Ling Qingyao looked at Tang Long and explained, "the monster in this fortress is different from other monsters."

Tang Long asked, "what's the difference?"

Ling Qingyao said: "these monsters are human beings in the Kunlun ruins. They are just different from ordinary human beings. Moreover, these human beings are born with a good understanding of the nature of heaven and earth, and have the natural control ability of the fighting methods. They arrange these arrays to protect the fortress, which can make the defense of the fortress extremely strong, even if we can not This information was told by master xunkong! "

After a pause, Ling Qingyao continued: "and xunkong teacher said that the existence of the fort, the combat power is very strong, can not be underestimated."

After listening to Ling Qingyao's explanation, Tang Longyan could not help but feel a little nervous: "so, it is obviously not easy for us to break through the fortress barrier in front of us."

Ling Qingyao then said, "according to xunkong, the strange people in this fortress are not only very strong, but also very difficult to be killed. Even if they are killed, they can regain their vitality in the fortress ten days later and come back to life again!"


Several people said, the distance from the fortress in front of has been less than kilometers!

At this time, Tang Long and they saw from afar that there were many people standing on the fortress and walking back and forth.

These people look very strange indeed.

They are silvery white, tall, more than two meters, and all have a cow's head!


The number of these Tauren is actually quite a lot. Tang Long roughly explored it and found that the number of Tauren in this fortress exceeded 500!

Unfortunately, Tang long could not find out the fighting power of these Tauren.

At this time, they have also explored the situation of the fortress in front of them. They are all a little nervous. There are more than 500 Tauren. If these Tauren are really powerful, what should they do!

Meng Xiaomeng looked at Tang Long and said, "brother Tang long, do we want to explore first and understand the comprehensive strength of those Tauren first?"

"It is indeed necessary."

Tang Long nodded with approval.

Meng Xiaomeng immediately said, "then I'll try to find out. If there's danger, you'll come to save me!"

"How can I let you go to such a dangerous thing?" Tang long curled his lips and flashed his body. He was already heading for the fortress in front of him: "you should step back and wait for me to prevent accidents."

Seeing that Tang Long has gone, Meng Xiaomeng has no choice but to say more.

In her heart, there is also a warm.

And the magic dance flying snow three people, are agglomerating the vitality, looking at the Tang Long who goes quickly, is ready to start at any time.

At this time, Tang Long has used his magic power to enhance his strength. Moreover, he has always used the vast sea to explore any movement in front of him.

He was flying over the fort.

Just when he was planning to rush into the fortress and try it, suddenly, the roar of the fortress suddenly rang out. Then, hundreds of Tauren flew up into the sky!

What's more, these Tauren burst out dazzling golden light, all of them launched an attack on Tang Long!

As the Tauren flew up, his fists were constantly bombarded out.

As the Tauren's fist blows out, a golden energy group flies out of the Tauren's fist. It looks like a meteor with golden light shining, and bombards Tang Long with great strength!

Tang long felt the power of each golden energy group, and his eyes also showed a sense of tension: "the attack of these Tauren is stronger than those monsters I met before, and there are so many Tauren. With the strength of the four of us at this time, it is obviously not easy to kill these Tauren quickly!"

In this situation, they are not rivals of these Tauren at all.

"It seems that it has to be so!"

Tang long had a plan in his mind. His body flashed, and he quickly fled to the far sky. At the same time, he drank: "go quickly, these Tauren have strong fighting power, and they like to attack in groups. They are not easy to defeat!"

The sound of his drinking, of course, was to remind them of flying snow.

The magic flying snow in the far sky heard Tang Long's drinking, and then he saw Tang long running towards them. They were all very nervous.

But he refused to escape like this and wanted to help Tang long.

Tang Long's escape speed is very fast. It turns into a purple and golden lightning. Seeing that the distance between them is less than 100 meters.

At this time, the fortress in the hundreds of tauren, also rushed over, one by one thunderous roar, powerful sound wave momentum swept.

The sound power with a strong concussion force, the whole ground was violently shaken by the earthquake, on the ground, even by the earthquake, there were countless cracks, boulders were broken by the earthquake, turned into powder stone dust, suddenly the world was chaotic, a confused!Tang Long four people, are also by this sound wave strong Qi concussion Qi and blood churn!

"What a domineering sound wave

Tang Long took a breath of cool air and flew towards the magic dancing snow. They said, "let's go, leave here first!"

In this short period of time, he has been flying to them.

Seeing Tang Long's tense appearance, the three men all felt the strength of the sound wave. They did not dare to hesitate any more. Together with Tang long, they united and resisted the attack of the sound wave. Then they turned around and followed Tang long to fly in the distance.

In the end, although these Tauren are very strong, their flight speed is obviously weaker. After flying tens of thousands of meters, Tang Long has already cast off the Tauren.

Those Tauren chased so far that they could not catch up with Tang long, but they no longer pursued and returned to the fortress.

Tang Long and them are all relieved.

But at this time, the roar of the sky suddenly sounded from both sides of them, and the four people were shocked again.

Looking around, at this time, a dozen huge black bear monsters, all with wings, flew towards them.

A black bear monster, flying towards this side, roaring in the sky.

The sound waves and strong Qi vibrated, even the clouds in the sky were torn by the concussion, turned into a cloud, swept by the wind, and flew out in all directions.

Feixue Feixue looked at Tang Long nervously: "good elder martial brother, what shall we do? Keep running? "

"It's just a black bear monster. It's not worth our escape!"

In Tang Long's eyes, there was a sharp look.

He is powerful and powerful, and directly exerts his divine power to suppress the fighting power of those flying monsters.

Just now that kind of confusion to escape, Tang Long heart is also quite uncomfortable.

At this time, although these giant bear monsters are not weak in combat power, the sound power generated by roaring is obviously much weaker than that of those Tauren.

Tang Long thinks that he doesn't need to spend too much effort to deal with these giant bear monsters. In other words, he should be able to solve the problem in more than ten minutes.

Even if it was the fortress level in the distance, Tang Long now had some ideas. , the fastest update of the webnovel!