Xunkong looked at the crowd, briefly explained a few words, and then said in a serious voice: "today is the second round of competition, I will not say more about the rules of this competition. I believe that in these days, you all know all kinds of rules very clearly. I just want to say a little, for your own future, make more efforts!"


All the disciples agreed in a loud voice.

In fact, at this time, more than 20 disciples of LingXiao Temple who came to Kunlun platform were eliminated.

There are only over 70 students who can participate in the second round of competition today.

This second round of competition is still conducted in groups.

Tang Long didn't know the rules of the second round of competition, and didn't even know any situation. Therefore, everything was arranged by Feixue and lingqingyao. They did what they said.

Feixue and lingqingyao are also completely speechless.

Other people looked at their situation and thought that Tang long had listened to them. Only they knew that Tang long did not know the rules of the competition.

If they don't worry about their precious man, 80% of them don't even know where to take part in the competition!

Together with Tang long, they have arrived at the corner of the square of Kunlun terrace.

Tang Long followed the magic dance, flying snow and night, confused, has been divided into a group, confused, has entered a door of space, inexplicably, appeared in a silver channel.

"Where is this?" He looked at the magic dance beside him and Ling Qingyao asked.

At this time, there were more than 50 people around them.

These more than 50 people, together with them, participated in the second round of competition. More than 30 people will be eliminated and 20 people will be left behind.

This round of competition is also very strict!

At this time, all the other warriors had already galloped along the passage.

Magic flying snow turned to look at Tang Long and explained: "we are now in an ancient space of different degrees. Through the passage in front of us, there will be a jungle in front of us. Our task is to collect blood drops in the jungle!"

"Blood drops? What is that? " Tang Long asked.

"I don't know what the blood drops are. I only know who collects more blood drops and can pass this round of competition!"

"Let's go Tang Longlian was busy, but he frowned and said, "how can we get out of this space?"

Feixue and lingqingyao smile bitterly.

My dear man, is he interested in this contest or not!

"This is an examination space. Every time the space is opened, only one day's time will be maintained. After this time, people here will be ejected by the prohibition of this space!"

"I see!"

Tang Long knew the situation and had made a decision in his heart.

"We don't have to worry, we can wait first!" he said


Feixue and lingqingyao are stunned. However, both of them are extremely clever. They immediately guessed Tang Long's intention.

Feixue immediately giggled: "good elder martial brother, do you want to rob?"

Tang Long smiles triumphantly: "I believe that even if we don't rob others, others will certainly come to rob us. After all, no one has stipulated whether this competition can be robbed. Moreover, no one knows how many blood drops the opponent can find!"

"That's it Flying snow nodded.

Ling Qingyao said: "as far as I know, the space of this difference is not very big. The blood drops in it should be found by people after half a day."

Tang Long said: "so, in the first half of the day we are busy looking for blood drops, the second half we are busy robbing!"


Hearing Tang Long's interesting words, Feixue is giggling again.

Now she was no longer in a hurry. She took Tang Long's arm and said happily, "good elder martial brother, let's listen to you, rest here and don't look for blood drops!"

She was distressed that Tang Long didn't have a rest last night. Now that she has a chance to have a rest, how can she miss the chance to let Tang long rest.

Ling Qingyao also agreed. Looking at Tang long, he said, "dragon, let's rest here."

Tang Long said with a smile: "we have to say good, you are not allowed to slip away, you have to accompany me well here!"

Ling Qingyao originally thought that he would let the magic dance flying snow accompany Tang Long here. He would wait for a moment and find some blood drops alone. He could not completely rely on snatching. In case he could not snatch at that time, he would at least let Tang long pass the competition.

However, seeing Tang Long looking at her eyes, Ling Qingyao immediately knew that Tang long had guessed her mind, so she had to give up the plan and stay with him.

She knew that if she left, Tang long would be worried."Well, I'll be with you."

Ling Qingyao had no choice but to say that, in her heart, she also felt that, no matter what, she had to let her man have a good rest first, and he could not be so tired all the time.

Tang long, seeing that Feixue and lingqingyao agreed, made a decision and rested here.

At the moment, he is really a little tired!

The space they are in at this time is obviously the quietest. At this moment, all the martial arts participants are busy looking for blood drops. Who will have time to manage them?!

The magic flying snow takes out the Xuanling house directly, three people together, in the Xuanling room comfortable sleep.

In addition, Feixue and lingqingyao are both nestling in Tang Long's arms, so that he can have a more comfortable rest.

Tang long had a good sleep!

Wake up, it's been a long time!

Feixue and lingqingyao have already got up, but they haven't left. Not far from Tang long, they are chatting quietly.

"Qingyao, Feixue, now I'm full of energy, we can go!"

Tang Long sat up and looked at the magic flying snow and Ling Qingyao. He laughed and looked refreshed.

Seeing Tang Long like this, Feixue and lingqingyao are happy!

Feixue's body shape flashed. When he arrived at Tang Long's side, he nestled in his arms and said, "good elder martial brother, you'll have a good rest now. Next, you can't be lazy!"

Tang Long took a beautiful bite on her pretty face: "don't worry, don't say it's the day today, even if it's tonight, I promise not to be lazy!"

"Spit, greedy again!"

Fantasy flying snow gently jiaochen a, happy to leave the embrace of Tang long.

She felt that there was no one else here, so let him.

Ling Qingyao also came to Tang Long's hand, holding it: "dragon, let's go, otherwise, we can't make it!"


Tang Long nodded.

The magic flying snow has been collected from the Xuanling house.

Three people together, out of this channel, eyes suddenly open, the front is a jungle.

The jungle is very big and lush. You can't see the edge at a glance!

"Boom, boom, boom..."

"Zhou tianniu, come on, go to the left. Wu jibeng, go to the right. We must kill the flame God and demon. There are twenty blood drops on the flame demon!"

"We'll kill the flame demon, everyone

"Come on, together!"


Hearing the voice from afar, Tang Long was curious.

At this time, the place where the sound is still far away, the two people's hearing is not as good as Tang long, so at this time, they did not hear the sound.

Tang Long turned his head and looked at the magic flying snow and Ling Qingyao and asked, "do you know what the flame God is!"

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