Xuanyuan Tianzhen glared at Tang Long and said, "it's useless to tell you some things now. When the time comes, you will know. Now, look at your right hand."

Tang Long spread out his right hand, nothing.

Xuanyuan Tianzhen said: "think of the palace in your mind just now, and have a look again!"


Tang Long nodded.

Then, he thought about the magnificent palace just appeared in his mind, and at this time, in his palm, it gradually emerged that there was a palace figure!

The figure emits colorful light and contains mysterious atmosphere.

However, there are some differences between this palace and the palace in his mind before!

Because there was a flag on the gate of the palace!

"This is..."

Tang Long couldn't help but look up at Xuanyuan Tianzhen.

"The flag on the gate is indeed the flag for sealing the sky!" Xuanyuan Tianzhen said: "this is an ancient secret. Even I don't know exactly what this secret is. It is the most important secret of the world millions of years ago."

Then, after a pause, he continued: "for the secret of Jiuyou heaven prison, the holy light and death demons may know more, but they will not tell you now!

Tang Long asked, "how can I contact them?"

"Now, you have really started the Jiuyou heavenly prison, and you are the master of the Fengtian flag. Your soul has connected to the Jiuyou heavenly prison through the Fengtian flag. If you want to talk to them, you just need to move your mind and think about this person!"

"I see!" Tang Long nodded.

He knew that before that, the mysterious Jiuyou heaven prison was obviously completely silent. Now it should be opened by Xuanyuan heaven array with some mysterious means.

Unfortunately, Tang Long still doesn't know the secret of Jiuyou heaven prison.

However, he could feel some differences at this time. He could not help but think of chaos blood jade again. He thought in his heart: "the secret of Jiuyou heaven prison must have a very mysterious connection with the secret of chaos blood jade. The key is chaos blood jade!"

"Xuanyuan Tianzhen can't be unaware of the secret. However, he is obviously not willing to say anything. I have to find out the matter slowly."

Tang Long is not in a hurry, time is more, slowly understand, always know one day.

"Next, we'll continue to search for your magic weapon." Tang Long looks at Xuanyuan Tianzhen road.

Xuanyuan sky array will not object.

Together with Tang long, he once again flew high into the sky and flew in a direction. At this time, Tang Long also used the Xuanyuan Tianzhen cult method to connect the death demon and the Holy Light demon in his heart.

He did contact with the demons of death and light, and even could see them. They were controlled in a statue. The appearance of the statue was exactly the same as that of the demons of death and light!

The demons of death and light are ignoring Tang long.

Obviously, being shut up by Tang long in Jiuyou heaven prison makes death Tiantian devil and Shengguang Tianmo very angry.

But they can't do anything about it.

Even if they were locked up in the Jiuyou heaven prison, they couldn't get out at all.

Even, it can't move at all.

After all, he knew that if he was locked up like this, he would be very angry.

"It seems that if we want to make them obey, we have to rely on the Xuanyuan heavenly array." Tang long thought secretly.

Of course, the hoop soul mantra Tang Long is also used.

Together with Xuanyuan sky array, we flew forward for a short time. At the bottom of the front, in the deep mountain ravines, a loud roar suddenly rang out.

Then, a flame all over the body, looks ferocious to the extreme fire bear, directly is to soar to the sky, toward Tang long they rushed over!

"It's the flame bear!"

When Tang Long saw the huge flame, he could not help but feel a shock in his eyes.

Xuanyuan sky array is also a little nervous at this time.

The flame bear is not so easy to deal with. It's a level 6 beast, and obviously, it's a growth level 6 beast!

"It's really unexpected that there is such a existence here!" Xuanyuan sky array turned his head and looked at Tang Long: "quickly stimulate your potential, or you can't deal with it at all!"


Tang Long also knew that if he did not stimulate his potential, he would not be able to resist the flame demon bear.

After all, the fire bear's combat power has been extremely strong. It has grown into a six level beast, and it is also the existence of super powerful and super fierce among the six level God beasts.

The fighting power of this fiery demon bear is absolutely more than that of the warrior of the eight realms of the divine emperor, and can be comparable with that of the warrior of the nine realms of the divine emperor!Tang Long has condensed the huangquan divine needle to stimulate potential.

Moreover, all of his eight divine beasts were summoned out by him, and even the magic weapon, the soul tower, was also called out by him!

One hundred and forty-four Wolves of purple fire flew out of the ten thousand soul tower.


The flaming bear in front of him was more than five meters in size and extremely fierce. He flew towards Tang Long and his whole body was burning. In a flash, the distance between Tang Long and Tang Long was less than 100 meters!

"Stop this guy!"

Tang Long gave orders to his beast.

At this time, the magical beasts of Tang long, such as Golden Phoenix, dragon Xuan, golden winged Kunpeng and golden monkey, have already performed fusion magic to enhance their strength.

All of a sudden, the fighting power of this dead beast is soaring wildly!

Then golden monkey body, the golden light suddenly exploded out.

In this explosion out of the golden light, a hundred energy golden monkeys, all flew out of the golden light, toward the flame demon bear, wild and incomparable attack past.


With a roar from the flame demon bear, the earth and the earth were shaken.

On the flame demon bear, the terrible flame power directly erupts, turns into the sea wave of rolling flame, and bombards one energy golden monkey.

A hundred energy golden monkeys, all holding the golden cudgel, attack the flame demon bear.

The energy golden cudgel smashed down, and the front swept from the flame strength, mercilessly collided with, suddenly erupted the earth shaking roar.

In this roar, the flame is extremely powerful. It breaks up the golden cudgels of energy by bombardment. Then, the fire falls into the sea, just like the sky shaking fire wave covering the sky, sweeping towards the golden monkey with energy!

Although Tang long had exerted his power and spiritual power to suppress the fighting power of the flame demon bear, the flame demon bear was still extremely domineering, and its combat power was obviously much stronger than those of Tang Long's supernatural beasts!


The pig Gang hyena roared, and the thunder voice turned into invisible strength and swept out towards the front.

When the powerful flame power of the front side bombards the golden monkeys with energy and flies back, the thundering force of pig ganghya also collides with the flame power!

Even though pig ganghya's thunder power was fully exerted, it was still unable to resist the bombardment of the flame.

At this time, longying's attack, as well as the red flame lion's attack and the wind blood wolf king's attack, are also generated together. Moreover, Tang Long's 144 purple fire wolves' attack is also launched towards the flame demon bear.

In this fierce attack, with the help of so many golden monkeys and purple fire wolves, Tang Long's eight headed beasts managed to stop the fire rolling forward.

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