

The wolf felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and his eyes were blackened. He even felt that his whole body was about to explode!

He spewed out a mouthful of blood and flew straight back!

Full fly out more than 30 meters just reluctantly stopped, a face is completely pale!

Seeing such a result, even if it was Zhan muden of the red fire god sect, his eyes were full of deep shock. He did not expect that Tang Long's strength could actually make the wild wolf seriously injured!

The owners of the five fortresses, as well as the warriors they brought, were shocked and stunned.

Tang Long's powerful combat power completely exceeded their expectations!

And in their shock, the roar of fierce energy between heaven and earth, as well as the thundering sound of thunder, roared again:


In this thunder roar, Tang long body, ice fire energy explosion again!

The Supreme thundertrot is displayed again.

In the explosion of ice and fire energy, Tang Long's body seems to have turned into a purple and golden lightning. Through the roaring strength, Tang Long has arrived in front of the wolf, who has just stabilized his body shape!

The wild wolf felt that the viscera and internal organs were extremely painful.

What's more, I feel numb all over the body, and the vitality can't be condensed completely. The internal injury is heavy, and the vitality has been accumulated slowly. At this time, when I see Tang Long coming to my eyes again, I feel a deep fear in my eyes!


"In the face of such a damned person as you, I Tang Long is never soft hearted!"

Tang Long snorted coldly, his fist broke out the sound of thunder, and with the roaring energy of ice and fire, he bombarded the wild wolf fiercely!

The wild wolf has no ability to dodge and can only bear the blow.

Seeing that, Tang Long's fist hit the chest of the wolf.

The energy of ice and fire erupted from Tang Long's fist and his confidant. It exploded in the chest of the wolf and hit the wolf's body.



The wild wolf was blasted for tens of meters, and its chest was directly generated by the explosion of ice and fire. It collapsed, and a mouthful of blood gushed out, and the heart was broken by the bombardment!

At this time, he was dead!

However, he also practiced the spirit, so at this time, although his body died, a spirit flew out, turned into a blood light, and was about to flee towards the distance!

"Let you run away like this, I Tang Long is not a fool in vain!"

In Tang Long's eyes, the cold light flickered out.

This kind of person, sucking other people's life to practice, is simply inhuman.

Although Tang Long never thought that he was a good man, but this kind of thing was met by him, it will certainly be eradicated!

Such a disaster can never be left behind!

"Fengnai Zi Jue, explosion!"

A low voice sounded, one by one ice fire energy "explosion" words, flew out of Tang long, turned into ice fire tumbling energy groups, with the sound of terrible sound explosion, flew towards the spirit quickly!

As you can see, the word "explosion" of ice fire energy is to catch up with the spirit, and then surround the spirit to produce continuous explosions!

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The thundering sound of the sky, the spirit, was directly shattered by the bombardment!

But in this fragmented spirit, countless illusions floated out, and the sound of screams rang out, including the screams of children.

It seems that the spirit of the wild wolf is condensed with countless vitality, which is full of infinite injustice and misery.

These sounds, are gradually dissipated, disappeared between heaven and earth.

The fierce energy is also gradually spreading away.

Tang Long vomited a breath and quickly took out an elixir to restore vitality.

Although he didn't spend much time in this war, he used a lot of means to improve his strength and consumed a lot of energy. Therefore, he hopes to recover as soon as possible.

And, after all, there will be a big war!

But Tang Long's heart at this time is also a little curious.

According to the principle, if the spirit of the powerful emperor is cultivated and condensed, the combat power will be very strong, and even not worse than that of the bloodthirsty demon lord or the spirit of the bloodthirsty devil.

However, these guys were killed, the spirit's combat power is obviously very weak!

After thinking about it, he figured it out.

"These people are sucking other people's lives and practicing. Their hearts can't be improved and their vitality is disordered. Therefore, the spirits can't become stronger at all?"

Tang Long knew that these people had a heavy heart to kill. Although they had cultivated the spirit, the spirit needed to understand the nature of heaven and earth in order to become more powerful.They suck the lives of others and rob the essence of others' lives. Although their strength has been improved rapidly, they have made some bad changes in their souls, and can not quickly harden them.

Moreover, with such a strong strength, they are not able to understand the nature of heaven and earth at all, let alone see the profound meaning of heaven and earth. They are strong on the surface and have a disordered foundation, which has damaged the spiritual pulse of their talent.

Therefore, the fighting power of their spirits can not become stronger.

Golden bull and others saw that Tang long had killed the powerful wild wolf. In their eyes, there was a touch of ecstasy!

Originally, they thought that only Tang Yang could give them some help.

Now they know that Tang Long has hidden himself. Obviously, he can help them a lot.

All of a sudden, they were full of confidence in today's war. They felt that they would surely defeat the red fire god sect today, and maybe they would be able to defeat them, so that they could get rid of this evil!

What they admire most is the power of Tang long!

There are also the limits of the realm of Tang Long's spiritual power!

After all, now, under the suppression of Tang Long's spiritual power and the coverage of Tang Long's divine power, the opponent's combat power has been greatly weakened, but the 50% war power of tianniu Shendu philosophy has been greatly enhanced because of Tang Long's divine power!

Under such circumstances, they are no longer afraid of the warriors of the red fire god sect!

Zhan muden, the leader of the red fire god sect, was staring at Tang long. It seemed that there was a sharp blade in his eyes, which stabbed Tang long.

"Miyamoto dog face, go, kill this boy for me!"

Jamoden ordered his men again.

Although he didn't expect Tang long to be so powerful, he still didn't want to do it himself.

In fact, he was afraid of Tang long.

After all, Tang Long's methods are really overbearing!

He wanted to see if Tang long had any cards and whether he could be more powerful. At the same time, he also had to seize the time to consume more Tang Long's combat power, so as to ensure that he could kill Tang long in one fell swoop!

He can see now that only Tang long, the other side, can bring him a great threat.

Therefore, he tried his best to kill Tang Long first.

Gongben Goulian is the great elder of the red fire god sect!

This guy is short, almost 1.35 meters in appearance. His face is old, his eyes are small, and his eyes are always full of cold.

He has sharp cheeks, small ears, sharp head, cold expression, giving people a very uncomfortable feeling!


Gongben dog's face and body shape flash, and rush to Tang Long quickly!

Tang Long's fist has been pounded out!

At this time, he is still playing the magic and magic, and is still maintaining the state of improving the fighting power of Jiuzun against the sky, so his combat power at this time is still extremely strong!

Fist blow out, the space in front of fist will produce terror distortion!

"Huang Ji Bang Tian Quan!"

This is the law of Tang Long magic!

In front of Tang Long's fist, in that twisted space, an energy fist condensed by ice and fire suddenly flew out!

The fist of ice and fire energy bombards the front rapidly, and soars wildly. With the sound of rolling thunder, in a twinkling of an eye, it is soaring more than 10 meters high, with a strong air of pressure, which has already bombarded the front of Miyamoto dog face!

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