"Me too!" Meng Xiaomeng hugs Tang long, and his voice is sweet and greasy: "brother Tang long, I think we can get closer to each other a little bit!"

Her voice is very beautiful, but also with a delicate soft, exhaled like blue, breath a little urgent, blowing on the face of Tang long, Tang Long's blood, more and more crazy up and down.

He felt like a runaway horse.

But at this time, in the depths of his heart, he suddenly thought of Qin Ziyi's nervous voice: "dragon, are you there, bad, queer Er Er, she is possessed by the devil!"


Hearing Qin Ziyi's sudden voice, Tang Long was startled. The confusion in his mind suddenly disappeared.

Just, all over the blood, still rolling!

But at this time, he is also aware of his own situation at this time!

"No, it's drugged!"

Tang Long's heart thump is all of a sudden, but he has realized that he is holding a girl, and can clearly feel the perfect figure of this girl, as well as the very comfortable feeling in his chest!

This kind of feeling is really fatal!

Tang long looked down, he could not help but say bad!

At this time, Meng Xiaomeng has obviously fallen into a kind of confused state. He even grabs the belt of Tang Long's clothes at random, and then he will tear them open!

"Don't worry, don't worry. Let's take our time."

Tang long a black line, in the mind, those messy ideas began to sweep up madly again!

Obviously, he's been given a super powerful, messy drug!

In the depths of his heart, Qin Ziyi's voice sounded again: "dragon, you come back quickly!"

"Don't worry, don't worry!" Tang Long clenched his teeth and tried to hold back the chaotic thoughts in his heart. However, he already felt Meng Xiaomeng's hand and began to move on him.

"This girl, it's killing me!"

Tang Long has no choice but to grab Meng Xiaomeng's hands and quickly asks Qin Ziyi in his heart: "what's the symptom of xiaoqueer?"

He was already a little sorry.

He knew that the reason why xiaoque'er was suddenly possessed by demons must be because the speed of improving strength during this period was too fast, which affected the cultivation foundation!

During this period of time, he really got a lot of natural treasures to help them improve their strength.

After all, they are not like Tang Kuo and others.

They have a special constitution and are tempered by the eternal star of Tang long. Therefore, the foundation of their vitality has become extremely stable, even more stable than before.

But, after all, little finches have not been tempered.

The most important thing is that Beigong Xianer's strength is stronger than xiaoqueer's, and xiaoqueer's cultivation foundation is the weakest.

"The little sparrow appears this kind of danger, then soon, xian'er and they may also be in danger!"

Tang long thought secretly.

Qin Ziyi had already said nervously in Tang Long's heart: "Que'er took an elixir to enhance her strength. She was practicing. Suddenly, her breath was disordered and she vomited out a mouthful of blood!"

"You immediately block the Qi'er Dantian meridians, and then make her temporarily comatose. Give her two pills to strengthen the foundation and cultivate the yuan. In this way, her situation can be stabilized temporarily. The rest of the things can't pass until I solve the things in front of me!"

Tang Long was in a hurry.

At this time, he still holds Meng Xiaomeng's hands tightly, but Meng Xiaomeng is completely in a mess, and the whole person is crowded in his arms!

This girl is so beautiful and moving. Even if Tang Long is sober, she can't bear it!

At this time, he couldn't bear it!

But I have to make myself sober and know that I must be in the way of others!

Qin Ziyi's voice soon sounded again in the heart of Tang Long: "dragon, I have closed the meridians around the Qi sea of Que'er according to what you said. What's next?"

"You ask her to have a good rest. The current situation just happened, and the problem is not big. After all, it's just the beginning. When I go back, I can cure her. No problem."

Tang Long stopped, followed closely in his heart and continued to Qin Ziyi: "I'm a little urgent now, I'm afraid I can't pass for a while. I need to wait for a while."

Qin Ziyi busy way: "that, the bird will be ok?"

Tang Long said: "don't worry, the bird will definitely be OK, otherwise I will rush back immediately in any case."

"That's good!" Qin Ziyi answered: "then I'll wait for you here!"

"Good!" Tang Long agreed.

At this time, Tang Long has tried to bear the chaos in his mind, condense the huangquan needle, and run the chaotic sky fire, so that he can recover from this bad situation!

The chaotic sky fire runs around his body, plus the effect of the huangquan needle. In less than five minutes, Tang Long regained consciousness in his mind.Meng Xiaomeng is still in a mess.

Moreover, the girl has now begun to attack Tang long in disorder!

"You're really a little trouble. This is the second time I've saved you. I've brought me so much trouble again!" Tang Long looks at Meng Xiaomeng like this, and his thoughts can't be suppressed.

This girl is really beautiful.

What's more, she's so cute that she's so cute.

What's more, at this time, the girl also showed a very charming appearance, integrating her early appearance, two completely different temperament perfectly integrated, which made her attractive at this time several times, which was really a disaster!

She looks like this, who saw all want to gnaw hard two.

Tang Long knows that in the face of this situation, he can't help but bear it, otherwise Mu Qingcheng and Beigong Xianer will be very sad!

"Don't move, don't move, you, oh, you don't grab me there. I'll be a good boy!"

Tang Long is in a hurry. He has just released Meng Xiaomeng's small hand and is ready to help her solve the problem. The girl has caught him in such an important place in a mess. Tang Long is also a little helpless.

"You girl, you really hurt me!"

Tang Long finally held back!

At the moment, he is helpless. If the girl wants to catch it, she should catch it first.

He had already relieved himself of the medicine before, so he quickly gathered together the huangquan needle, exerted the power of chaos, and began to help Meng Xiaomeng relieve this condition.

Five minutes later.

With Tang Long's efforts, Meng Xiaomeng's chaotic situation was finally relieved.

At this time, she also gradually regained consciousness.

The most important thing is that this medicine is very magical. After Meng Xiaomeng wakes up, she remembers everything before.

Even, she remembers it very true!

"I just...!"

Meng Xiaomeng looks at Tang long in a flustered way. Her pretty face is red with blood!

Tang long looked at her and curled her lips and said, "don't you say more. I didn't bully you? We are all fine now! "

Meng Xiaomeng retreated a little.

She lowered her head. Thinking of the situation just now and thinking of her own initiative, she was almost crazy. Suddenly, her heart leaped wildly, a little afraid to go to see Tang long. Her voice was soft: "just now, thank you, otherwise I..."

"You're welcome." Tang Long turned his head and looked around. Soon, he went to a place in front of him. At the same time, he said, "this seems to be a cave. Let's see how to get out of here first."


Meng Xiaomeng answered and walked towards Tang long.

She is still very embarrassed, standing behind Tang long, head bowed, also do not speak, obedient.

Now, Tang Long has no time to take care of Meng Xiaomeng's mind.

Take out the Moonstone, began to look around carefully, only for a long time, has found a stone hole with seal array.

"It should be here!"

Although the seal array is very magical, it can't defeat Tang long at all.

In less than five minutes, he untied the seal array, turned his head and looked at Meng Xiaomeng, but he was stunned. He saw that Meng Xiaomeng's big eyes were full of aggrieved tears!

"What's the matter with you?" Seeing Meng Xiaomeng's aggrieved appearance, he felt a little soft hearted and frowned: "you girl, what's wrong? I didn't do anything to you!"

Meng Xiaomeng looks at Tang long, and her eyes are still full of grievances: "why did you save me like that just now?"

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