"I haven't thought of a better way to suppress the star Troll yet!" Xuanyuan Tianzhen said: "but you can rest assured that the two star trolls I have studied are originally a method of refining the spirit puppets that I thought of hundreds of thousands of years ago. After some changes, they can be controlled by integrating the power of the stars."

After a pause, he continued: "after all, the two star trolls I have studied have undergone a very strange transformation. Moreover, the spirits of these two star trolls are originally bloodthirsty demons, and they also have your soul brand and the magic spell you planted."

Tang Long frowned: "I am anxious to solve Tang Xiaohu's problem!"

"I know that." Xuanyuan Tianzhen said: "this matter, I am also slowly studying, and have quite a lot of experience, but this matter can't come in a hurry!"

"But I have no time!" Tang Long frowned.

Xuanyuan Tianzhen immediately glared at Tang Long: "do you have time? What does it have to do with me? You don't want to order me to do anything. I do these because I like to do it, but I'm not helping you!"

Tang Long angrily glared at Xuanyuan Tianzhen: "Tang Xiaohu's matter, you don't know that I'm very anxious now!"

"OK, I will find a solution to this matter as soon as possible. It can be regarded as your magic weapon to help me find my wife, and I will pay you!" Xuanyuan sky array turned his lips.

After a pause, he asked, "what are you doing in the wilderness?"

Said, turned to see ye Qingling and snow to listen to the month one eye: "you boy won't be so evil? Do you want to feel the pleasure of fighting in the nature when you bring them here? "

"Can you have a good word?" Tang Long glared angrily at Xuanyuan Tianzhen: "how can your mind be so dirty?"

Next to Ye Qingling and Xue Ying Yue, pretty faces are red, but also did not say anything.

At this time, the reason why I came to the city of the Buddha was not so far away

"It seems that you are still trying to make the last map." Xuanyuan Tianzhen nodded: "what's more, listen to what you mean, that black Moke is not dead yet?"

"It's not dead!" Tang Long helplessly said: "that guy has become more powerful!"

Xuanyuan sky array looked around, looked at the environment of the valley, nodded his head and said: "this place is very large and the terrain is good. It is really suitable to arrange a landscape Tianmen array."

For Tang Long's landscape Tianmen battle array, Xuanyuan sky array is now of course well known.

He looked at Tang Long and said: "you obviously want to use the mountain and water Tianmen array to deal with the black Moco."

"I wish you knew that!" Tang Long was not curious. Xuanyuan Tianzhen guessed his intention here and turned his lips and said, "so next, don't disturb me. You'd better help me to work out the way to control the star troll. I don't have time."

Xuanyuan Tianzhen asked curiously, "don't you need my help to arrange the landscape Tianmen array?"

"I have my own way to arrange the battle." Tang Longdao.

"Well, then I won't delay you and your two precious wives to enjoy the fun of nature, but stinky boy, there may be Warcraft peeking around here, so you should take it easy. Your two wives are very delicate, don't let them suffer!"


Tang long curled his mouth.

Xuanyuan Tianzhen, with a strange smile, disappeared in front of Tang long.

Tang Long turned his head and looked at Ye Qingling and Xue Lingyue: "you go to the neighborhood to have a rest and pay attention to your own safety."

Ye Qingling said: "brother long, let's help you arrange the array together. If you arrange the array by yourself, it's too hard, and it will take a long time."

Tang Long ha ha smile: "now I decorate mountains and waters Tianmen array, can be much more relaxed than before, because I have a lot of helpers."

"Are you talking about your beast?" Xue linyue asked.

"No Tang Long shakes his head, then reaches out his palm, and a strange golden shining array flies out of his palm.

Of course, this is the ancient array of Tianmei wilderness!

He looked at Ye Qingling and Xue linyue. He laughed. In his eyes, he couldn't help but feel proud: "now, let's show you my new skills recently developed!"

"What's new?" Ye Qingling and Xue linyue are very curious.

Tang Long didn't say much more, but his mind moved. The array of the wild ancient array of Tianmei suddenly expanded rapidly.

You know, when he accepted the inheritance before, it was a wild ancient array, which covered the whole pocket world. At this time, it expanded and directly covered the whole valley!

The array slowly falls and falls on the ground, including the whole ground in the valley.

Then, one after another, a strange golden light flashed out from the array, and the golden light fell on the ground. Suddenly, countless mysterious runes appeared on the ground of the valley.All over the valley, there was a sudden roar of strength.

Between heaven and earth, the powerful energy converges towards the array, and the golden light shines in the array.

Moreover, in this golden light, 108 ghosts and spirits are also revealed in the array, and their bodies are bursting with strong energy!

Ye Qingling and Xue linyue are all in this array at this time.

Two people stand beside Tang long, looking at the array of heavy one by one ghosts, eyes are full of curiosity.

Some of these ghosts are cold and full of cold breath, some of them are burning flames, but they are all shining with purple gold, and the breath from their bodies is actually similar to that of Tang Long!

At this time, the ghosts and Demons all have all kinds of exquisite robes and costumes. There are all kinds of strange array runes on the robes, which seems to be very mysterious.

Tang long held the hand of Ye Qingling and Xue Ying Yue, looking at a place in front of him on the left, he said, "let's go there."


Ye Qingling and Xue linyue nodded at the beginning.

Then, the three of them flew into the sky together, and soon they arrived on a flat boulder in the valley on the left. Ye Qingling and Xue Lingyue sat down on both sides of Tang long.

Tang Long is sitting in the middle, at this time, his face is serious.

He folded his hands and quickly changed his fingerprints.

The mysterious runes flew out of his hands, flew towards the array, and then merged into the 108 ghosts.

Suddenly, a ghost body, the breath of life has become extremely rich.

Then the ghosts began to be busy.

The ghost body, all burst out of a strong momentum, in all directions of the array, digging in the valley, suddenly full of vigor, roaring to the sky, in the spirit of busy, the valley ground, actually began to sink!

With the continuous subsidence of the ground in the valley, a strange stone carving was quickly carved out by these ghosts.

In addition, rockeries and boulders were arranged and piled up in various directions. In the originally flat valley, a rudiment of stone forest appeared gradually.

Tang Long is still changing his fingerprints.

Beside him, ye Qingling and Xue linyue see Tang Long's magical methods at this time. Their eyes are full of curiosity.

They didn't expect that it would be so easy for Tang long to decorate the Tianmen array.

Tang Long seemed relaxed at this time, but not at all.

He controls the ancient array of Tianmei and integrates his mind and spirit. His spirit should be highly concentrated. It is not easy to arrange such a large array here.

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