"Well, I'll be right there."

When Tang long heard Ling Qingyao say this, he felt relieved.

After all, Ling Qingyao is a very cautious person. Especially for some secrets of Tang long, Ling Qingyao and Huan Wu Fei Xue are very careful to keep secrets.

Unfortunately, Tang long did not know that, at this time, above the high altitude of the meditation Pavilion, two old men were seriously exploring the movement of the meditation Pavilion.

However, the strength of these two old men is too strong, and they are a little far away from Jingxin Pavilion, so even if they are Feixue and lingqingyao, they are totally impossible to find them!

Even if Tang long had done his best in the sea, he couldn't find them!

Tang Long summoned huixinmen, and directly appeared in front of Ling Qingyao and went to a very large and strange room.

This room, emitting a strange light, the surrounding walls, carved with a variety of very mysterious ancient runes, the whole room, also used a very strange energy.

At this time, the fantasy flying snow is also in this room, with closed eyes and serious practice.

Ling Qingyao saw Tang Long coming and immediately said, "dragon, this place is really good. You should start practicing."


Tang Long nodded.

However, he was still very cautious. He used to explore the surrounding activities and make sure that no one paid attention to himself. Then he felt relieved and sat down cross legged and began to practice seriously.

Just beginning to practice, he suddenly had a strange feeling in his heart.

He felt that his various feelings at this time were enhanced dozens of times, and suddenly came to a completely strange space.

He was suddenly in the starry sky!

Stars are shining in all directions. The wind and cloud between the sky and the earth are rolling and the breeze is blowing. The feeling is extremely clear and real. Tang long can clearly feel the slight shaking of every hair on his body!

"This place is really amazing

Tang Long was curious. Suddenly, the innumerable stars between the heaven and the earth around him turned into knives!

These swords, waving freely in the air, and all kinds of tracks that the blade awned across, were clearly displayed in Tang Long's mind. It was a very magical situation, which made Tang Long indulge in it unconsciously and forget everything around him!

At this time, there was only one person left in the high altitude of the meditation Pavilion, which was the old man with white beard.

The old man with white beard is waiting carefully!

After waiting for a short time, a white light came quickly. In a twinkling of an eye, it was in front of him, but it was just the sky beside the old man.

"How about the old man

"I have already gone to the palace of 47 peaks. The boy has indeed gone back to practice in the training room. However, I have gone to those training rooms and carefully explored them. There is no one in the training room. The boy is mysteriously missing."

"So the boy is already in the meditation Pavilion now?" Asked the white bearded man.

"80% right!" Xunkong complacently said: "even if the boy is more cautious, he will never think that we are not busy exploring the activities of the meditation Pavilion, and we are still waiting for breath. In this case, even if the boy's induction ability is strong, with his strength at this time, he will never find us!"

"Now the boy is in the meditation Pavilion. He should have begun to practice. Let's go and see the situation!" The old man with white beard dropped his voice and said with a smile, "why don't we go to the meditation Pavilion and suddenly appear in front of him What kind of expression does this kid look like when he sees us? "

Xunkong's face was full of complacency, but he still said, "let's wait, wait for them to finish practicing."


The old man with white beard nodded.

Although he wanted to know the secret of Tang long, he was not in a hurry at this moment. Anyway, there was a lot of time. Now let Tang Long and his disciples practice hard to avoid wasting the time of meditation Pavilion.

Next, the two old men sat cross legged in the sky, practicing and waiting patiently.

No one knows about the martial arts of LingXiao palace. At this time, the two big men of this sect have nothing to do. They are free to play on this high altitude!

But even if these warriors know, they won't say anything.

Because now, the whole people of LingXiao Temple know that the current big leader religion of Lingxiao temple is the most unprofessional one among so many masters in Lingxiao temple for millions of years!

The name of this master teacher is Qianji Baiyu!

No one of the young disciples of LingXiao palace has seen Qianji Baiyu, but has heard some rumors about Qianji Baiyu!

Qianji Baiyu was in the LingXiao palace. Tens of thousands of years ago, he was already a man of great reputation. This guy was absolutely the strongest one in Lingxiao Palace at that time!

Even in the world's super Archean sect, the name of Qianji Baiyu is also famous!However, Qianji Baiyu's strength is strong, but he is not so good!

When he was not the leader of Lingxiao temple, he did nothing all day long. His favorite thing was to find disciples of Lingxiao temple to make various pranks and have fun. After that, he went to other schools to find beautiful girls and show his personal charm!

In each major gate, there are all kinds of rumors about Qianji Baiyu!

And at that time, Baiyu really found several wives.

His wives were also outstanding in other sects. Finally, they were coaxed and cheated by him and brought to LingXiao palace. The strength of Lingxiao Palace at that time was greatly improved!

So far, among all these Archean sects, the most female disciples are in LingXiao palace!

This is also due to the credit of Qianji Baiyu!

Of course, Qianji Baiyu has never been outside to do these things after he became a big teacher. However, he still does not do his work all day. He is either hanging out with his wives or visiting mountains and rivers everywhere!

He didn't take care of the family affairs!

Such a big leader also let those old men who helped him to the top of the rank at that time, cry bitterly one by one, but they can't do anything about it!

However, fortunately, Baiyu has not done a good job at all.

Every time this guy goes out to play a circle, he always brings a talented disciple into the sect!

Moreover, the strength of this guy has been rising rapidly. At this time, in the whole LingXiao palace, except for those reclusive powers, the rest of the people whose strength can surpass the thousand chance Baiyu has completely disappeared!

Even, most people in LingXiao palace don't know what kind of strength Qianji Baiyu has!

They only know that this great master sect is very powerful and powerful. Even compared with those reclusive powers in the vast world, it is not inferior at all!

In recent years, the LingXiao palace has been very famous because of its thousand opportunities and white feathers.

However, in the past 1000 years, the situation of the younger generation in LingXiao palace is far from ideal, and there is no outstanding one at all.

In LingXiao palace, the person who knows Qianji Baiyu best is xunkong!

Looking at Qianji Baiyu, xunkong asked, "last time you went to your old friend's zongmen, how was the girl and how was her strength improved?"

"That girl's talent is as good as I used to be. It's so strong!" Qianji Baiyu sighed: "among so many archaic schools, there are only those younger disciples with that talent. I'm afraid that girl is the only one."

Xunkong couldn't help laughing: "is it difficult? Don't you think Tang long can't do it?"

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