"Let's keep going."

After all, he would like to continue his journey. After all, he would like to continue to gain something in the Kunlun ruins. He had better get the last natural material and earth treasure in the Kunlun Shentan and get the cold marrow of that day!

He didn't want to waste too much time here.

Ling Qingyao, of course, will not object to Tang long. They hope that Tang long can get more benefits here.

So the four simply ate something and left the fort and flew forward.

All the way in a hurry, at noon the next day, they had seen a huge space vortex above the sky ahead.

This seems to be a door of space, but it is not!

The vortex is very big, and powerful energy is constantly sweeping out from around the vortex, but it is very strange that the powerful energy between heaven and earth is rapidly absorbed towards the center of the vortex, forming a strange cycle.

Meng Xiaomeng looked at Tang Long and said, "brother Tang long, whether we want to pass through this strange whirlpool, you can make a decision!"

Tang Long looks at Feixue and lingqingyao.

They also nodded together.

Tang Long bit his teeth and said in a deep voice: "we've all arrived here. We can't move forward any more. Moreover, it seems that this should be a door of space. It's just special."

After that, he took Meng Xiaomeng and Feixue's hand, and the four took off, carefully approaching the strange energy vortex in the air.

At this time, Tang Long's sixth sense was completely free from any dangerous feeling, and he immediately became relieved.

"I'll try it!"

Tang Long condenses an ice cone and reaches into the whirlpool. On the ice cone, there is a strong pulling force. Before Tang Long reacts, the ice cone flies out of his hand and disappears into the whirlpool.

However, just now Tang Long grasped one end of the ice cone and felt that the ice cone was not broken.

"No mistake. This is a strange door of space. There will be no danger. Let's go in."

At this time, he can be sure that this is definitely a door of space.

It's just that the door of space is obviously special.

Seeing that Tang long had made a decision, Ling Qingyao no longer hesitated. The four gathered their strength to protect themselves and flew towards the center of the whirlpool. In an instant, they were pulled into the whirlpool by a strong pulling force!

All of a sudden, the four people were in a chaos, and all of them were shocked by powerful forces.

Almost a minute later, all of a sudden, the four people felt that the strong energy around them was gone, and they had been thrown into the air!

Busy condensing energy to stabilize themselves, stopped in the air not far away.

Look around, green mountains and green waters in all directions.

And around here, there are twenty-five strange colorful doors of space, but the strange whirlpool that they just came out of sight has disappeared!

Meng Xiaomeng turned her head and looked around, and her eyes immediately fell on a place. Her eyes were full of joy: "if I guess right, there is Kunlun Shentan!"

Hearing Meng Xiaomeng's words, Tang Long's heart is full of joy.

The three quickly looked at the place Meng Xiaomeng was looking at, and saw a very large, magic pool.

The water in this pool is glittering with gold, which contains all kinds of mysterious runes. In addition, there are many fish swimming very leisurely in this pool.

These fish, obviously, are totally different from ordinary fish.

These fish are flashing all kinds of magic light, and it seems that they are bright and warm. Through the fish's body, you can see many kinds of mysterious runes!

Fish swimming slowly, shining, extremely beautiful.

Feixue Feixue looked at Tang Long and was very happy: "good elder martial brother, these fish are so beautiful. Let's get some back and raise them in Baihua Valley, OK?"

"Of course Tang Long is very supportive!

These fish look, are indeed very good-looking, very ornamental value.

Whether it is the ninth emperor's Tianfu, Fengtian City, or Baihua Valley, there are large pools. If these fish are kept in those pools, they are really beautiful!

However, Tang long had no time to catch fish.

He must find the cold marrow of the spirit first!

Ling Qingyao obviously knew Tang long very well. When he came to Tang long, he said softly: "dragon, before I came here, I inquired about master xunkong in detail, and I went to check the relevant information. The cold marrow of the heavenly spirit should be under the Shentan of Kunlun."

Then, she told Tang Long all the information she knew in detail, so that Tang long could quickly find the cold marrow of the heavenly spirit.

Tang Long knew how to find the cold marrow of the spirit, and his heart was full of expectation.

Together, they flew to the sky of Kunlun Shentan.

Tang Long was also very cautious at this time. He explored the surrounding environment and found it quiet. There was no abnormality at all. Tang Long was relieved.And at this time, in the depths of his heart, Qin Ziyi's voice suddenly sounded: "dragon, fantiangang master with golden cicada, they come here."

Tang Long said in his heart, "I can't go back now. Tell them about the hell devil spider in detail. Then, dispatch the Tangmen disciples, together with the supernatural beasts in Baihua Valley, to gather together and follow Mingyue to the cliff of broken soul."

"I see. I'll arrange it now."

Qin Ziyi said, is to cut off the spiritual contact with Tang long.

In fact, Tang long wanted to go back and tell him about it in person. After all, they arrived in the world of heaven and soul. Ye Qingling, the only one who was familiar with them, was not here at the moment.

But Tang Long has no time to go back.

He turned to look at Ling Qingyao three people: "you wait for me in the pool, I will go down to see the situation."


The three of them all nodded at the same time.

Tang Long jumped out of the pool directly. All kinds of beautiful fish in the pool were frightened at this time and swam in all directions in a disorderly way. Their posture was beautiful and they were extremely smart.

In the water, Tang Long explored the situation in the water and became more and more curious.

The water actually contains powerful, extremely pure energy, and the fish around, obviously contain mysterious heaven and earth energy, very special.

Although these fish, not enough on the level of treasure medicine or fairy medicine, but, also can be a miraculous medicine.

"These fish really need to be caught and raised. However, it is impossible to catch all these fish here. Only part of them can be caught!"

Tang long thought.

At this time, he can know from the breath of these fish that these fish are very precious. If people who are just beginning to practice vitality eat them, they can widen veins and strengthen the system, which is of great use to those who are just cultivating vitality.

Obviously, these fish are good supplements.

Tang Long wants to catch these fish back, of course, not to eat.

These fish are really very beautiful, put in the Baihua Valley, and in the water pool of the ninth emperor's mansion, as an ornamental.

He thinks that if ye Qingling plays in Jiuhuang Tianfu and Baihua Valley in the future, they will be very happy and happy.

Tang Long explored the atmosphere around him and swam towards the bottom of the pool.

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