"There is no law in emptiness, what a magic law!" Tang Long guessed: "I think the God of thunder and lightning is also a very powerful figure."

"Of course In the eyes of this warrior, there is a deep worship: "the God of thunder and lightning is the super strong one thousands of years ago, he is the real Guardian God of our place!"

Tang Long was a little disappointed when he heard the words of the warrior.

He had hoped to gain something here.

But at this time, it seems that his hope will be defeated. After all, with his strength at this time, even if he can break through the boundary of the array seal, I'm afraid he can't stay in the place where the lightning power is strong!

He couldn't resist the power of thunder and lightning.

"It seems that I have come here in vain." Tang long looked at the warrior with a bit of disappointment.

The warrior said with a smile, "you can't run in vain."

"Why?" Tang Long asked.

The warrior said: "the iron tower in the seal will release the most powerful force of lightning law every night when the moon is full. This is probably a defect of the tower. It may also be that the God of thunder and lightning knows that the absorption capacity of the tower is limited, and the transformation power of the rule of emptiness is also limited. Eventually, there will be residual, leaving a gap in the high altitude of the seal For some time, a crack will be split from this gap to release the power of thunder and lightning! "

After a pause, he looked at Tang long, and said with a smile: "the catharsis of course contains a long time, the purest power of lightning laws, but only a short moment, a time of lightning thunderbolt!"

After listening to the old man's words, Tang Long was filled with expectation.

Although thunder and lightning is the best way to get pure silk, it's also a great rule!

The warrior said: "you are young, and your strength will not be very strong. At that time, if you are ten thousand meters away, you can still feel the power of this Law of thunder and lightning. Maybe it will help your understanding."

After a pause, he said, "this method I mentioned is the only way you can get benefits here."

Tang Long asked, "how many days are there from the full moon today?"

The old man held out three fingers and said, "today, there are still three days before the full moon night!"

"Three days!" Tang Long frowned.

It took him three days to get here. After three days, it was six days. Moreover, he had been in Fengtian city for most of the day. At this time, he calculated the time. I'm afraid that the people from the blood god temple would arrive at the magic thunder cliff at that time.

This opportunity of Lei Yao City, should I give up in vain?!

If you give up this full moon night, then he has to wait here at least until the next full moon night, which will take at least 15 days!

He didn't have time to stay here for a long time, and he couldn't miss the people who delivered the elixir in the blood temple.

"That's the only way

Tang long thought in his mind and had made a decision.

Of course, he wants the advantages here, and he will try it anyway.

He looked at the warrior and said sincerely, "thank you for telling me this. Otherwise, I'm still here thinking about how to try this seal."

"Hehe, it's nothing to tell you. Every young man who comes here will tell him this when we meet him!" The warrior said, with a smile and pause, he continued: "there is no city nearby, and we don't have a transmission array here. You should have come from a long way. Why don't you go to my house for a meal?"

"Forget it!" Tang Long smile: "I still have something, do not disturb!"


The warrior said no more and turned away.

Tang Long and so on, when the warrior had gone away, he flew into the sky and headed for the outside of the city.

Now, he wants to seize the time to see the surrounding environment of morlei cliff first, so as to find the most suitable place to snipe those warriors in the blood temple.

Of course, he couldn't attract those people from the blood temple to Leigu city.

Such a war must involve a lot. He didn't want to destroy the peace of the city.

Moreover, there is a distance between the magic thunder cliff and Leigu city.

Far away from leiyao City, Tang Long summoned the rapid fortress and flew towards the direction of enchanted thunder cliff. It took almost three hours to reach the magic thunder cliff.

At this time, it was dark, the sky was dotted with stars, and there were lightning and thunderbolt constantly above the sky.

In all directions, there was constant thunder.

Before, when I was in leiyao City, the city was quiet. When I arrived here, it was a mixture of thunder and lightning. This situation also made Tang Long more curious about the city.

He came out of the rapid fortress, and then circled around the Morley cliff to see the terrain.

Passing through the magic thunder cliff and flying far ahead, you will be able to reach a city. In the transmission Hall of this city, there is a transmission array near tianmeng mountain. Therefore, this thunder magic cliff is the only place for those people in the blood god temple on this road!MoreI cliff is a big cliff.

The cliff is not very high, surrounded by mountains, rolling, because of the environment, all the flowers and trees growing on these mountains contain the power of thunder and lightning.

Whether day or night, these plants and trees, will emit a strange light of lightning.

And, from time to time, there will be a bolt of lightning from these plants.

Under Tang Long's investigation, he was also a little disappointed.

Although these plants here are very strange and obviously contain the power of thunder and lightning, the power of thunder and lightning contained in these plants is very complicated, and there is no law of thunder and lightning.

"Although these plants are always bathed in thunder and lightning, they can not be transformed into natural materials and treasures in the end."

Tang long looked at the plants and thought.

After a pause, he soared to the sky and made a great circle around the Molei cliff. Once again, he carefully inspected the terrain, even the places within tens of thousands of meters. He did not find any hidden danger here.

He went further around the neighborhood, and there was no one around.

Even here, even Warcraft are rare.

Very strange is, here's Warcraft body, also contains thunder and lightning power.

"This place is very desolate and suitable for ambush. The place chosen by Xueyan is really good."

Tang Long is quite satisfied with this place.

He wants to go back to Leigu city again, but he has to make arrangements for the affairs here. Therefore, he calls out all the magical beasts he brings, including his eight.

He let these animals ambush in a large area around the magic thunder cliff, and hide here.

As soon as there are people from the blood temple, these animals will be able to detect it immediately.

Purple flame leopard and other divine animals, are in all directions and scattered, hidden in such a large area of magic thunder cliff, waiting quietly.

Although the purple flame leopard is a divine beast, but in this thunder and lightning roaring place, actually also felt some not to adapt.

Even the fighting power of these mythical beasts has been naturally suppressed here!

Tang Long didn't feel much.

Tang Long's eight beasts are still around Tang long at this time, and have not gone to ambush nearby.

At this time, the wind blood wolf king also looked at Tang Long and said: "boss, the thunder and lightning power of this place is a little strong. Although we are divine beasts and have strong defense, we will certainly be damaged in such an environment for more than ten days!"

"Really?" Tang Long frowned: "is the thunder and lightning power here so powerful?"

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