A few people went to rest together, then ate something, and then came back here again. It was an hour later.

At this time, gongbenshan pig also began to look for the door to the real king's holy mountain. Under his busy schedule, according to Luo Tianxing, within an hour, he had found out.

At this time, his eyes have fallen on the square over a hundred meters above a space, hands continue to change fingerprints.

Strange runes of silver light flew out of his fingerprints.

These silver runes are flying towards that space, and soon they gather there and form a strange array pattern, where they condense.

Then a mysterious energy is generated in the array graphics.

Under the influence of this mysterious energy, that piece of space has been twisted strangely.

Half an hour later, in the twisted space, there gradually emerged a silver shining door of space.

The door of this space is round, about two meters in diameter.

Seeing the appearance of the door of space, the faces of the warrior with sheep's face and the warrior with fly head show a touch of joy and greed in their eyes.

Miyamoto, of course, is happy.

Although he has always trusted Luo Tianxing, he still has some doubts about this matter, and thinks that the news Luo Tianxing got may be false.

But I didn't expect that the news was so accurate that I really found a door of space here.

"Come on, let's go in!"

Miyamoto said, the first to fly toward the door of space in the past.

The black faced warriors and others also flew past.

Luo Tianxing in the back, of course, also flew into the door of this space, to a very strange space.

This space is not very large, which contains a strong seal force.

In all directions of this space, all kinds of exotic pagoda buildings have been built, on which powerful seal power is scattered.

The center of these seal forces, above the ground, depicts an ancient world gate!

"I didn't expect that there was a door to the world. It seems that what is hidden is not just a continent, but a small world. This time, we really have a great harvest."

The greedy look in Miyamoto's eyes has become more and more obvious.

"Lord, we are about to lift the seal, so that we can reach the real Pharaonic holy mountain."

"Not bad!"

At this time, Miyamoto's heart is also very expectant.

He turned to look at Luo Tianxing: "how to remove the seal here, will there be any danger?"

Luo Tianxing immediately said: "don't worry, it won't be dangerous to lift the seal here, as long as the tower building here is destroyed!"

Then he continued: "I heard that there are many kinds of seals on the holy mountain of the Pharaon. There are all kinds of artifact, magic weapon, natural material and earth treasure in the seal."

Gongbenshan pig cautiously said: "this Pharaonic holy mountain, should also seal many powerful people?"

Luo Tianxing said: "Lord, these people have been sealed for hundreds of thousands of years and died long ago. What are you worried about? Let's just go in and get those benefits. "

After a pause, he continued: "according to my information, there are three kinds of seals on the holy mountain of the Pharaoh. The first seal is one million years ago. These seals are all ancient seals. If we open them, there should be no great danger. The closer the time is, the more dangerous the seal will be. Because the closer the time is, the more likely it is to seal the war of 300000 years ago Wait, a man with great strength in the world of blood demons. "

"What you said is reasonable. We will try to find the ancient seal for a long time after we get in. It's safer!" Miyamoto mountain pig road.

He also knows that wealth is in danger.

Moreover, the general seal, above can also erupt the strong seal power, through the seal force size, can judge the strength of the sealed person.

If the super strength of the people, with the general seal is absolutely not sealed.

The Pharaonic holy mountain has been sealed by many people.

A million years ago, the ghost land was originally a place of exile. Many people who committed heinous crimes were arrested by some Archean sects and sealed all of them on the holy mountain of the Pharaohs.

Of course, the phantom continent is big.

In the past, people living on this continent were very strange, known as ghosts.

After that catastrophe, ghost people have been basically killed!

And this continent has been sealed completely since then.

Gongbenshan pig swept the sheep face, the warrior and others one eye, said: "we together, destroyed this seal, go in and have a look!"


All of them were nervous, but they all looked forward to it. Even though they knew that there must be danger inside, they didn't want to give up.After all, who doesn't want to have the strength of reclusive power?

Luo Tianxing is also busy with them.

We are very careful to destroy the surrounding towers and seal array.

An hour later, they have completely destroyed the seal array.

Among them, Luo Tianxing has played a great role. However, Luo Tianxing seems to be acting like everyone else. Gongbenshan pigs don't notice the abnormality of Luo Tianxing.

In fact, the seal is not so easy to break.

If you don't know how to break the seal and use it forcibly, even if you are a warrior in the realm of the emperor of heaven, it is impossible to destroy the seal.

When the seal is broken, the door of the world sealed here is opened.

At this time, gongbenshan pig was also a little excited:

"we have finally found the real holy mountain of the Pharaon. We have been looking here for hundreds of years!"

He couldn't help sighing.

In fact, there is a big secret for yanluozong to take root here. This is Miyamoto and other people. They found out that there was a secret here, and then they took root here.

Over the years, they tried all kinds of ways, but they failed to discover the secret hidden here.

Now, with the news that Luo Tianxing brought back, they finally found here and the real Pharaonic holy mountain!

At this time, Luo Tianxing had already come over, looked at gongbenshan pig and said: "patriarch, for so many years, if you use the gate of the world rashly, there may be some danger!"

After a pause, he said, "I think, I'd better go and see the situation first?"


Gongbenshan pig nodded.

In fact, he was a little worried. He was afraid that he would not come back if he had gone. Luo Tianxing offered himself, and he would certainly agree.

No one said anything.

Obviously, they don't want to be the first to appear in such a dangerous situation.

Luo Tian walked to the door of the world, looked at gongbenshan pig and said, "after I pass, if there is no danger, I will come back to tell you, then you will go together."

"Good!" Gongbenshan pig nodded.

Luo Tianxing stood in the gate of the world, and then looked at gongbenshan pig and said, "if I am in danger and haven't come for half an hour, you can send another person there. If this person hasn't come back, be careful!"

"I know!" Miyamoto mountain pig road.

After a pause, he looked at Luo Tianxing and said, "I don't expect there will be any danger there. I believe you can come back safely, so you can rest assured and bold. Even if there is danger, you are in the door of the world. You can come back immediately. We will meet you here, and it will be OK."

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