Of course, there are reasons why Tang Long proposed the conditions for searching for these medicinal materials.

Most of the names of these medicinal materials he gave just now are treasures that can not be quenched!

Mu Qingcheng let him find these things within a year. Of course, it's hard to find them by himself. If people only rely on Tangmen, what should they do if they can't find them?

So he wants more people to help him find these things.

If these people can't find these things in a year, he won't do anything to them, but at this time, of course, he has to make things more serious.

Even, we have to use some means!

Wei Chi iron gall looked at Tang long, his eyes showed a hesitation: "you really can deal with this red fire god clan?"

"Of course Tang Long haughtily said: "in my eyes, the red fire god sect is just a group of dregs. As long as you promise me that you can find these things for me within one year, I will help you to destroy the red fire god clan!"

Wei Chi tie bile duct: "I can only say, try my best to help you find these things. I'm not sure if I can find them, but there are nine red flaming red Yang flowers and red fire god sect."

Tang Long said: "I need you tianniu God all five big fortresses people, look for me together!"

"All right." Wei Chi Tiedan nodded.

In order to exterminate the red fire god sect, he knew that he had to promise Tang long at this time, because he knew that this was probably the only way to save longicorn.

Tang Long sees this Wei Chi iron courage to agree, the facial expression above the face, is also eased down.

He looked at weichi iron bile duct: "I hope you can give me a reply as soon as possible."

"I'm going to find other Castle owners to come and discuss it!" Wei Chi's voice dropped and he looked at Tang Long seriously and said: "young Xia Tang, if you can really help us to solve this crisis, I believe that the four Castle owners will be very grateful to you, and we will certainly try our best to help you find what you need!"

"Good!" Tang Long nodded.

Wei Chi iron gall no longer said more, stood up and left the room with Tang long.

At this time, although his internal injury still needs time to heal, but the poison has been removed, so he decided to go to the other four forts in person to explain the situation.

Busy for a short time, I saw that it was already at night, Wei Chi Tiedan came back.

At this time, Tang Long and ye Qingling were already in the reception hall of niurenbao. At this time, there were a lot of martial artists from niurenbao.

Of course, weichi is here.

Wei Chi Tiedan comes in and goes straight to Tang Long and sits down.

At this time, they all stopped eating, drinking and talking. Their eyes fell on Wei Chi's iron gall.

Tang Long is also looking at weichi Tiedan: "Yuchi Castle master, the other four Castle owners of tianniu God capital, do you agree to help me find those things?"

Wei Chi iron gall face appeared a touch of embarrassment, pause, looking at Tang Long said: "they are agreed, but, they also have a small request!"

"What are the requirements?" Tang Long asked.

Wei Chi tie biliary: "they hope that they can personally try the strength of young Xia!"

"Try my strength?" Tang Long was a little funny: "I didn't ask them to help me find those things right now. Do they still need to know my strength? When I destroy the red fire god sect, they will know my strength. "

Wei Chi tie biliary: "that's true, but it's a matter of great importance. If you know that you really have the strength to destroy the red fire god sect, you'll put all your eggs in one basket. If you don't have enough strength to extinguish the red fire god sect, we have to arrange some retreats anyway!"

"So it is." Tang Long nodded with understanding.

Originally, he was able to extinguish the red fire god Sect on his own, and didn't even need these people to help him too much.

But he needs more time.

With the strong support of weichi Tiedan, the speed of killing the red fire god sect can be much faster, and he can get the nine burning red Yang flower faster.

He looked at Wei Chi and asked, "how are they going to test my strength?"

Wei Chi Tiedan: "tomorrow noon, they will come to my niurenbao. At that time, we will go to the training ground of niurenbao. If you are sure to deal with the chihuoshenzong, you will be able to solve the problems they give you."

"All right."

Tang Long nodded.

If Wei Chi Tiedan's understanding of the strength of the red fire god sect is correct, if the strength of the strongest one of the red fire god sect is really only the God Emperor, he can completely destroy it.

Wei Chi iron gall see Tang Long nod, but in the heart is not at ease.

In fact, he is also worried about Tang Long's boasting. After all, Tang Long is so young, and Tang Yang and Lin Ximeng are the most powerful of Tang Long's men.

However, Tang Yang and Lin Ximeng's strength is obviously not enough to deal with the red fire god sect.

What is the strength of Tang Long?!

This is what Wei Chi Tiedan wants to know most now.He had already made arrangements for this matter. When he came into the banquet hall just now, he had already made arrangements.

He has not said about this arrangement.

Looking at Tang long, he laughed: "young Xia Tang, tomorrow at noon, it depends on you!"

Tang Long chuckled indifferently: "what I care about is the future commitment of Yuchi Castle master, and the news you said about Jiuyan chiyanghua. I hope that the Chihuo God sect really has Jiuyan Chiyang flowers!"

"It's true!" Wei Chi Tiedan even busy way.

But at this time, a clear and pleasant voice, with a kind of obstinate and domineering, passed into the banquet hall: "who is Tang long, Tang long, you come out to me quickly!"

Listen to this voice, it's obviously a woman's voice!

Tang Long is a little curious. Who is crying out here? The castle master of the Tauren castle is still there, and the little castle master Wei Chi engrave is still there. Is anyone so indifferent to the castle master?!

What's more, she's still a woman!

Tang Yang and they all looked up curiously and looked at the door.

A figure came in, apparently a girl.

The girl is very tall, one head higher than Tang long. She is also very good-looking. Her figure is also very good, and her face is very beautiful.

But, this girl body, at this time is permeated with a kind of vigorous breath, this aggressive appearance, completely is a female man!

"This is..." Tang Long turns his head and looks at Wei Chi Tiedan.

Wei Chi iron gall has a face of displeasure, staring at the girl who came in: "unforgettable, not rude!"

"Who's rude? I'm just here to teach a little boy who doesn't know the height of the earth!" The girl named Mingxin first fell on Wei Chi's iron gall, and then moved to Tang Long's body next to Wei Chi's iron gall.

In her eyes, there was a strong pride: "are you Tang Long?"

"Exactly." Tang Long nodded.

"I'm afraid you are not as old as I am, but I heard that you have the ability to deal with the red fire god sect. I'm afraid it's a big bull!" Mingxin looked at Tang Long with pride and said, "if you have the ability, can you compare with me?"

"With you?" Tang Long's mouth slightly pulled up.

At this time, he had also seen a clue. After all, a girl just heard his name. Even if she was reckless, she couldn't rush in so rashly.

And so far, Wei Chi iron gall has no severe words to reprimand!

Among them, there is obviously something fishy!

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