Meng Xiaomeng looks at Tang long, and there are many small stars in her eyes: "brother Tang long, I know that you let me go to the blood temple for my safety. You are so kind to me!"

Tang Long was about to say something. The magic flying snow came in and looked at Tang Long and said, "elder martial brother, have a meal."


Tang Long stands up and goes out with Meng Xiaomeng.

Walking into the hall of the fortress, he saw Ling Qingyao busy with dishes and chopsticks. Tang Long went over and held Ling Qingyao in his arms. He said with a smile, "Qingyao, you are so virtuous. I really like it when I look at it. Let me eat you first!"

"You man

Ling Qingyao suddenly blushed.

This guy will bully her when he is happy. He can't bear it. He has to like her so much!

Of course, her heart, at this time is also very sweet.

Tang Long takes a comfortable bite on Ling Qingyao's pretty face, then pulls her to sit down and looks at a table of delicious food. He feels a little happy in his heart.

Feixue and Meng Xiaomeng are both sitting down at the table.

Four people have a meal together. Meng Xiaomeng has a meal and looks at Tang Long curiously and says, "brother Tang long, the shining door you summoned out will disappear when you go in. What is that?"

Before she saw Tang Long summoning the wisdom heart door, she had been curious for a long time not to want, at this time she asked.

Tang Longdao also explained.

When Tang Long's voice falls, she tells Meng Xiaomeng all about huixinmen.

She is very clear in her heart that Meng Xiaomeng, like her, is a stubborn girl who is not wanted. Moreover, Meng Xiaomeng is especially stubborn. Now that Tang Long has taken advantage of her, she probably won't leave Tang long.

The most important thing is that both Feixue and Ling Qingyao have deep identification with Meng Xiaomeng's ideas. However, they can't be cruel to those who agree with her.

This cute little Meng is different!

They think that Meng Xiaomeng can see Tang long.

This is also to let their hearts, Meng Xiaomeng more expectations.

After listening to the explanation of Feixue, Meng Xiaomeng has fully understood huixinmen's affairs. Suddenly, with her big eyes, she looks at Tang long without blinking. She looks forward to saying, "brother Tang long, I also want to establish spiritual contact with you, OK?"

Tang Long quipped his lips: "do you think it's so easy to establish spiritual connection? This is to achieve a heart to heart relationship. "

Meng Xiaomeng looks at Tang Long and wants to say something more. She stops and doesn't say it. She blinks at Tang long. In her eyes, there is a strong grievance.

Her pretty face was also very aggrieved.

Looking at her like this, Tang Long's heart suddenly softened. However, the establishment of huixinmen requires a deep emotional foundation, and it is not easy to succeed.

He doesn't think Meng Xiaomeng likes him much, and in his heart, he always feels a little sorry for Beigong Xianer and them.

As for the relationship with Meng Xiaomeng, he still has some confusion in his mind. After all, he really doesn't want Beigong Xianer and Mu Qingcheng to be sad and wronged.

However, he doesn't want to let Meng Xiaomeng go. After all, Meng Xiaomeng knows that there are too many things about him.

And in his heart, he was a little reluctant.

"I'm afraid I can't get rid of this little trouble."

It's not that the little trouble bothers people, but that he can't let go of it in his heart.

The key is, such a beautiful girl, the figure is also good, don't want to, and there is a special taste of his heart, she so like to drill in his arms, in the face of such a great attraction, he is a bit unable to carry.

"Little trouble, it's time to eat now. Don't talk about all sorts of things. Eat well!"

He said vaguely, bowing his head to eat and no longer talking.

Meng Xiaomeng looks at Tang Long like this. The corners of her mouth are slightly pulled up. In her smart eyes, a touch of cunning and pride emerge.

She seemed to casually say: "brother Tang long, I'm not in a hurry to open the door of wisdom heart with you. Anyway, I know that if I go back to the ancestral gate and I'm accidentally killed by my master, if I die, I won't be distressed."

