"That would be great."

Beigong Xianer heard Tang Long's words in her heart, and her original worry was relieved.

At this time, she was sitting beside Mu Qingcheng.

Beigong Xianer talks with Tang Long for a while with huixinmen, and cuts off the spiritual connection with Tang long.

Then Beigong xian'er looked at Mu Qingcheng and said, "sister Qingcheng, the bad guys are safe now. We can rest assured that when we get to the Qiankun market and settle these people, we can also breathe a sigh of relief."

"It's been a long time." Mu Qingcheng sighed: "hope crazy there, can find the magic weapon smoothly."

"Well." Beigong xian'er nodded gently.

At this time, Tang long had followed Xuanyuan sky array and flew towards a fortress with seal.

The height of the fortress, which is more than 50 meters, is made of a kind of very hard boulder with various mysterious runes depicted on it.

Xuanyuan sky array looked at Tang Long and said, "we have to untie the seal of this fortress from the outside, and then we have to break through some mechanism traps in the fortress all the way to reach this core position."

After a pause, he continued: "in this fortress, not only my wife's magic weapon has been sealed, but other magic weapons or artifact may also exist."

"I hope there will be some kind of Tiancai Dibao, or wordless Tianshu or something!" Tang Long is full of expectation.

Xuanyuan sky array can't help but stare at Tang long.

This boy is greedy enough. If he can find another kind of artifact, he will have a good harvest. He still wants to find Tiancai Dibao.

Is it possible to seal Tiancai Dibao in such a place?

Except for so many years, this place has a special terrain and naturally grows some kind of natural material and treasure.

However, Xuanyuan Tianzhen thought that the seal of this place was based on the geographical environment. After so many years here, it is possible to grow natural materials and treasures somewhere in the fortress.

But, after all, this seal is not ordinary. Even if it is a red flame lion outside the fortress, it is impossible to find out whether there are any natural materials and treasures in the fort.

Therefore, if you want to get the things in the seal, you must first untie the seal and break through a lot of barriers.

Xuanyuan Tianzhen looked at Tang Long and said: "the seals in the valley can't be touched casually. Some seals in some fortresses may be very dangerous. So, don't make up your mind about other seals here!"

"I know that." Tang Long nodded.

Xuanyuan Tianzhen didn't say any more. He went around the fort with Tang long, and then studied with Tang long how to untie the seal of the fortress.

This kind of seal fortress is obviously sealed outside. Therefore, the method of unlocking the seal must be completed outside.

Fortunately, when Xuanyuan sky array fled before, he knew about the seals around the fortress. Therefore, after studying with Tang Long for a short time, we found a way to understand the seal.

However, if the seal is untied, all kinds of arrays and levels in the fortress will be opened at the same time.

At that time, even if Tang Long and his wife went into the fortress and wanted to find the magic weapon sealed by Xuanyuan Tianzhen's wife, there would still be great danger.

"I hope this time, there will be other gains."

Tang Long is looking forward to thinking, and Xuanyuan sky array together, has walked to the gate of this fortress.

Xuanyuan sky array looked at Tang Long and said solemnly, "wait a minute. You must be very careful, because even I am not sure how powerful the mechanism array is in this seal fortress!"

After a pause, he continued: "although I used to break through when I ran away, the mechanism array here was destroyed, but it only weakened the power."

"I see." Tang Long nodded.

Xuanyuan sky array no longer said more. In front of the closed gate, his hands closed and his fingerprints changed constantly.

Soon, in the process of changing his fingerprints, blood runes flew out of his hands and flew towards the tightly closed gate of the fortress ahead.

The blood red Rune flies to the closed gate and disappears.

Ten minutes later, at last, the gate reacted.

"Click, click, click..."

A low voice sounded slightly. The door, which had been closed tightly, was slowly opened at this time. Suddenly, in the fortress in front of us, a breath of ancient ruins spread out from it.

And at this time, the strong energy boundary around the fortress gradually disappeared.

"Let's go in."

Xuanyuan Tianzhen said, with a flash of body shape, he first rushed into the open door.

Of course, he's going to be in the front.

After all, the Xuanyuan sky array is just a part of Xuanyuan BA's temper. Even if Xuanyuan sky array is in danger and disappears, it will not be a big deal.After a day, xuanyuanba will be able to condense Xuanyuan Tianzhen again in Jiuyou Tianjian.

Tang long no longer hesitates when he sees Xuanyuan sky array rushing in.

But he was always cautious.

He is not Xuanyuan sky array. If the mechanism in the fortress is too strong, if he can't resist it, it is not a joke. If he is not careful, he will lose his life.

Therefore, he directly moved his mind and called out the God of destruction.

Let destroy thunder god follow Xuanyuan sky array to break in, he is to go to the gate of this fortress, see what will happen inside.

Xuanyuan Tianzhen and mieshi Raytheon have rushed into the main hall of this fortress.

The hall is empty, but it is filled with an extremely strong breath of famine, a strong breath of death and destruction, sweeping through the hall.

In addition, it also contains powerful blood Demon power.

"All the seals in this fortress should be those left by those people in the blood Temple 300000 years ago."

Tang long stood at the gate of the fortress thinking.

And at this time, in the hall, in the powerful blood Demon power swept, suddenly, a very strong momentum, began to gather in the air crazily.

In a short time, the powerful strength of this crazy condensation is in the air in all directions of the hall, condensed into blood red energy spines!

These energy spikes are directly toward the Xuanyuan sky array and annihilation Thor, and they attack the past one after another.

Tang Long is still standing at the gate of the fortress, not in the range of the blood red energy spikes.

Under his heart searching, he has already felt the blood red energy spike, which contains the powerful attack power.

"It's almost the primary attack power of God Emperor. I can resist it!"

Tang Long was relieved.

At this time, he directly summoned his eight sacred beasts, and then rushed into the hall. If he did not personally experience the array layout and feel the mystery of the array, he could not find a way to solve it.

Therefore, at this time, Tang Long only re enters the fortress. Under the attack of the array in the fortress, he can launch a fierce attack on the dense blood red energy spikes condensed by this energy.

The spikes of energy condense anywhere in the air.

This kind of attack is also extremely sudden, and very domineering, powerful.

However, Tang Long's sensing ability at this time is also extremely strong. The sixth sense can react immediately in the face of danger.

And Tang Long's reaction speed is also very fast.

So now, even in the face of such a sudden attack, he is fully able to cope with it.

At this time, he was surrounded by dense blood red energy spikes are constantly condensing out, and all of them are attacking him randomly, but he is very calm, not flustered, calmly deal with.

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