Wei Chi Tiedan looked at Tang Long and said politely, "young Xia Tang, you just had your meal. Maybe it's not suitable to start at once. Do you need a rest?"

"Good!" Tang Long nodded carelessly: "then I will rest for two hours first!"

Wei Chi iron gall suddenly a black line.

This guy's shelf is too big. He's just a polite word. He didn't expect Tang long to agree so frankly. Don't he know that so many Castle owners are waiting for their hearts to be disturbed?!

But what else can he say?!

Ye Qingling and Xue Lingyue are a little speechless to their precious man.

The little leopard was embarrassed and looked at Tang long. His voice was delicate: "brother long, let's go to the training ground first, OK?"


Tang Long looks at the snow and leans on the moon and laughs. Then he gathers Qi and becomes a voice and says to the girl, "in fact, I want to kill these guys as soon as possible. After all, I'm still waiting to go back to eat my little leopard for fun."

After listening to Tang Long's words, the snow hears the moon suddenly pretty face to be red.

He clenched his fist and quietly beat Tang Long twice, but he didn't say anything.

Wei Chi Tiedan sees Tang Long's consent to xuelinyue's request, and immediately gives a long speech. As for why xuelinyue suddenly blushes, he doesn't think much about it.

He glanced at the crowd and laughed: "since everyone is ready, let's go to practice martial arts."

"Go, go, go!"

"If I don't go, I'll be hungry!"

"At last, we can see the means of young Xia Tang. I don't know whether it's bragging or not. I'm a bull in Longbao, but no one can boast. Moreover, we despise boasters!"

"No one can boast about my bullish castle. We are all men of iron and Zheng!"


They all squint at Tang long.

Tang Long was calm.

He doesn't care what these people say, and at this moment, he really has to put on airs. If he is too easygoing and easy to get along with, then things here will be solved. These guys will not help him to find those treasures.

So wait a moment, he also intends to give these people a shock!

Of course, he didn't plan to do it himself.

After all, it's not yet time!

Tang Yang and Lin Ximeng, as well as Tang Xiaohu and lieyunshang, all followed Tang long. Soon, they had arrived at the biggest training ground of niurenbao.

The training ground is the size of a football field, with a strong defensive border.

When the people entered the training ground, Tang long looked at Wei Chi iron bravely with a smile and asked, "Lord Yuchi castle, now you can tell me how to try my strength."

"Well, I'll tell you about it."

Wei Chi Tiedan nodded his head, and then glanced at the other four Castle owners.

At this time, the four Castle owners obviously wanted to give Tang long a strong power, so they all burst out with great momentum.

They are all very strong.

Among them, the strongest reached the nine levels of shenhuang, and the weakest reached the seventh level.

There are five Castle owners in tianniu God city. Except for Wei Chi Tiedan, who can't start because of his internal injury, the remaining four Castle owners are fierce and have no internal injury.

Wei Chi Tiedan looked at Tang Long and said, "young Xia, you said that you can defeat the red fire god sect. So in my opinion, if you can do this, you will surely defeat our four Castle masters one by one. Therefore, we four Castle masters should challenge young Xia Tang one by one."

"No problem!"

Tang Long nodded carelessly.

Seeing Tang Long nodding and looking at each other, the four Castle owners first stood out: "then the first competition, I will come first!"

Tang Long ha ha smile: "I just had a meal, so it is not convenient to start, I see, let Tang Yang go out to play!"

With that, his eyes fell on Tang Yang.

Tang Yang strode forward, still a cool face, sharp eyes, swept four Castle owners.

The four Castle owners were not happy.

Tang Long's frame is too big for people to accept. They have been waiting for him for so long. Now, this guy doesn't do it by himself. Let one hand challenge their four Castle masters!

The head of Niulong Castle glared at Tang Long and said angrily, "since you don't do it yourself, I can only let my daughter come out and play with your men!"

Said, he turned to look at a girl behind him: "girl, accompany this boy to play!"


A girl came out behind him.

The girl is also very beautiful. She is about the same size as weichi Mingxin, much better than weichi Mingxin.

She has a very hot figure!

This girl is not Wei Chi's impression of female Chinese characters, has a kind of dignified and beautiful, looks like a lady of a big family, let people see, is in the heart of love!Tang Long knows that the girl's strength must be strong enough to let this girl go!

This girl is called Duanmu Jiaohua.

Duanmu Jiaohua's eyes fell on Tang Yang: "this little brother, I've learned!"

Tang Yang didn't say anything.

But at this time, when Tang Yang was going to fight with Duanmu Jiaohua, an angry voice suddenly rang out nearby: "Duanmu Jiaohua, this is my man. Why do you start with him? If you want to do it, you should do it with me!"

Said, a long very beautiful girl, is a flash of body, to Tangyang in front of, suddenly Tang Yang face embarrassed!

The one who dodges to him is weichi Mingxin!

Tang Yang is speechless. When did he become the man of weichi's heart?

It's a bit of a catch-up!

Not far behind Tang Yang, Lin Ximeng frowns a little unhappy. Who are the gods of cattle on this day? Do you want to rob a good man?!

Why should these people rob Tang Yang? Don't you see that she is still here?!

She turned her head and looked at Tang Long with a bit of displeasure: "young master, it's all you, you're on purpose, otherwise you won't have the present situation!"

Tang long looked at the girl's angry appearance, but also helpless wry smile.

This situation, he did not expect!

That Duanmu Jiaohua also stares at weichi at this time: "how did you become his woman? Why don't I know? "

"I haven't had time to tell you, of course you don't know!" Wei Chi Ming said angrily: "but no matter what, I will never allow you to bully my man!"

After hearing this, Tang Yang is a black line again!

Will he be bullied by this Duanmu Jiaohua? Is this Duanmu Jiaohua really powerful?!

Wei Chi Tiedan can't see it any more. Even if she likes Tang Yang any more, she can't show it now. She hasn't used her means and has not prescribed medicine. She can't wait!

If Tang Yang is ready, the medicine will be difficult to take!

Wei Chi iron gall glared at Wei Chi Ming and cried out: "girl, back down. It's a big event now. You're not allowed to make a fool of yourself!"

"Jiaohua, you dare to hurt Tang Yang, I'm not finished with you!" Weichi Mingxin left this sentence, but also listen to his father, back to Lin Xi dream side.

She is looking at Lin Xi dream way: "sister don't be afraid, our man, own me to protect it!"

Lin Xi dream completely speechless!

Facing weichi, what can she say?!

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