Tang Long was familiar with the word "magic fragrance", but he had no time to think about it. In his heart, he said to Gongsun Mo'er, "you and Xueyan investigate this family, and see why they want to support the generals and ministers in the end, so as to avoid any danger hiding among them."

After a pause, he continued, "the most important thing is to see if this family has anything to do with strong giant."

"It has nothing to do with Leon Gongsun Mo'er said: "Xueyan has sent someone to monitor lie Qingtian recently. Moreover, even the people of Zhongli's family have come forward to start some arrangements of huangquan palace."


After hearing the news, Tang Long was also happy.

He has already known that the present strong Qingtian is already the palace master of huangquan temple, which is in the blood temple, and its status is much better than that of the demon lord god palace.

If the Zhongli family can have any powerful arrangement in huangquan palace, Tang long will be able to better control the movements of lie Qingtian through Zhongli family, so as to avoid any hidden danger.

However, Tang Long also knew that the arrangement of Zhongli family in huangquan palace must be very secret. It is not a particularly important thing, and it must not be used easily.

He thought for a while and said to Gongsun Mo'er in his heart, "this is the first thing to do. Go and tell Qianji keel as soon as possible. I will see him when I have time these days."

"I see." Gongsun Mo'er said, "I will send someone to inform him."

Next, Tang Long and Gongsun Mo'er talked for a while with Huixin gate. Tang Long cut off the spiritual contact with Gongsun Mo'er.

He looked down at the little princess and the leopard in his arms. He was reluctant to leave, but finally he said: "baby girl, I have to go. I haven't finished my work there. You can keep an eye on it for me!"


Ye Qingling and Xue linyue agreed together and left Tang Long's arms.

Xue linyue looked at Tang Long and said, "brother long, you can rest assured about the things here. Tang Yang and Ximeng have been looking for all kinds of natural materials and earth treasures in the great market of heaven and earth. Moreover, they have brought a lot of money."


Tang Long is still at ease with Tang Yang and Lin Ximeng.

He believed that with the two of them, together with Li Dahan, big things should be done well.

Then he said no more. He said goodbye to Ye Qingling and Xue Lingyue, summoned the huixinmen between lingqingyao and lingqingyao and returned to Kunlun ruins.

In order to get to Kunlun Shentan as soon as possible, Tang Long and they ate something and left the fort in a hurry.

Strangely enough, they never met any more monsters along the way.

In a twinkling of an eye, more than a day has passed.

At noon that day, Tang Long and Feixue were on their way. Suddenly, in the heart of Tang long, the voice of Zhong Li Xue Yan rang out: "dragon, Qianji keel has arrived. He will be in our house today. When do you have time to see him?"

"See him now!" Tang Long is very direct.

Tang Xiaohu's matter, he really hopes to be solved as soon as possible.

What's more, it's midday, and they need to rest for such a long time.

So at this time, Tang Long immediately pulled Ling Qingyao's slender jade hand to stop. He also looked at Meng Xiaomeng and magic dance, and said, "let's go down and have a rest for a while."

Feixue and lingqingyao didn't say anything.

Meng Xiaomeng asked curiously, "brother Tang long, you're on a good journey. Why do you have to rest all of a sudden?"

Tang Long simply said: "I have important things to deal with, and I will be back soon. Moreover, we have been on the road for such a long time, and we haven't had a good rest. You should also seize the time to have a good rest."

"All right."

Meng Xiaomeng nodded.

Knowing that Tang Long has the heart of wisdom, she no longer feels strange about Tang Long's sudden departure.

However, she was curious about more things about Tang long.

Together, the four landed toward the ground.

They went to the Xuanling room to have a rest. Tang long used the sea to explore the surrounding activities.

It was quiet around him. He explored for a long time, but he didn't find any abnormality at all.

In this case, Tang Long is a little relieved.

But he still looked at the magic flying snow, they told: "I did not come back, you do not rush, pay attention to safety, anything, immediately contact me!"

"Don't worry, we know." Ling Qingyao looked at Tang Long and said, "go back quickly."


Tang long promised that he had already contacted Zhong Li Xueyan in his heart.

At this time, Zhong Li Xueyan has arrived in the special training room of Tang long in the city of genius. Tang long calls out the wisdom heart gate between Zhong Li Xueyan and appears in front of Zhong Li Xueyan.

He looked at the clock from the snow smoke asked: "recently you and Mo son have come home?"He said that home, of course, refers to the heaven soul world, or the Nine Emperor Tianfu. Now when they are free, Qin Ziyi and they will stay in the Nine Emperor Tianfu more often.

The environment of Jiuhuang Tianfu is very beautiful, and the peach blossom forest of Jiuhuang Tianfu is about to be planted.

Now it is the heavenly daughter of the Tang clan who is in charge of these matters. If Tang lacks them, they will often go to see the situation.

Zhong Li Xueyan looked at Tang Long and said, "these days, Mo'er and I will go back at night."

"Good!" Tang Long nodded with satisfaction.

He hoped that Feixue and Gongsun Mo'er could go back more and get closer to Qin Ziyi, so that they could get along more happily.

And Tang Long also hopes that Zhong Li Xueyan can learn more about Tangmen.

Tang long wanted to prepare them in advance. He wanted them to know that he didn't care whether they were from the blood demon world or from the whole world. What he cared about was only themselves, but that they were his women.

After all, Beifeng Mingyue is also a blood demon.

And Tang Long also let Dongfang binger and them all have the identity of the blood temple.

Tang long looked at Zhong Li Xueyan and continued to ask, "the keel of Qianji has come, hasn't it?"

"Yes." Zhong Li Xue flue: "he is now in our living room, chatting with Mo'er." "In addition, Gao Tianye is also here."

"Why is Gao Tianye here?" Tang Long frowned.

Zhong Li Xuefeng: "during this period of time, the Danshi League of our auction house has developed extremely rapidly. Many Dan masters have joined our Danshi League, and Qianji keel has joined in. We are discussing some things."

Tang Long asked curiously, "Why are so many Dan masters joining our Danshi League?"

Zhong Li Xuefeng said: "recently, the blood god temple has given orders to many Dan masters in the blood temple to help refine miraculous elixirs. In addition, many alchemists have been sent to the wizard's world. In contrast, our Danshi League is safer, because after all, our Danshi League is a whole, and at this time, we are already responsible for refining spiritual elixirs for the blood temple, Although some tasks have been suppressed, with the efforts of Gao Tianye and Tan Tai Shuya, they will not be sent abroad for the time being. "

"I see!" Tang Long nodded.

Obviously, this is a good thing. Under the system of blood temple, more Dan masters come to Danshi League, and the status of Danshi League in blood temple will be promoted faster.

Zhong Li Xuefeng said: "the current status of our Danshi League has become a little special, because there are more than 100 Dan gods, and there are more than 1000 Dan masters with the strength below the Danshen."

Said, pause, looking at Tang Long said: "Gao Tianye meaning, do you want to make some more chaotic sky fire, he intends to let some lower than the Dan God level of Dan division, also can through the efforts, get chaotic sky fire."

"This..." Tang long thought for a moment and said, "tell Gao Tianye that I will give him 3000 bottles of chaotic sky fire at the beginning of each month. This is enough. Tell Gao Tianye to guarantee at least ten bottles of hands for those Dan gods, so that those Dan gods will be more satisfied!"

"Good!" Clock from snow smoke nodded: "I will tell Gao Tianye."

After a pause, she said again: "Gao Tianye means that you'd better give him and Dan Tai Shuya, and another hundred bottles of chaotic sky fire. They can use this to better spread Danshi alliance."

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