roaring and surging, and in the array, there is also an extremely strong ice fire momentum.

However, at this time in this hall, there is no energy, Warcraft is condensed out again.

"What will this level be?"

Tang Long raised his head and looked at the strange Rune array ten meters above his head. He was secretly curious, but suddenly, a faint voice sounded in the hall:

"being able to break here proves that you have fully met my requirements for your strength, but next, you must accept me A kind of assessment! "

When Tang long heard the sound, he turned his head and looked around curiously, but he didn't see anyone at all.

The voice continued to come, echoing in the hall: "the next is the most important level, only through this level, you can get a mysterious means that I have studied all my life!"

"If you can't get through the last hurdle, even if you accept my inheritance, it will leave me the greatest regret."

"So if you can't break through this barrier, you won't get my inheritance!"

When the sound falls, the strange Rune array of ice and fire energy above Tang Long's head slowly falls to the ground, completely overlapping with the ground.

The array twinkles with ice and fire light. The strangeness of the array is the ice fire rune, which completely occupies the whole floor of the hall.

Tang long looked down at the array under his feet, and was thinking about what the level was. Suddenly, the runes that formed the ice fire energy array on the ground burst out with ice fire light!

Then in the light of ice and fire, all the scenes in front of Tang Long suddenly changed.

At this time, Tang Long found that he was no longer in a palace, but appeared in a maze, crisscross in all directions, very mysterious!

"This level is obviously to let me crack the array."

Tang long thought secretly.

For the array of this aspect of attainments, he thinks that has been quite good, so, to crack the array in front of him, he is also a little confident.

"It's supposed to be a mysterious maze array."Tang Long didn't go forward rashly. He knew that any wrong step might lead to a lot of deviation and delay when he cracked the array.

At this time, his heart also sounded Ling Qingyao's voice: "dragon, how are you?"

"Don't worry, I'm ok. I'm ready to accept a kind of inheritance." Tang Longdao.

"Accept inheritance? Great

Ling Qingyao's voice was filled with joy.

Tang Long asked, "how are you and Feixue?"

"You can rest assured that we are safe." Ling Qingyao said: "we found a place to hide, no one can find us, so you can rest assured."

"That's good!" Tang Long nodded at ease.

Next, he began to carefully try, half step forward, looking at the changes in the surrounding array environment, looking for ways to crack the array.

Within half an hour, he had some knowledge and understanding of the array: "the core of this array should be Qimen dunjia, which integrates the Ziwei fighting number and the Tiangang divine skill. It is really a magic array, including heaven, earth and man, and also contains the mysterious natural rules."

At this time, the basic formation of Tang Long has been broken.

So it is much easier for him to crack the array.

He stopped walking and sat down with his knees crossed.

In the twinkling of an eye, more than an hour later, he suddenly stood up and said, "Hey, this array, I can finally crack it!"

With that, his body flashed and turned into a purple and gold lightning, and he quickly walked through the maze array.

Although in this array, all kinds of environment change constantly, but Tang Long is not affected by the changing environment at this time. Even at this time, he even closed his eyes.

He judged his actions entirely by the surging strength of his surroundings.

Half an hour passed.

Tang Long suddenly stopped moving, stopped at a certain place in the array, and then opened his eyes.

At the moment when he opened his eyes, the maze array in front of him began to disappear, and all the strange runes disappeared.

In a short period of time, the whole array disappeared completely and turned into ice and fire, and the energy dissipated!

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