Tang Long arrived at the training room. Although there was already a barrier in the training room, he set up another one for safety. He opened the two barriers and explored the sea. He didn't find any breath around him. He was relieved.

And at this time, his sixth sense, there is no sense of danger.

"There should be no problem!"

Tang Long was relieved and expected.

It would be of great significance to him if he could get control of the demon lord's palace.

He contacted Qin Ziyi in his heart: "Ziyi dear wife, please help me to tell Ouyang qianer that I will go back to the warehouse where the radioactive crystal is stored, and take out the things I put in it before, so let her wait for me for a while at night."

"I see. I told her to wait for you!" Qin Ziyi Dao.

Tang Long said: "when the time comes, you ask her to prepare in advance. I don't want to delay a little bit of time."

"Good!" Qin Ziyi agreed.

Next, Tang Long and Qin Ziyi continued to chat with huixinmen for a while. They were about to contact Bei Gong xian'er. Suddenly, the voice of magic dancing and flying snow rang out: "good elder martial brother, why don't you come back to Kunlun platform? Tomorrow we are going to Kunlun market! "

"I'll be back tomorrow morning!" Tang Long said, "tell Qingyao to rest assured that I will go back early tomorrow morning."

"All right." The magic flying snow should be a, to: "xunkong master is not moving to run to ask you!"

Tang Long is very sure: "Kunlun ruins such an important thing, only opened once a hundred years, how can I miss it? Don't worry, I'll be over early tomorrow morning!"

After a pause, Tang Long asked, "where's Meng Xiaomeng?"

"She's with us. It's master xunkong who brought her here with her."

Tang Long said, "has her master ever come here to look for her these days?"

"No!" It's a snow track.

Tang Long was a little relieved.

Meng Xiaomeng is very important to him now. At this time, Tang Long has some ideas about Meng Xiaomeng!

To solve the problems of Meng Xiaomeng, we need to ask a person to help.

This man is Xuanyuan sky array!

After chatting with Fanwu Feixue for a while, he coaxed the baby younger martial sister to be happy and very shy. Tang longcai finished the conversation with Feixue.

Next, he contacted Beigong Xianer.

Beigong Xianer is no longer in the previous city. He went to visit the holy mountain of the Pharaon to help Tang Long familiarize himself with the situation there.

However, the situation of the Pharaonic holy mountain is very special, which is completely blocked and controlled by Yan luozong.

In a short period of time, it is difficult for Beigong Xianer to find out more information about the king's holy mountain.

The most important thing is that Yan luozong's military strength is very strong. Even if he is Beigong Xianer, he doesn't dare to act rashly here.

Tang Long and Bei Gong xian'er are chatting with Hui Xin'er at will. It's very late that Tang Long is reluctant to end the spiritual connection with Beigong Xianer.

He also once again told the North Palace fairy son, let the North Palace fairy son never act rashly, do not go alone to explore the situation of the Pharaonic holy mountain.

Tang Long thinks that at least after Li Dahan and Yuzhu meet with Beigong Xianer in the past, they can take action. After all, at that time, they can also have a reception.

Most importantly, Li Dahan's strength is already very strong at this time.

Last time, Li Dahan was taken back by Tang long. The inheritance of the demon temple and the inheritance in the spirit bead have been greatly improved. At this time, Li Dahan's strength has been upgraded to the level of the nine peaks of the emperor of God!

Let alone, Li Dahan also has a magic weapon: Pangu axe!

Beigong xian'er is over there, in the guest room of an inn. After chatting with Tang long, he has a rest with Mu Qingcheng.

Tang Long here, Tang Long ate something, and then began to practice seriously.

Time is in a hurry. It's already three shifts.

"It's almost time!"

Tang Long stands up suddenly in a training room in the magic owl palace, and his eyes are full of fierce cold!

"Nigger bear, it's time for you to pay the price!"

