Flying snow in Tang Long's arms, he looked up at Tang Long and said, "listen to master, after the battle of Kunlun ruins is finished, we should rest here for three days. After three days, even if the students who took part in the competition were injured, they should have recovered a lot. At that time, the Kunlun ruins should be opened."

"Three days." Tang Long nodded with satisfaction: "at that time, let's go to Tianshan city for a visit!"


Feixue and lingqingyao respond together.

The old man I met in Tianshan city before was not easy for the three of them. They all hoped to see him again.

After all, the four things they bought last time are very good things.

Tang Long lifted the magic flying snow in his arms and said, "OK, you can practice for a while. Now, I have to seize the time to refine some miraculous elixirs."

Ling Qingyao asked curiously, "what kind of elixir do you want to refine?"

Tang Long quipped his lips: "before in the city of genius, Gao Tianye gave me some treasures of heaven and wealth I didn't know. He said that it was the elixir that the principal and vice presidents of genius college asked me to help me refine. If the refining is successful, I can get 5000 points!"

Said, but also full of expectation up, hehe with a smile: "I have to see now, these are what medicinal materials!"

After listening to Tang Long's words, Feixue and lingqingyao will no longer disturb Tang long. They will practice here and accompany Tang Long here to make him feel comfortable.

Tang Long took out a box.

This box was given to him by Gao Tianye last time.

Gao Tianye told him that there were herbs in the box that could refine 30 miraculous elixirs. He had to see what kind of herbs these were and whether he had a chance to embezzle some!

This box is also decorated with seal array.

Of course, this seal array is very simple, Tang Long opened the box easily.

Looking at the medicinal materials in the box, Tang Long immediately turned his lips in a depressed way: "this old guy of genius college is really very defensive. He actually planted a soul seal on the medicinal materials!"

Soul seal, this is a very mysterious seal technique.

The medicinal materials sealed with the seal of the soul will have a strong prohibition. This medicine can only be used by the person who planted the seal, but can not be used by others. Even if it is used, it has no effect at all!

It is not an easy thing to plant this kind of soul seal on medicinal materials. If the strength can not reach the realm of the emperor of heaven, it is absolutely impossible.

These herbs in the box are obviously planted with the seal of soul.

What's more, the quantity of these herbs is well distributed, which is exactly the medicinal materials that can refine 30 miraculous elixirs.

The precious degree of these herbs also made Tang long look a little greedy. After all, these are all different herbs, and at least these are eight grade fairy medicines, and even two of them are divine medicines!

"These should be the two deans of genius college who have saved these things for tens of thousands of years. No wonder they are so cautious. If I refine all of them into elixirs, will these two deans improve their strength?"

"However, their strength must be at least at the level of the emperor of heaven. At least they should not be much weaker than the city master of the city of genius. Even if they take the elixir refined from these herbs, the effect will be very limited."

"However, the words of these two kinds of miraculous drugs will be of great use to their strength promotion."

Tang long thought silently that he had made a decision.

Since he can't use this medicine, he will not seriously refine the elixir.

He plans to make five miraculous pills by himself, and all the rest will be handed over to pig Gangli for refining.

He refined the five elixirs, of which the two kinds of medicinal materials used were the two kinds of divine medicines. Of course, he could not refine the two kinds of miraculous medicines into immortal elixirs. It would be good to refine them into holy pills!

"Even if I refine these two kinds of divine medicines into holy elixirs, the two deans will certainly be very satisfied!"

Tang long thought so. He took out the tripod and got busy.

It took an hour to refine the five miraculous pills.

Three two grain elixir and two eight pattern elixir.

The rest of the medicinal materials, all to pig Gangli refining, as long as these herbs do not waste, to ensure that the 5000 points, Tang long will be satisfied.

After putting these things away, Tang Longzheng is going to continue to refine Zhenyuan fire spirit. However, at this time, in his heart, he suddenly remembered the voice of the baby princess: "brother long, come on, we have found something good!"

"Find something good?" Tang long looked forward to: "what did you find?"

"Nine cold falling moon flowers!" Ye Qingling said: "it's the medicine that Xiaohu needs!"

Tang Xiaochen is very happy to hear the name of Tang Xiaochen.

"I'll be right there!" Tang Longlian was busy.

How can he miss such a good opportunity? He must go to see it in person.Moreover, he is also worried that the little princess and the leopard are reckless, don't make any danger.

He looked at Feixue and lingqingyao and said, "Qingyao, Feixue, I'm afraid I have to leave for a while and go to do something."

Hearing the voice of Tang long, Feixue and Ling Qingyao stopped practicing together.

Where do you want to see elder martial brother Tang Feihuan

"I'll go to ling'er and their place." Tang Long said: "they found the nine cold Luoyue flower. I have to go and have a look. I hope I can get this medicine and help Xiao Hu get rid of his troubles as soon as possible."

"Good!" Feixue and lingqingyao nodded at the beginning.

Now, anyway, there is nothing wrong with Tang Long's departure in the evening. The two of them thought so, so they left with Tang long.

Tang Long first abolished the art of magic power.

Then, he immediately summoned out the heart of wisdom between the baby princess and appeared in front of Ye Qingling.

The snow leaves the moon at this moment, is next to Ye Qingling.

Moreover, Lin Ximeng and Tang Yang, Tang Xiaohu and lie yunshang are all there.

Tang Long put the baby princess in his arms, looked at him and asked, "baby girl, where is this? Is it in Buddha city? "

The little princess blushed and hugged Tang long, explaining, "we have already arrived at the Buddha city you mentioned, but you are not very busy recently, so we left for the time being."

"Where is this?" Tang Long asked

"This is a city quite far from the Buddha city, called sabssado. We are in an inn." Ye Qingling's voice fell down and stopped, and then continued: "this matter, thanks to the night dream, is that she heard the news of nine cold falling moon flowers."

Tang Long turned to look at Lin Ximeng and asked, "is this news accurate?"

"The news is absolutely accurate!" Lin Ximeng said with certainty: "this is a message I heard from the Lord's house of sabusado city. It is said that the city Lord is gathering people to get the nine cold moon flowers."

Tang Long asked, "where are the flowers of the nine cold falling moon?"

"It's said that it's wutuoshan outside the city, but we don't know the exact location yet." Lin Xi dream way: "Ling Er meaning, told you this matter first, also let you have a preparation!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!