Seeing that it was time for lunch, Tang longcai finally came out of the training room.

They went out to eat with Ling Qingyao, and then went into the training room.

He had to be busy.

He has already informed Beigong Xianer and ye Qingling with huixinmen. In a few days, he will help them refine their vitality and let them find an open place to be ready.

A day passed in a hurry.

In a twinkling of an eye, it was the next day.

As the day dawned, the Kunlun platform became lively.

At this time, the Kunlun platform was full of people, and the number of martial artists participating in the competition exceeded 50000, or even nearly 100000.

These people are not very old, their strength is basically reached the level of the divine emperor, even if worse, it is also the degree of God's high-level state.

All the disciples of Lingxiao Palace are here!

Tang long, magic dance, flying snow, and Ling Qingyao were divided into the fifth group.

As for the number of groups, Tang Long has no idea.

He only knows some basic information: there are 500 people in his group, and only the top 100 of this group can successfully participate in the second round of competition. As for how many rounds there are, he is completely at a loss.

He didn't want to know that.

Anyway, there are magic dance, flying snow and Ling Qingyao. If you don't know, ask them!

Feixue and lingqingyao can only smile bitterly at the situation of Tang long. Who let them stand such a man? What if you don't worry about it?!

When they're free, they focus on these things all the time.

They all know the rules and the things to pay attention to.

Magic flying snow beside Tang Long told him about this round of competition: "elder martial brother, this round of competition is very simple. Wait a moment, let's focus on the front. There is a life God tablet in front of us. We only need the divine consciousness to enter the life God stele, and our approximate age can be displayed on the life God monument!"

After a pause, he went on: "this life God tablet shows that there are intervals in the mark of life. There are ten intervals in a hundred years."

Ling Qingyao followed: "after the test of life God tablet, as long as the number is not more than 10, even if it is passed, the next competition should be carried out. This competition needs to reach a peak 50000 meters away with the fastest speed, bypass the peak, pass some obstacles, and finally return. The top 100 will pass the first round of competition!"

"That's the speed ratio. It's easy." Tang Long laughs.

Ling Qingyao said: "this is not only speed, but also something else." "You didn't listen to master xunkong's words before. In fact, there are also opportunities to get benefits from these elimination competitions."

"Really?" When Tang long heard Ling Qingyao say so, his eyes were full of light!

Looking at her man like this, Ling Qingyao only has a bitter smile!

Feixue said with a giggle: "elder martial brother, we'd better pass the first round of competition as soon as possible, because today is only one round of competition. After that, we can go back to have a rest."

Tang long looked at the magic flying snow. He laughed and said, "go back, I'll take the time to bring you disaster several times."

"Fuck you!"

Magic dance snow pretty face immediately red!

I am a man. Do you have a serious time? It's time to think about it. I haven't treated him badly. When I don't let him do harm, he always wants to be so greedy.

She pretended to be angry and said, "elder martial brother, if you think about these people again, they will be angry. They mean to go back early. Look at the good things we've bought

"By the way, some of our things are still very important!" Tang Long is thick skinned and laughs.

Fantasy flying snow helpless, thought, with him to go, as long as he likes.

Ling Qingyao is also a little helpless, but did not say anything.

At this time, an old man in front of him said in a loud voice: "I believe you all know the rules of the competition, so I won't say more. Now you come to test before the monument of life God!"


All the disciples agreed and quickly gathered together.

One by one, the disciples are busy in accordance with the requirements. They still test one by one in front of a god stele with a height of more than 100 meters. The speed of the test is not very fast.

Tang Long was curious and looked at the monument of life God.

The life God stele is a kind of magic stone, which can astringe the breath of life, so as to know how long the breath of life has existed at this time.

However, this can only test the breath of life and the approximate time of existence of the body.

The situation of spirits can not be tested at all.

So at this time, even if the people who have the blood temple are mixed in it, they can not pass the test of the life God tablet.

A warrior is already testing.

On the stele of the God of life, there is a dazzling golden light, and then the golden light converges and turns into nine glittering stripes on the stele of the God of life!"Nine hundred years old, over!"

The old man in front of me cried.

The warrior was proud and passed the test.

Then the next disciple passed the test and passed it smoothly.

This kind of test also prevents some people from playing the role of cubs when they are thousands of years old.

In this test, Tang long looked at the life God stele. The smallest ones on the life God tablet were all seven divine patterns, and there were very few people with such seven God patterns.

That is to say, up to now, the youngest is more than 700 years old, most of them are 800 or 900 years old, and even some of them have already reached the top and can hardly make it!

Seeing this situation, Tang Long is helpless!

Compared with these people, he is really not old at this time!

Feixue turns his head and looks at Tang long. His eyes twinkle with curiosity.

In fact, she has never known how big Tang Long is. Although it seems that Tang Long is a little bit bigger than her, she has no idea how big Tang Long is.

Ling Qingyao knew about Tang long.

She looked at Tang long, with a little smile in her eyes: "dragon, you may shock many people. This time, I'm afraid those guys will pay special attention to you!"

"What can I do?" Tang Long depressed way: "I do not want to ah, by those people's attention, I am afraid I have no freedom!"

He really does not want to be too conspicuous, otherwise he will have endless trouble!

However, after he was reborn as tangxing copper, he worked hard all the way, and he is far from 100 years old. If he is tested out, he will be fried in kunluntai!

Such a strong strength, so young, even those great powers of the Taigu sect, will surely be shocked by Qi and blood, maybe they can be scared into the devil!

Tang Long hurriedly went in to Fengtian flag and found the king of the Abyss: "give me a way, I can't be too conspicuous!"

Then, he simply said it again to see if they could do anything about it.

The king of the abyss was helpless. He turned to look at Su Xiaoman.

Su Xiaoman has a way!

She looked at Tang Long and said, "this is actually very simple. The life God tablet tests life rings, which I can help you. I have practiced a kind of magic skill, which can be used quietly and will not be found. It can increase the breath of life on the life God stele by at least five or six hundred years. However, it is not sure how much it can increase."

"It would be good to increase it by five or six hundred years!" Tang Longlian was busy.

After a pause, he continued: "you have to help Qingyao and Feixue, otherwise, these two precious girls are also too conspicuous!"

"No problem!" Su Xiaoman said: "what I can do is a very secret magic skill. When testing, I will help them quietly, because this is not the use of vitality, and there are many people on the scene, so they must not be found."

"That's good!" Tang Long was completely relieved.

And by this time, it was his turn!

"It's on!" His mind said to Su Xiaoman in Fengtian flag.


After all, Tang Xiaolong can pass on the spirit of Tang Xiaolong, which is the way that she can pass on the sky. , the fastest update of the webnovel!