Say, also oneself eat.

After listening to the girl's words, Tang long felt a little depressed.

How do you feel that the girl has decided him!

However, he also knows that Meng Xiaomeng is in a very dangerous environment. Since the blood god temple has targeted her and has already started it once, it is impossible to wait for a long time to do it again.

After leaving Kunlun ruins, Meng Xiaomeng will be very dangerous once she returns to her ancestral home.

However, after leaving Kunlun ruins, he could not directly take Meng Xiaomeng to devour his soul. This matter needs to be arranged in advance, and the blood god temple does not have such arrangements every day.The most important thing is that the present generals and ministers are not the overlord of the evil Lord palace. This matter may not be decided so soon.

What's more, many buildings in the demon lord palace have been destroyed and need to be rebuilt.

Tang Long is sure that the reconstruction of the magic Lord palace will eventually fall on the generals. Of course, Tang Long also has to make some important arrangements when rebuilding the magic Lord palace.

A few people chatted casually, but they didn't talk about huixinmen.

After dinner, Tang Long began to teach Meng Xiaomeng to arrange the Kuigang magic array, which is a joint attack array with the cooperation of four people.

This formation is also very powerful.

If the four Tang dragons can use the Kuigang magic array to attack, in each attack, as long as the four can communicate with each other and cooperate well, when any one of them attacks, the other three will be able to add their own combat power to that person.

In other words, each person can be blessed by the combat power of the remaining three when attacking. In this case, the attack power of the attacker will be increased several times and become very strong.

This array needs very tacit cooperation to play its power.

Under the guidance of Tang long, Meng and Xiaomeng learned this array for more than two hours.

However, it will take a long time for this array to be used in actual combat.

The four became proficient for a while. Seeing that it was very late, they had a rest together. At this time, Tang Long still sat down with his knees crossed, practicing and resting at the same time.

At midnight, the evening wind blows.

Tang Long is sitting on the big square in the middle of the fortress. Under the starry sky, he is seriously practicing. A fragrant wind comes quietly and comes to Tang Long's side.

"Brother Tang long."

A soft voice sounded in his ear.

Tang long does not have to open his eyes to know, this is absolutely a small trouble to his side.

He didn't open his eyes: "little trouble, why don't you go to bed?"

"Can't sleep!" Meng Xiaomeng really can't sleep.

Although she is extremely intelligent, she is still a girl, with her own hazy heart and infinite beautiful expectation in her heart.

At this time, she knew that the relationship between Tang Long and her did not develop so fast, but in her heart, she still hoped that the relationship between them would become better.

Because, what she has decided will not be changed.

"Why can't I sleep?" Tang Long still didn't open his eyes, so as not to make mistakes: "we have to go tomorrow, and the next few days will be very hard, how can we do without a good rest?"

"But I just can't sleep!" Meng Xiaomeng knows that Tang Long has stopped practicing, and regardless of whether Tang Long is willing or not, he nestles in his arms: "brother Tang long, I'm in a mess."

Tang Long finally opened his eyes and couldn't help but feel some heartache: "silly girl, what's so messy about? There's no blood God here. "

"But in my heart, I still feel very uneasy." Meng Xiaomeng looks at Tang Long with grievances and worries in her eyes.

And Tang Long get along with this long time, she has a good understanding of Tang long.

She knows that Tang Long is soft hearted.

Although she has always been not a weak girl, even if she was caught last time, facing those people in the blood temple, she never lost her square inch in a panic, and even used a false name.

But in front of Tang long, she knew that she should learn to be weak.

She felt that she should be in front of Tang long, to let him love her more.

She looked at Tang long, and the grievance in her eyes became more and more obvious. She said pitifully, "brother Tang long, since I was caught that time, I have always been afraid that people in the blood temple will harm me, so I have not had a good rest." , the fastest update of the webnovel!