Tang long practiced for more than three hours, which stopped. Although he was still a little tired, the energy consumed in the previous war had been completely recovered.

And at this time, he also smelled the strong smell of food.

Ye Qingling's voice has sounded in his ear: "brother long, you must be hungry, let's eat first."


Tang Long nodded, turned his head to see ye Qingling, and then looked at his other side of the snow to listen to the moon, the heart is also a long vomit tone.

The matter of the Buddha city is about to be solved.

"If you have a chance, it's time to go to the Xuanji Hongmeng cave. However, it's obvious that we still have to deal with the matter of Buddha city at present."

Tang Long went to have breakfast with Ye Qingling and Xue linyue.

At this time, the iron Buddha and others who were not far away from the rest also came together.

Iron Buddha looked at Tang Long and said sincerely, "young Xia Tang, I hope you can go back to Buddha city with us. As you know, now the Buddha city, as well as several cities around it, have been harmed by corpse puppets. "

Tang Long also nodded.

He looked at the iron Buddha and said: "I am very busy, so I can only help you to deal with those very powerful corpse puppets. The rest of the things need to be solved by yourself."

"Of course Iron Buddha quickly nodded: "we will never delay Tang Shaoxia too much time."

"In that case, let's go." Tang Long didn't want to delay any more.

Of course, they didn't want to delay any more. They were very happy to see Tang Long promise to help. As for the mysterious map of Hongmeng cave, they didn't mention a word at this time.

They all know that some things are not beautiful when they put them forward.

When they arrived at the Buddha city, the iron Buddha immediately got busy. They gathered all the warriors of the iron Buddha city to deal with the corpse puppets.

Because the black Moco and the early corpse puppets are gone, and the mother corpse puppets are also dead. It is much easier to eliminate the remaining corpse puppets.

Tang Long and they all flew high into the sky to explore the dead breath of the Buddha city.

In this case, the demon of death also played the most important role.

After all, he is the condensation of stagnant Qi. He has the deepest understanding of it and his ability to explore it has reached an extremely amazing level.

Even if there was a very faint breath in the distance, he could detect it.

With his help, together with Tang Long and ye Qingling, they all worked hard and spent a day to kill the more powerful corpse puppets in the Buddha city.

Of course, there were many weaker corpse puppets in the Buddha city at this time.

In addition, there are also many corpse puppets in the surrounding cities, which must be solved.

Tang long wanted to stay here for a day and leave, but he was helpless in the current situation, so he had to stay to help and deal with the remaining corpse puppets together with the iron Buddha and them.

In the twinkling of an eye, a week passed.

Through this week's busy work, the powerful corpse puppets of Buddha city, including several surrounding cities, have been solved.

However, there are still many weak corpse puppets that have not been dealt with.

At this time, these cities, long gone before the bustle, become desolate.

This morning, Tang Long and his party and the iron Buddha continued to search for the corpse killing puppet. However, in the depths of Tang Long's heart, the voice of Beigong Xianer suddenly sounded nervously: "dragon, it's not good. There's something wrong with little tiger!"


Hearing what Beigong Xianer said in his heart, Tang Long was very nervous.

"Is it a star Troll?" he asked quickly

"Yes Beigong xian'er said: "Xiaohu's strength suddenly soars, even the seal doesn't work, moreover, he is changing!"


Tang Long was completely flustered.

Tang Xiaohu is actually mutating again, which is not a joke.

"I'll go back now!" He immediately said to the North Palace fairy in his heart, and then he turned his head and looked at the iron Buddha: "master of iron city, I don't care about the next thing here. I have something urgent to do. Now I have to go!"

Iron Buddha certainly does not want Tang long to go.

But he also knows that people have very important things to do. It is not easy to help him for so many days.

What's more, the problems left over by the Buddha city and the surrounding cities have almost been solved. In a few days, this place will be completely free from danger.

He looked at Tang Long and said, "since young Xia Tang has something to do, you should go to your own business first."

"Good!" Tang Long nodded.

Ye Qingling looked at Tang Long and said, "brother dragon, why don't you stay with me and yue'er for a few days? We have nothing to do with it anyway. "

She couldn't bear to see the Buddha city being harmed like this. She wanted to help more.Snow leaf month also has such a mind.

At this time, she also looked at Tang Long and said, "brother long, I'm here with linger. Can we go three days later? I think that in three days' time, things here should be about the same. "

"No problem." Tang Long also nodded.

Ye Qingling and Xue Lingyue do not have much to do at the moment, and the Buddha city is really not dangerous for them.

Tang Long thinks that since they want to stay here for a few days, they should stay a few more days.

"Then I'll go first!"

He looked at the iron Buddha way, and then, without waiting for what the iron Buddha was saying, he flashed and flew away in the distance.

Naturally, he could not show his wisdom in front of the iron Buddha.

All the way out of the city in a hurry, to a remote place, explore the surrounding, and found no one.

Tang Long removed the art of magic power, and quickly contacted Bei Gong xian'er in his heart. He summoned the Huixin gate between him and Beigong Xianer, and directly appeared in front of Beigong Xianer.

At this time, Beigong Xianer was not in Zijin City.

She's in the imperial palace.

Tang Xiaohu and lie yunshang are also in the Jiuhuang Tianfu, on a balcony on the mountain behind the Jiuhuang Tianfu.

The balcony of this day is a beautiful place with beautiful scenery. It is a mountain with hundreds of meters. The top of the mountain is flattened and becomes a football field sized, wide platform.

Standing on the edge of this platform, you can have a panoramic view of the whole scenery of the Nine Emperors' mansion.

Tang Xiaohu is sitting in the center of the sky balcony. At this time, the colorful light on his body is extremely shining. Moreover, the strange and secret runes of various gods are constantly flying out of Tang Xiaohu's body.

Most importantly, even Tang Xiaohu's body has changed at this time!

On him, the bones are cracking!

And his strength at this time, is indeed in a crazy surge, in front of God is triple, but obviously still crazy upward!

"It's too bad. Even if it's too ancient to seal demons, it can't be suppressed at all!"

When Tang Long saw this situation, he was also very nervous and worried.

He moved and summoned the death demons and the Holy Light demons in the flag.

And the Xuanyuan sky array is also called out.

This Xuanyuan sky array has been studying the power of stars before.

At this time, he was suddenly called out by Tang long, but he didn't say anything. He was staring at Tang Xiaohu, who was constantly changing in front of him. In his eyes, there was also a look of tension.

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