Dan Tai Shuya and Tang long have entered a study.

Tang Long also opened the isolation barrier in the study, and sat on two opposite chairs with dantai Shuya. Tang long looked at dantai Shuya and laughed: "Shuya, what do you want me to do?"

Dan Tai Shuya said, "I'm looking for you to take my family and express some of my family's thoughts about Tang Fu."

Tang Long asked curiously, "what do you think?"

Dan Tai Shuya said: "the head of my family, I intend to establish a formal cooperative relationship with your Tang family. I think you should understand the meaning of this sentence!"

Tang Long was stunned.

He did not expect that Tan Tai Shuya came to him to talk about it.

To tell you the truth, today's Tang long, if we talk about the formal cooperative relationship, I'm afraid it can only be regarded as Zhongli family. As for Gongsun family, it's only because Gongsun Mo'er has a certain connection.

Of course, when Tang Long goes to Gongsun family, the cooperation will become closer.

Tang Long knew that the words that Tan Tai Shuya said now obviously represented her family and had a certain weight.

Of course, it's not good for Tang long to refuse at this time.

He didn't immediately agree, but asked in a dazed manner, "Shuya, aren't we already cooperating? And brother Gao? Didn't we cooperate very well? "

"I'm talking about further cooperation," she said

After a pause, Tan Tai Shuya continued: "what I'm talking about now is the deep-seated cooperation between the two families, and it's not a simple friendship between us."

"What do you mean by this kind of cooperation?" Tang Long said in an incomprehensible way

Tantai Shuya said directly: "once our cooperation is reached, our dantai family will fully support the Tang government in the dark, even in the light, and even help you deal with lieqingtian secretly. Your enemy is the enemy of our dantai family!"

"That's it Tang Long looks like a curious baby: "what am I going to do

"I want you to announce in a formal name that my Tantai family has entered the auction house and become a member of the auction house!" Dan Tai Shuya said seriously: "of course, I don't want to pay money, I just need to have such a formal identity, I can help you expand the auction house!"

After listening to dantai Shuya's words, Tang Long knew that the dantai family hoped to expand its influence with the help of Danshi League.

The most important thing of the dantai family is obviously those Dan gods in Danshi League.

In fact, Gao Tianye has been using the influence of Danshi alliance to expand the prestige of Gaofu, and even expand his own power at the same time.

Now, the status of the Tantai family and Gaofu in the auction house is completely different.

People outside know that Tan Tai Shuya is connected with Danshi League because of Gao Tianye's relationship.

People in the blood god hall certainly believe that the connection between the dantai family and the Tang family was due to Gao Tianye. Therefore, in the eyes of outsiders, the relationship between the dantai family and the Tang clan was realized through Gao Tianye, which is naturally much weaker than that between Gao Tianye and Tang Fu.

In terms of the relationship with the Tang government, the dantai family obviously depended on Gaofu.

Tang long thought about it and made a decision immediately.

He felt that the request of Dan Tai Shuya was not harmful to him. Moreover, it was better to have more forces involved in Dan Shi alliance than Gao Tianye alone.

He even hopes to take this opportunity to let Gongsun family and Zhongli family both formally participate in the auction house together!

Then, he came to be a man of words!

Nothing else, he can dominate by virtue of chaos.

The rest of the decentralization, let those families to intrigue.

He looked at Dan Tai Shuya and said, "Shuya, have you told elder brother Gao about this matter?"

"Not yet." Dan Tai Shuya said: "I must tell you first, and then I will tell him. If what I expect is good, after I tell him, he will certainly look for you and ask you not to promise me!"

Tang Long asked curiously, "why doesn't elder brother Gao support this matter?"

Dan Tai Shuya wryly laughed: "although I have a good relationship with Gao Tianye, when it comes to family interests, he will certainly think more about his family, and there will be some involuntarily. But if I only associate with you because of him, my dantai family will become the vassal of Gaofu in this matter!"

