Tang Long saw the small trouble in his arms so happy, and immediately a black line.

He knew that he was obviously cheated by the girl. Now, obviously, there is no danger at all.

However, he was not angry.

He knew that Meng Xiaomeng was in such a hurry to let him come over. At least, she must have missed him.

He hugged the girl and curled her lips: "you are really a little trouble. Even if there is no trouble, you will find me a trouble."

Meng Xiaomeng raised her head. In her big eyes, there was a touch of extremely moving brilliance. In her sweet voice, there was a kind of intoxicating gentleness: "brother Tang long, I miss you!"

Simply a few words, Tang long already felt that he was burning up!

"You girl, you are a real devil!" He glared at the girl: "don't do this in front of my eyes, you know I have no resistance to you!"

"Cluck, cluck, cluck..."

Looking at Tang Long like this, and Meng Xiaomeng has noticed some of Tang Long's reactions, and immediately chuckles with joy. On that beautiful face, it is red and transparent.

But he had already grasped Tang Long's hands and looked at him happily and said, "brother Tang long, I have been very careful and cautious all the time, and I have always kept a low profile. The master has not doubted me at all. Therefore, you can rest assured of my safety."

After a pause, he asked, "what's the matter with you arranging my arrest?"

"It's being arranged. We should be able to hear from you soon." Tang Long said, "are you ready?"

"Ready." Meng Xiaomeng's eyes flashed and looked at Tang long. Once again, there was a strange brilliance in his eyes, which was too much for his life. There was also a soft feeling around his fingers: "brother Tanglong's call, please wait for a little trouble at any time, as long as brother Tang Long likes it!"

After a pause, the little trouble got serious and said, "brother Tang long, I asked you to come. In fact, there are other things."

"What's the matter?" Tang Long asked.

Meng Xiaomeng said: "this is the most important Wu Pavilion in Qingyun sect, and our current position is still the most important floor in the Wu Pavilion, which is closed and not allowed to be opened casually. I spent a lot of effort to get in here very hard!"

Tang Long turned his head and looked around curiously: "here is empty, there is no scroll?"

"The scroll here, of course, can't be taken out easily." "If there is no special method, no one can find any scroll here!" said Meng Xiaomeng

Tang Long's heart was filled with expectation: "so you can find it?"

"I can't either!" Meng Xiaomeng shook his head, but followed closely: "but I know who can, I also spent a lot of effort, coquettish all over the day, finally succeeded!"

With that, her pretty face was full of complacency. In her hands, there were three more glittering scrolls: "brother Tang long, this is the most top martial art of Qingyun sect, but I spent a lot of effort to get it."

Looking at the three scrolls, Tang Long was also moved.

This girl is very kind to him!

You know, such Archean sect, the inside story is very deep.

The top martial arts or magic skills of these sects are very important treasures of this sect, and they will be sealed tightly. Even if the disciples in the sect are not trained and have no great contribution, don't try to learn these powerful magic skills.

It is impossible for people outside the clan to learn such magical skills.

However, Meng Xiaomeng, for his sake, directly violated the rules of the clan and asked him to learn the magic power.

Tang long looked at Meng Xiaomeng and asked cautiously, "little trouble, you let me learn these things. Won't you have any trouble yourself? Will you be punished for it? "

"Don't worry, I'll be OK. If my parents can't get out, I'll be safer." Meng Xiaomeng said, and again squeezed into Tang Long's arms: "brother Tang long, as long as it is good for you, I know, I will certainly grab it for you."

"Silly girl, I don't need you to take risks for me, you just need to be happy!" Tang Long raised his hand on the girl's delicate nose and scraped it gently.

Meng Xiaomeng Qiao blushed and put the scroll into Tang Long's hand: "brother Tang long, you should practice quickly."


Tang Long certainly won't let down the girl's kindness.

Moreover, Qingyun sect has the strongest martial arts skills, which he hopes to learn.

Looking at the three scrolls in his hand, Tang Long paused and asked, "is it safe here? Or I'll leave first and come back when I've learned it? "

"It's very safe here. Besides, you can only learn this magic skill here, and I'll stay with you here. I like this!" Meng Xiaomeng's voice is very good, full of a strange power.

And at this time, she looked at Tang Long's eyes, once again revealed a thick round finger tenderness.

Tang Long looks at her, in the heart is also some inexplicable emotion rises.He knew that since Meng Xiaomeng said it was safe here, it must be safe, so he would no longer waste time, sit down on his knees and open the first inheritance scroll.

Then, his mind directly entered the inheritance space of this scroll.

This is actually a magic skill of using the sword, and it is also a kind of extremely powerful law magic skill!

The law and magic skill of using the knife is extremely rare and precious to the extreme!

Tang Long didn't expect that he could get it here!

Lei Yan mietian Jian!

What Tang Long is most satisfied with is that it contains the power of thunder and lightning, and even contains some mellow and profound laws of thunder and lightning!

The vitality of his own cultivation contains the power of golden light and lightning.

Moreover, he has learned some laws of thunder and lightning from the divine power of God's punishment.

With this move, Tang Long's understanding of the law of thunder and lightning will be deeper!

It took him three hours to fully inherit and understand the magic power of this move. At this time, he was extremely surprised.

"I didn't expect that the girl Meng Xiaomeng helped me get such a powerful and extremely magical skill."

Tang Long's mind retreated from the inheritance space, and then, he had already smelled a smell of delicious food.

Even, obviously, there is a taste of good wine!

"Well, it's delicious."

He couldn't help but take a deep breath and looked at the place where the fragrance came.

Meng Xiaomeng is sitting at a table, looking at Tang long. His eyes are full of sweet joy: "brother Tang long, come on, let's eat together!"


Tang Long was not in a hurry to pass on the other two laws.

This girl is so painstaking to make such a table delicious. If he doesn't care, it's too sorry for the girl's kindness.

He went over and sat down opposite Meng: "I can't see that my little trouble has a virtuous side."


Hearing Tang Long's words, Meng Xiaomeng burst into happy laughter.

Especially when she heard Tang Long say "my family", she was very happy.

She felt that it was worth her efforts.


She poured wine for Tang Long and then pointed to a dish on the table: "I made this dish myself." Said Qiao blushed: "the rest, I bought, because I barely learned this dish!"

"It's good to make one dish!" Tang Long laughs.

He knew that, in any case, it was the girl's intention, and he could guess that Meng Xiaomeng had never done this before.

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