Thinking of the ferocious methods that Black Ghost bear personally carried out against Mu Qingcheng ten thousand years ago, and the great pain and thunder that Mu Qingcheng suffered at that time, Tang Long couldn't help but be furious!

Suppression of such a long time, today, is finally able to export evil gas!

Even though he can't kill Li Qingtian, he can relieve his anger by killing the black bear.

Changed the clothes on the body, false beard and so on camouflage also removed!

Then, Tang Long displayed all kinds of magic power and turned into a new image in the sea of his spirit!This is the image of Tang Long No. 5!

His image at this time is fierce and domineering. His face is dark and fierce, with a kind of domineering and arrogance. It seems that his age is 389.

Because it is late at night, so at this time, the magic owl palace is quiet.

Tang Long removed the isolation and enchantment of the training room. Quietly left the training room.

Then he flashed out and sped away.

He had been in the demon lord palace for a long time, so he was very familiar with it at this time. He knew clearly where the demon lord hall was and where was the transmission hall.

What he wants to do is to control the transmission hall first.

After all, I don't know how long the war will take, and if someone runs out of the transmission hall to announce the news, I don't know what the outcome will be.

If those who escape from here can't leave the demon lord palace through the transmission hall, Tang long will not have to worry.

His mind moved, and the ancient animals that had grown to the level five level level level on both sides were called out of the bag quietly to prepare near the transmission hall.

Wait for Tang long to start, these two ancient animals will also start immediately!

Tang Long has begun to move!

Of course he won't be furtive.

He's going to let the nigger bear come and die himself!

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, Black Ghost bear, get out of here. I Tang Long is waiting for you, waiting to tear you to pieces and blow you into pieces. Ha ha ha ha..."

Tang long burst into laughter!

The sound of laughter was like a thunderbolt, which was heard ten thousand meters away. The whole demon lord palace echoed Tang Long's arrogant and incomparable laughter!

In the quiet night, the sound of such a laugh is particularly loud!

Hearing the sound of laughter, the magic owl palace, a strong momentum is suddenly rising.

Follow closely, countless figures gallop towards this side!

Seeing these figures coming at a gallop, Tang long felt his blood boiling at this time, and his heart was full of fighting spirit!

"Who is so bold as to come to my demon lord's palace to be wild?"

"In the square over there!"

"Come on, let's all go over and see who has no idea what to do. Dare to come to my demon lord's palace to be reckless!"


The roar of the earth shaking sound, a line of figures, are speeding towards this side, not a long time, Tang Long around the four sides, have been full of people.

These are the warriors of the demon lord palace. There are even one star world Master, two star world Master and three star world Master!

Tang Long knew that the north wind would not be here.

Because, he had already let Gongsun Mo'er inform beifenghan. This evening, beifenghan is not in the magic owl Palace at all!

Of course the nigger bear is.

And by this time, Tang Long has seen the Black Ghost bear.

The Black Ghost bear is now the overlord of the demon lord's palace. At this time, he is accompanied by two warriors. One of these two men is one of lie Qingtian's right arms: Ghost salary!

Black Ghost bear and ghost salary body's momentum, are ferocious burst out.

The Black Ghost bear stepped forward, staring at Tang long, with a fierce light in his eyes, and his momentum was extremely crazy.

This guy's strength has broken through the peak of the divine emperor and reached the realm of the divine emperor!

What's more, the Black Ghost bear has reached the level of double realm of God and Emperor!

Such strength also makes Tang long a little surprised.

However, he is not worried.

The strength of the ghost salary was also very strong, reaching the peak of the emperor, but Tang long did not pay attention to it at this time.

The rest of the people here, there are still seven people who are strong in the realm of the divine emperor, some of them are eight or six.

In the face of these people, Tang Long is completely ignored!

Tang Long's eyes fell on the Black Ghost bear, and his eyes were full of arrogance. Staring at the Black Ghost bear, his momentum suddenly burst out!

At this time, he will not exert the power of blood demon!

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