"Tianhua Changqing attacked you in the street? Is there such a thing? I don't know at all It's too bold for me to be such a bold lady

Looking at Tang long, Tianhua Hengshan looks angry.

In fact, how can he not know that Tang Long was attacked in the street?

If he didn't know such a thing after so many days, he would not have been sent by the Tianhua family to deal with the affairs of the city of genius.

After all, in order to deal with the affairs of Tianhua family in the city of genius, the first thing to be solved is the hostile relationship between tianhuafu and Tangfu.

In order to solve the hostile relationship with the Tang government, we must first care about the recent events in the Tang Dynasty.

How can Tianhua Hengshan know this truth?!

Therefore, when he arrived at the city of genius, he had sent people to pay close attention to every move of the Tang mansion and find an opportunity to reconcile the relationship.

He couldn't look as if he knew these things.

He looked at Gao Tianye and said, "Mr. Gao, my Tianhua family and your Gaofu are also friends. Then, you and I are brothers. Before that, there were some misunderstandings between my Tianhua family and the Tang family, and even some misunderstandings between you and Gao Gongzi. I hope you don't care too much about the relationship between my two families."

"I know that." Gao Tianye nodded: "this thing is done by Tianhua Changqing. It has nothing to do with you, nor with Tianhua family."

"If you know that, it would be better!"

Tianhua Hengshan nodded.

Then, he turned to look at Tang Long and said, "brother-in-law Oh, no, it's Tianhua Changqing, who has now been removed from my Tianhua family, and my family members have been arresting him! "

"I don't care about your family!" Tang Long snorted and said: "after all, Tianhua Changqing was a member of your family before. He attacked my Tang house. You Tianhua family must be responsible."

"We are really responsible for this." Tianhua Hengshan does not shirk its responsibility.

He looked at Tang long, pause, and said: "well, this time your Tang house's loss, my Tianhua family will compensate you, 100 million gold yuan stone, I will send someone to send it later, and I will send another 200 million gold yuan stone as the medical expenses of the wounded in Tang Dynasty. What do you think?"

"If the total amount is 300 million, the amount of money can be said in the past." Tang Long made a very satisfied look and said: "but, to cure people, money is not enough. There must be medicinal materials. After all, money can't be used to cure diseases, so you have to compensate me for medicinal materials!"


Tianhua Hengshan was speechless.

Given Tang long so much money, it's enough to buy medicinal materials. This Tang Long is greedy. Compared with the legend, it's incomparable!

Gao Tianye looked at Tianhua Hengshan with a smile and said: "so, Mr. Tianhua, 300 million yuan of gold and stone, you can take out two thousand pills of medicinal herbs, all of which are healing herbs. How about that?"

"In that case, it's OK." Tianhua Hengshan nodded.

Although the value of the two thousand pills is not small, it is not much.

If we can solve the bad relationship with the Tang government, and we can relax and even close the relationship with Gao Fu again, it is worth it in the view of Tianhua Hengshan.

Most importantly, he wants to establish a relationship with Gao Tianye.

Gao Tianye turned to look at Tang Long: "Stinky boy, you should be satisfied with such compensation?"

Tang long curled his lips: "hundreds of people in my family are seriously injured and are dying. At least hundreds of thousands of miraculous pills are needed, and only two thousand of them are not enough to plug the teeth!"

After a pause, he still said, "but elder brother Gao said something, and I couldn't refute your face, so I reluctantly agreed."

After listening to Tang Long's words, Gao Tianye can only smile bitterly.

Next to the East Mausoleum, Muhua is also a black line. The Tang dragon is really not greedy.

However, at this time, Dongling Muhua has also seen that it is not difficult to deal with Tang long. This guy only has money in his eyes, nothing else at all.

In this way, he felt that he should be able to gain a lot in Tang Long's future.

Zhong Li Xueyan and Gongsun Mo'er have not spoken.

Dan Tai Shuya stood by and said nothing.

Tianhua Hengshan looked at Tang Long and said, "the compensation is settled. As for Tianhua Changqing, I will send someone to arrest him. As long as I catch him, I will send him to your Tang house. How about it?"

"That's what you said. I'll take Tianhua Changqing." Tang Long glared at Tianhua Hengshan: "otherwise this matter, I don't finish with you!"

"Well, I will try my best to find Tianhua Changqing!" Tianhua Hengshan is very sure of the way.

He did not say the time limit, the purpose is that no matter whether he can find Tianhua Changqing or not, he can have more contact with Tang government because of this.

His purpose, of course, was to ease the relationship between the two mansions, so as to establish a stable relationship between himself and Gao Tianye.These are just the current plans of Tianhua Hengshan.

He doesn't do things like Tianhua Changqing.

Tianhua Changqing is proud and cold. She is good at all kinds of plots, but she likes to put on airs.

He doesn't like to put on airs.

Because Tianhua Hengshan's low-key, and always put their own posture very low, always very polite to Tang long, so the next conversation between the two sides is relatively smooth.

Tang Long's anger in his heart was obviously gradually dispelled by him.

After discussing the matter, Tang Long and their departure from the Tianhua mansion, Tang Long's face had completely lost his anger, on the contrary, he had a very obvious smile.

Looking at Tang Long like this, Gao Tianye and Dongling Muhua shake their heads helplessly.

Tianhua Hengshan sent Tang Long and them out of the house and watched them fly high up in the sky. Then he turned back to the mansion and said, "send someone to look for the emperor of Tianhua and tell the owner what happened at this time."


A low voice sounded, in a wall!

Tang Long and his party left tianhuafu and flew in the direction of Tang Fu.

At this time, Tang Long was satisfied with his trip to Tianhua mansion.

Of course, he will never let go of that long song without trace. He must give that guy a little bit of a good taste. Otherwise, he is afraid that strong giant will use more people to deal with him.

He turned his head and looked at Gao Tianye and said, "elder brother Gao, you can help me solve the long song family affairs?"


Gao Tianye nodded.

Long song no trace of this matter, he has long guessed that it will eventually fall on his head, because Tang Long is obviously unable to deal with these things.

In his opinion, Tang Long's greatest ability is reckless and arrogant, extortion everywhere, that's all.

But Tang Long is now valuable.

If he doesn't help Tang Long deal with this matter, he will certainly go to someone else.

At this time of the day, there will surely be many people in the city of genius who are willing to help Tang Long make this head.

In this case, he has to take care of it.

He looked at Dongling Muhua and said, "Lord of Dongling, the Changge family may still need your support. At least we should expand this matter. We can't let others think that my brother's residence is so easy to bully!"


Dongling Muhua nodded.

However, we should try our best to solve this problem in a low-key way. Of course, Dongling Muhua can grasp the key.

Moreover, as the city master of the city of genius, he can not directly come forward, so as not to give people a handle.

It's enough that Gao Tianye comes forward and supports him secretly.

It's very simple to deal with. After all, it's just a blow to Tang long. Of course, at the same time, we should let people know that Tang Long is not so easy to bully and the Tang family is not so easy to break into.

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