Tang Long knew that this consideration of dantai Shuya was absolutely correct.

Although the Tang government is still weak and has no details, the influence of auction houses is expanding, and Danshi alliance is developing rapidly. In addition, there are Zhongli family and Gongsun family behind Tang long. The strength of Tang Fu can not be underestimated.

Dantai Shuya knows very well that before long, the Tang mansion will become very important in the blood temple.

Tang Long and Gao Tianye used to be the cooperation of friends, but now it has gradually transformed into a family union in several aspects!

the center of this union is of course two people: Tang Long and Gao Tianye!Tang Long has little power but the most important relationship.

Gao Tianye is too full!

Tantai Shuya saw it clearly, so he had to join in and cooperate with the Tang government as a family. This was a tripartite alliance. Even without Gao Tianye, the Tantai family and the Tang family could still be closely linked.

This is also to let Tang Long see that Gao Tianye and Dan Tai Shuya's feelings, I am afraid that there have been some problems.

Otherwise, both husband and wife are one, so why should we do this.

Of course, he would not ask about the relationship between dantai Shuya and Gao Tianye.

He's always confused, so he has to do it.

Tang long looked careless and looked at Tan Tai. Shuya said with a smile: "Shuya, you want to cooperate with me. Of course, it's good to have nothing to say. But this matter, you'd better let my Mo'er and Xueyan do it. I listen to Xueyan and Mo'er."

Dan Tai Shuya wryly laughed: "I mentioned this matter to Xueyan. She said it was a big event, and I had to talk to you personally."

"Well, I agree." Tang Long said with a smile and continued: "Shuya, you know, I have never had the strength to refuse the request you put forward to me."

In the eyes of Dan Tai Shuya, there is already a touch of joy: "we both want to make a formal ceremony!"

"And rituals." Tang Long immediately a face tangled: "this is too troublesome, can let Mo Er and snow smoke take me out?"

Tan Tai Shuya thought for a moment: "if you agree, that's OK."

"Of course I totally agree!" Tang Long straightforward way: "I'll tell Xueyan and Mo'er in a moment. I'll agree with ten thousand. In the future, as long as you and Xueyan have a good relationship with Mo'er, it's OK!"


Dan Tai Shuya nodded.

Tang longneng agrees. For her part, she is also relieved. Moreover, after the decision is made, her dantai family will make a lot of arrangements, and will make a proper noise for the auction house.

Even, like Gao Tianye, a group of people will be sent to the auction house.

Tang longcai doesn't care how many people they send to the auction house. In this way, he just opens another branch to get to other cities controlled by the blood god temple. In any case, people don't spend money. He just makes money.

Why not?!

Moreover, more families come in, more competition, more interests.

His status can also become a more important point, which will be favored by more families, and even compete for the relationship.

Although the auction house of the Tang Dynasty was just a joint action among the younger generations of the blood temple, it could not move the big pattern of the blood temple. However, the small association could be of great use after it was developed.

What Tang Long wants is to make money in this situation and collect medicinal materials!

Of course, it can also better extract information.

As for the intrigue of these families in the auction house, he as a spectator, just watch.

Next, the two talked for a while. Dantai Shuya also asked Tang long to refine some elixirs for her again. Tang Long naturally agreed to such a request.

At the moment, he has no new excuse to close the door and help dantai Shuya refine the elixir. This excuse is just right. After all, he has already refined all the miracles that he wanted to refine last month.

After discussion, they left the study together and returned to the living room.

At this time it was very late, but Tang long could not rest, and was pulled into the study by Gao Tianye.

Gao Tianye naturally asked Tang long to help Gao Fu refine the elixir.

What Gao Tianye asked was for Tang long to refine some commonly used healing elixirs. Of course, all the herbs were from Gaofu, and Tang Long agreed.

He knew that someone in Gaofu must have been sent to the wizard's world.

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