"Brother Tang long, we will succeed." In Meng Xiaomeng's eyes, there were glittering tears. He looked at Tang Long with determination in his eyes: "unless you don't like me at all, we won't pay attention to it or we won't succeed!"

She knows her mind.

Since Tang Long rescued her from the hands of those people in the blood temple, her mind has always appeared his shadow.

In the battle of Kunlun ruins, she already knew that he was Tang long, and she was very happy.

Moreover, Qianji Baiyu made a bad plan for her and Tang long. The second time she really wanted to be with Tang long, otherwise, she would not let Tang Long get her cheap.

The audacity of that time has made the final decision in Meng Xiaomeng's heart.

In Kunlun Xu's days, she tried her best to get into Tang Long's heart and make him like her. Moreover, she felt that after so many days of living and dying together, Tang long should like her.

She has always believed in her own feelings. She feels that her feelings can't be wrong.

So this evening, she will take the initiative to find Tang long.

Of course, she was really worried that after leaving Kunlun ruins, she would never see Tang Long again, which made her very flustered and at a loss.

"Brother Tang long, I'm ready!"

Meng Xiaomeng sits down opposite Tang long, looks at Tang Long and stabilizes her mind.

She firmly believes that she will be able to successfully establish a huixinmen relationship with Tang long.

Tang Long looks at Meng Xiaomeng and nods. He calms down his mood, abandons his thoughts and establishes a wisdom heart with Meng Xiaomeng.

At first, Tang long thought that it must be difficult to establish the Huixin gate with Meng Xiaomeng.

But I didn't expect that this process was much easier than he imagined. If it wasn't for him, a little bit of small problems appeared, and the spiritual connection with Meng Xiaomeng would be completed quickly.

But even so, it was done.

In an hour, huixinmen was connected successfully!

"Brother Tang Long!"

Meng Xiaomeng is directly into Tang Long's arms, tears rolling down, with huixinmen and Tang Long talking, this feeling makes her situation at this time, extremely complicated!

At this moment, she felt that she and Tang Long were completely together, because their hearts seemed to blend together.

That kind of spiritual communication, let her have a deep sense of happiness and sweetness.

This strong sense of happiness made her want to cry!

So she cried!


In Tang Long's arms, he burst into tears.

Although she is indeed very smart, in the family, all people regard her as a treasure, but only she knows that her usual efforts are incomparable with those in the clan.

She has always been a very strong and strong girl, full of strong self-confidence.

However, there are so many things happened recently. The master who treated her so well from childhood killed her. The original beauty of everything around her suddenly filled with unknown fear!

Originally thought very safe environment, suddenly perilous!

What's more, she can't tell anyone about it!

Although she is very smart, very strong, but after all, is a girl, is a girl who needs to be loved and cared about.

In her heart, she also has her own beautiful yearning.

However, the world in front of her has made her totally insecure.

Therefore, since Tang Long saved her, she had Tang long in her heart. Moreover, since she knew about the blood temple, she had more weakness, more hesitation and helplessness.

She was eager to find a strong support.

She needs a beloved, take good care of her, love her, love her.

"Brother Tang long, will you take good care of me in the future?" Meng Xiaomeng looks up at Tang Long with infinite expectation in her eyes.

"Silly girl, of course I will protect you!" Tang Long raised his hand and gently wiped away the tears on Meng Xiaomeng's pretty face.

Meng Xiaomeng doesn't speak any more.

At this time, she felt special quiet, special calm, these days in the heart of fear, pressure in the heart of the unknown fear, at this moment, in her heart suddenly completely disappeared.

The feeling of special security and reality made her infatuated and intoxicated, and made her want to use everything to care and cherish.

With her eyes closed, she fell asleep.


Tang Long looks down at Meng Xiaomeng, and his heart aches.

He actually knows that this girl is very strong.

And smart.

Otherwise, the girl is in such a dangerous environment, and still suddenly faced with that situation. How can she keep her mind still and keep herself safe until the battle of Kunlun ruins!However, in the strong, there is also a weak side.

Tang long felt that the girl in his arms was really heartbreaking.

Holding Meng Xiaomeng gently, Tang Long murmured to himself: "little trouble, I'm afraid you will bring me more trouble For your sake, I'm afraid I have to wade in ahead of time in the muddy water of Taigu zongmen Ah

Thinking in my heart, my mind moved. Zhenwu Tianshu has come out of the flag.

At this time, the book of Zhenwu had already spread out in front of his eyes, soared and floated in the air. One meter in front of him, there was a strong breath of famine.

Moreover, the mysterious runes contained in Zhenwu Tianshu seem to be countless times more, dense and dense. They are constantly floating and swimming in the Silver Ocean in the Tianshu!

"This Zhenwu Tianshu seems to have changed!"

Tang Long was curious.

He wanted to ask the king of the abyss in Fengtian flag and ask them how the Zhenwu Tianshu had changed so much. But he remembered that they were not at the moment. They were in the ninth emperor's Tianfu.

"Is it possible that I am the real martial god book..."

Tang Long's heart suddenly thought of a kind of possibility, can't help but surprise!

He remembered that at that time he got the Zhenwu Tianshu, the king of the abyss, and they said that it would be easier to refine the Zhenwu Tianshu into a magic weapon than to refine it into a magic weapon.

And at that time, he also got one thing, which can make the speed of refining magic weapon faster!

"I hope this Zhenwu Tianshu can bring me a surprise!"

Tang long thought secretly.

However, magic weapons can not be used here. Therefore, even though Zhenwu Tianshu has become a magic weapon, Tang long can only regard it as a general artifact and can not exert its power here.

Fortunately, Tang Long is not going to use Zhenwu Tianshu against the enemy now.

With a movement of mind and spirit, he integrated his divine consciousness into Zhenwu Tianshu, and then integrated the inheritance of Tianmei wild ancient array that he got into the Zhenwu Tianshu.

"I hope I can get something!"

Tang Long is looking forward to thinking, and his mind is completely integrated into Zhenwu Tianshu.

He wanted to perfect the ancient array of Tianmei as much as possible with the help of the profound profound meaning contained in Zhenwu Tianshu.

At this time, he felt as if he had entered an infinite mysterious ocean, full of aura in all directions, and all kinds of strange runes were coming towards him.

He began to work hard to understand the wild ancient array of Tianmei, and gradually integrated the array he learned into Zhenwu Tianshu!

This array is the ancient Panlong array!

In a hurry of time, he has entered the realm of selflessness, and his mind has always been conscientiously comprehended in Zhenwu Tianshu. The sea of spirit is empty and bright, and the ancient array of Tianmei is extended in his mind and integrated into Zhenwu Tianshu.

At this time, there seems to be a huge array city in Zhenwu Tianshu.

In the city, 108 ghosts live a leisurely life in another world. It seems that they are free, comfortable and enjoy themselves in another world.

The powerful energy contained in this city is the power of Tang Long's chaotic fire and Jiuyou's cold.

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