Tang Long said: "just now dantai Shuya came to me and said that he wanted to formally unite with the Tang government. I think this can work, so I plan to let you show up. At that time, we have to make a formal cooperation ceremony or something. I don't understand these things. You can arrange them."


Gongsun Mo'er nodded.

She and Zhong Li Xueyan have listened to dantai Shuya in advance about this matter, and have already thought about how to arrange it. They all have plans in mind, and they just wait for Tang long to agree.

Now that Tang Long has agreed, they will proceed as planned.

As for the ceremony, Tang Long didn't show up. They didn't care much about it. They all knew that they were the precious man and used to be the shopkeeper.

Gongsun Mo'er nestled in Tang Long's arms and held it with him: "dragon, are you going to be busy next?"

"Yes Tang Long helplessly said: "I have to do something next month. I can go to your home after I'm busy." Said, turn to look at the side of the clock from the snow flue: "then go to your home, OK?"


The bell leaves the snow smoke to nod gently.

Tang Long reached out to hold Zhong Li Xueyan's delicate jade hand: "it's late. I've been busy all day. Let's have a rest."

Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan do not speak.

Although a little embarrassed, but the heart is very looking forward to.

The three people had a rest, and the night was in a hurry. In a twinkling of an eye, it was dawn. Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan both got up early. Although nothing happened that night, it was warm and sweet, and they enjoyed it very much.

Tang Long is still sleeping.

He's really tired these days. At this time, he can have a good rest.

It was half a morning when I got up.

After such a comfortable night's rest, Tang Long also felt very refreshed. After having dinner with Zhong Li Xue Yan and Gongsun Mo'er, Tang jiao'er came over.

Tang jiao'er looked at Tang Long and said, "brother, today is the day when the generals go to the demon lord's palace to be the overlord. Don't you go and have a look?"


Tang Long turns to look at Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan.

"Today, indeed."

Gongsun Mo'er road.

Zhong Li Xuefeng: "don't worry, we have made arrangements in advance. The elders of Mo'er's family and I have passed by, and there are also people from the magic incense family. Today's inauguration ceremony of generals and ministers will have a lot of face."

Tang Long nodded, but said: "this matter is very important to the generals and ministers. How can I go and have a look at it myself?"

Zhong Li Xuefeng: "we have already made arrangements. Brother Gao will go to the auction house to help us today. Mo'er and I will go with you."

Gongsun Mo'er said: "dragon, we know that you don't like those ostentatious things. If you go early, you will feel very troublesome. Therefore, we didn't tell you in advance. When we arrived at the demon lord's palace, all the complicated things have been completed."

"Yes, I don't really like showmanship." Tang Long nodded.

With the arrangement of Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan, plus the magic incense family, Tang long can rest assured.

"Let's go now!" He pulled the bell away from Xueyan and Gongsun Mo'er.

Originally, he decided to go to Beigong Xianer today to deal with the affairs of the king's holy mountain as soon as possible. But now that there are generals and ministers here, we must delay for another day.

He didn't care about delaying the day.

Several people were in a hurry. They saw that they had arrived at the transmission Hall of the city of genius. Suddenly, Tang long felt a very dangerous feeling in his heart!

"is it strong sky?"

Tang Long immediately frowned.

After exploring the state of the sixth sense, he knew that there was a great danger.

Tang Long immediately thought that the general will be the overlord of the demon lord's palace. It is obvious that he has to go through such a big thing. How can the strong giant not guess?

If strong sky knows, half way intercept, nature is the best chance to kill him!

"Will the danger I feel come from strong giant?"

Tang long thought secretly.

Today is such an important day for generals and ministers. It is a day when generals and ministers have an important identity in the blood Temple alone.

Tang long felt that no matter what, he had to go today.

However, if it is really strong Qingtian half way waiting to intercept him, what should be done?!

Lie Qingtian's strength now, he is not an opponent at all.

Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan are beside Tang long. When they see Tang Long walking into the delivery hall, they all have doubts.

Zhong Li Xueyan looked at Tang Long and asked curiously, "dragon, what's the matter?"

Tang Long's voice sounded in the heart of Zhong Li Xueyan: "I feel a great danger. It's very likely that on the way to wangyuecheng, there will be strong sky interception, and we have to guard against it!"

After that, he told Gongsun Mo'er the same thing through Huixin gate.Zhong Li Xueyan and Gongsun Mo'er listen to Tang Long's words in their heart, and their eyes are full of tension.

They are also very busy these days. They have arranged all the things, but they have forgotten the possible dangers on the road. At this time, both of them are nervous.

"What to do?"

They look at Tang long, waiting for him to make a decision.

After all, this is a very important day for generals and ministers. At ordinary times, the generals and ministers respect them very much and treat them very well. Can they not go to such an important moment today?!

Tang long thought for a while and said: "now the only way, can only be like this?"

Then, looking at Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan, he gathered Qi and said, "let's go to the auction house. Since we want to give the generals face, we should give him as much face as possible!"

"What's the big face?" Gongsun Mo'er asked curiously.

Zhong Li Xueyan thought for a while, looked at Tang Long and guessed: "dragon, are you going to let all the Danshi of our auction house pass?"

"Not bad!" Tang Long nodded.

Gongsun Mo'er looked at Tang Long and said: "however, the Dan masters of the auction house have passed today. This is Gao Tianye's arrangement. We also support them. These Dan masters should all go to the demon lord's palace now!"

"What, master Dan has already gone. It's useless!"

Tang Long is a little embarrassed now!

Originally thought, with a lot of Dan God, strong Qingtian, even if bold, certainly also dare not to him.

But now, these Dan gods have gone to the demon lord palace. What should he do?!

Frown: "for today's plan, only the last way!"

"What is the last resort?" Gongsun Mo'er asked.

In his heart, Tang Long tells Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan the way they think of with huixinmen. After listening, they immediately nod.

Tang long can only know for their safety.

The three turned and left the delivery hall.

And go back together.

After he went back, Tang Long changed himself into No. 3 Tang long by using the art of magic power. At this time, his breath was completely changed.

As long as you don't do it, people won't recognize him.

He has an ID card and can leave smoothly without being blocked by anyone.

Of course, he can't take Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan with him, so he also decides that Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan will not pass this time. He can go to the demon lord's palace himself.

After all, Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan can't change their magical skills. Even if they make up, they can't escape the exploration of strong Qingtian's divine consciousness.

And three people appear together, it is too easy to be detected.

Ready to finish, Tang Long quietly left the Tang house.

Then he hurried all the way to the delivery Hall of the city of genius. Although he still had a very dangerous feeling in his heart, it was not as strong as before.

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