Zhong Li Xueyan looked at Tang Long and said: "because of the war in the wizard world, our blood temple has occupied a lot of territory over there, and many people need to go there. Therefore, many powerful people of the God Emperor and emperor have gone to the wizard world, and all the big families have sent people to go there, mainly to occupy the forest land and seize the materials!"

Tang Long nodded.

For the wizarding world, he also wants to go now.

Of course he didn't want to grab supplies.

He wants to see how far the war is and when it can be finished. If things over there are to be finished, then the blood Temple must attack the whole world.

It's just that now he's really busy and obviously doesn't have time to go to the wizard's world to learn about it.

He looked at Zhong Li Xueyan and asked, "how long can we finish the battle between the blood temple and the wizard? Did you hear about it? "

"I've inquired. I heard that the world of witches is also very big, and there are many mysterious things in it. I'm afraid it will take several years for this war to be completed!"

"How many years? It seems that there are still some things that we can solve. " Tang Long was relieved.

Over the past few years, he felt that, at least on the side of Qingyun sect and Lingxiao temple, the people hiding in the main gates of the blood temple would slowly find out and make some arrangements.

When the time comes, the big world and the blood demon world's war will start, at least the big world will not be so passive.

"I'm still going to see the wizarding world!"

Tang Long made this decision in his mind. Of course, he obviously has no time for this matter now. At least he has to wait until he comes out of guhuang God's residence and rescues Xuanyuan Tianzhen's wife.

Otherwise, he can't go there at all.

"I'm afraid I won't have time for a year, will I? This matter can only be arranged after one year! " In Tang Long's mind, he was helpless at this time. He had too many things to do now. To go to the wizard's world, this matter could only be delayed for a while.

Zhong Li Xueyan looked at Tang Long and said, "my family has heard a news that it is huangquan palace who is in charge of delivering elixir and other materials to the wizard's world."

"Imperial spring palace!"

Hearing these four words, Tang Long was surprised.

He stares at the bell from the snow flue: "this matter should be very secret, how can you find out?"

Zhong Li Xuefeng: "many years ago, some people in our family have already mixed into huangquan palace. They are the elder brother of the former vice leader of huangquan palace. This is a dark line my grandfather arranged a long time ago. He has never talked about it before. Now, in order to stare at strong Qingtian, he also uses this dark line."

After a pause, Zhong Li Xueyan continued: "the dark line arranged by my family is not low in status in huangquan palace. Lie Qingtian can't find out that he has any connection with Zhongli family. It's not right for strong Qing genius to come to huangquan palace. Now, this person of my family is still trusted by lie Qingtian. He is responsible for many affairs of huangquan temple and the delivery of elixir And he happens to be in charge of the deployment arrangements. "


Hearing the news, Tang Long was happy.

Zhong Li's family is really good at this. It's no wonder that Zhong Li Xueyan is so old that he is already good at information inquiry.

Obviously, Zhong Li's family has its own unique skills.

Tang long looked at Zhong Li Xueyan and said with certainty: "for this strong giant, I must crack down on it. This time, the matter is not small. If he does something wrong in the blood temple, he will be dissatisfied with the high-level of the blood temple!"

"I think so." Zhong Li Xue flue: "so, this matter I also discussed with my family."

"What do they say?" Tang Long asked.

Zhong Li Xuefeng: "my grandfather said that the route will be available in two days. As for whether you want to do it or not and how to do it, he just doesn't want to ask. He said that the Zhongli family can't leave any flaws in some things!"

"I'll do the rest myself!" Tang Long said: "as long as we know the route and the escort staff, this is enough!"

Zhong Li Xueyan hesitated slightly, and then continued: "my grandfather also made a request."

"What are the requirements?"

"My grandfather said, if you don't get it, it's all right. But if you do, the elixir you get must be sent to half of Zhong Li's family. After all, it's not a small amount!"

"Half, half!" Tang Long agreed.

He also knew that it would be frightening to send some elixirs to the wizard's world. It was normal for Zhongli family to want some.

Although, in the end, the most important snatch is for him to finish, but obviously, the news is more important than the action.

Zhong Li Xueyan continued: "grandfather also said that you'd better not do it yourself, you must find the right person to do it. Moreover, it's better to be a person from all over the world. As for whether you have any way, it depends on your own.""Don't worry, I have my own way." Tang Long is full of confidence.

He also saw it at this time. This time, it was obviously a trial made by Zhong Li's family. He wanted to see if he had the ability to accomplish such a thing.

Obviously, it's hard.

But Tang Long didn't care about the difficulty of the matter. Looking at Zhong Li Xueyan, he said with a smile: "after this matter, people in the blood temple will get a good news!"

Zhong Li Xueyan asked curiously, "what's the good news?"

Tang Long laughs: "god beast and blood temple for the enemy, took away their elixir!"

After listening to Tang Long's words, Zhong Li Xueyan immediately knew Tang Long's plan, nodded, but told him: "dragon, you can't use those dragons. Otherwise, some people will doubt it. After all, bing'er and ye'er have dragons."

"Don't worry, I have my own way!" Tang Long said with a smile.

Now in Tangmen, there are many supernatural beasts.

Although many of the supernatural beasts in the Tang clan were taken away by the king of Warcraft, they were taken to investigate the research base of the blood god temple. However, there were still many supernatural beasts fighting with the hell devil spider on the other side of the cliff.

The battle time of hell devil spider is not short. Tang Long also wants to know the situation there.

Now, of course, he obviously has no time.

Looking at this time, it is not early. Tang Long went to dinner with Zhong Li Xue Yan and Gongsun Mo'er. He did not leave at night, but accompanied Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan.

The night was warm and sweet, and in the twinkling of an eye it was already dawn.

Tang Long accompanies Zhong Li Xueyan and Gongsun Mo'er to play in the peach blossom forest.

At this time, the peach blossom forest, the environment is still very beautiful, there are some small Warcraft jumping in the grass, there is a light fragrance gently blowing.

Tang Long took Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan's hands and asked, "did Hua Changqing not appear again that day during this period of time?"

"No Gongsun Mo'er shook his head: "the city of genius is very quiet recently!"

Tang Long was very serious: "even if there is no accident these days, you should be very careful when you go to the auction house."

"Don't worry, we're safe now." Zhong Li Xuefeng: "my family sent a strong man to come here. He is a warrior at the peak of the God Emperor. He is already in the Tang Dynasty. We are going to the auction house now. He is the escort for all of us!"

"The summit of the gods!" Tang long thought for a moment and said, "if you are escorted by the peak of the God Emperor, you can go out safely. Even if Hua Changqing can't fight that day, he can at least send out a distress signal."

After a pause, he still said, "however, I still want to improve your strength as soon as possible."

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