"Well, let's go back to have a rest and send someone to call us at the dinner party." Tang Long released the precious girl in his arms, took her delicate jade hand, and held the little leopard's hand in the other hand, and went towards the place where he lived here.

Lin Xi dreamed of them, and they all went with them.

The five Castle owners looked at each other, and in each eye, there was a deep expectation.

You know, at this time, the God of tianniu is facing a disaster of destruction. If Tang long can solve the disaster of tianniu God capital, what would they do if they helped Tang long to find herbs for a year?!

Moreover, they have a large number of people, and the wilderness here is also full of jungle. They believe that as long as they work hard, they can help Tang Long find one or two kinds of medicinal materials.

Tang Long people return to the residence, Lin Ximeng and Tang Yangxian leave.

The scorn of Tang Yang and those Castle owners was also consumed. Now, we should go back to recover the consumed vitality.

Lie yunshang and Tang Xiaohu two people, go to the side to whisper.

During this period of time, lieyunshang knew that Tang Xiaohu was under great pressure, so she also restrained her temper and followed Tang Xiaohu everywhere to make him happy. This also made Tang Xiaohu taste the best thing.

With strong cloud clothes in, Tang Xiaohu's mood is really much better.

His potential danger is, of course, reduced accordingly.

Tang Long takes the baby girl and the little leopard, gets into the rest room, opens the isolation boundary, the two baby girls look at Tang Long like this, in the heart is also a little nervous!

They were bullied by Tang long last night, but how can it look, Tang Long wants to bully them now.

"Brother long, shall we talk together?" The little leopard nestled in Tang Long's arms. At this time, he also resisted his shyness and behaved like a cat. The peach blossom's eyes were full of hazy water, which made Tang Long's heart beat wildly!

Tang long held the little leopard Meimei and chewed: "darling girl, what do you want to talk about?"

"Anything will do!" The little leopard said.

Ye Qingling next to him hugged Tang Long's arm and said happily, "brother long, would you tell us something about LingXiao palace? The gate of Taikoo sect is so big that we haven't been there yet! "

"Well, I'll tell you about it!" Tang Long laughs.

He was about to tell the two precious girls about his being in the LingXiao palace when Gongsun Mo'er's voice rang out: "dragon, Qianji keel is coming."

"Oh, did he show up at last? Great!"

Tang Long suddenly came to the spirit.

He had already asked Gongsun Mo'er to find a way to contact Qianji keel to meet him. What's more, the unexpected event in Tianying city this morning, ye Mutian's serious injury, and ye Wuya's transfer also made him want to see Qianji keel more.

He wants Qianji keel to help him control the demon lord palace!

However, the nigger bear is still alive. The matter of controlling the demon lord's palace must be slow!

"There are some things that I can't directly put forward with Qianji keel. I can only lead them. Then, let Mo'er and Xueyan beat the drum, and I believe that this thing will come true!"

Tang long thought so and said to Gongsun Mo'er in his heart: "Mo'er, wait a moment. I'll go to your side now!"

"Well." Gongsun Mo'er answered and said, "Xueyan is in the living room with Qianji keel. I'm waiting for you in the training room. It's very safe here. Don't worry. You can come here at any time."


Tang long promised in his heart.

Then, looking at Ye Qingling and Xue linyue, he said, "I may go back to the city of genius and see a person right away!"

After listening to Tang Long's words, ye Qingling and Xue Lingyue leave Tang Long's arms cleverly.

Ye Qingling looks at Tang long. Shuilingling's eyes are full of unwilling to give up. He says in a delicate way: "brother long, after you finish your work, will you come back to accompany us tonight?"


Tang Long laughs.

He just went back to see Qianji keel.

Although he also wants to accompany Zhong Li Xueyan and Gongsun Mo'er, they can go back to the Imperial Palace at any time. During this time, they will go back to the Nine Emperor's palace in the evening, chat with Qin Ziyi and see the scenery in the Nine Emperor's palace.

Moreover, the peach blossom forest of the ninth emperor's mansion is also busy with them.

Ye Qingling and Xue Lingyue here are outside at this time. Naturally, they are very boring. Tang Long also thinks that this time should be reserved for these two precious girls.

Besides, he must attend the banquet here tonight.

Tang long looked at Xue Lin Yue and ye Qingling and said, "I'll go first. If someone asks us to go to the dinner party, you can inform me with huixinmen."

"Well." The two girls agreed together.

Tang Long said no more. He summoned the door of wisdom between him and Gongsun Mo'er. He appeared in front of Gongsun Mo'er and removed the isolation and boundary of the training room. Then he took Gongsun Mo'er's hand and left the training room together.They soon walked into the living room of Tang mansion together.

Qianji keel is sitting in the living room, chatting with Zhong Li Xueyan.

When Qianji keel saw Tang long, he also saw a very happy look in his eyes. He said with a smile, "what's the matter with you looking for me?"

Tang Long said: "I'm looking for you because of something very important and I'm worried about you."

"Worry about me?" In the eyes of Qianji keel, a strange light suddenly appeared!

Seeing the light in the eyes of Qianji keel, Tang long felt his hands and feet were cold, and his heart was also fluffy. He suddenly remembered that the Qianji keel seemed to have some special hobbies!

"He must not like me!"

Tang Long secretly thought, busy making a greedy look, took Gongsun Mo'er's hand, went to Zhong Li Xueyan and sat down. Then he held Zhong Li's delicate hand: "Xueyan, I miss you these days!"

Hear Tang Long say so direct words, Zhong Li Xueyan was used to the cold pretty face, immediately red up.

She was also very speechless.

There are Qianji keel in here. I can't wait for a moment. Can't you wait for Qianji keel to go?!

However, hearing Tang Long's words, her heart is still very sweet.

She turned her head and looked at Tang long, and her voice became soft: "dragon, I'm talking with the master of Qianji world about some medicinal materials. The master of Qianji's world means that he can provide us with a lot of medicinal materials, but he also needs us to help him refine some miraculous elixirs."

Tang long looked at the keel of Qianji and said happily: "master of thousand machines, do you really want to give us medicinal materials?"

Qianji keel ha ha smile, appears very generous, very forthright: "medicinal materials for my experimental base, obviously is not a very difficult thing, how much you want, tell me is!"

"Thank you very much." Tang Long quickly thanks, pauses, looks at thousand machine keel way: "thousand machine world Lord, I want to ask you something."

"What do you want to ask me?"

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