Tang Long took the box and looked at it.

Although there was a mysterious seal on the box, Tang long could not defeat the seal. It took him less than a minute to untie the seal.

At this time, Qianji keel could not help looking at Tang Long and exclaimed: "your accomplishments in array are really good. The seal array used to seal this box is a very powerful array. I can't imagine that you can lift the seal array so easily."

Tang Long didn't speak. He had opened the box.

Seeing the two not very big crystal jars in the box, Tang longan suddenly showed a touch of surprise, in the heart more expectation.

"This is..." He looked at the keel.

Qianji keel said: "one of these two jars contains the blood of star Troll you gave me last time. In the other jar, I got it by accident."

After a pause, he continued: "I have studied for many days, and I am sure that the blood you gave me is six points similar to the star Troll's blood I got the other day!"

"So there are four different points." Tang long looked at Qianji keel and said with a curious look: "what's the difference between the star Troll blood you got a few days ago and those I gave you?"

Qianji keel said: "the blood of the star Troll you gave me is obviously weaker in the aspect of containing the power of stars, but it contains a kind of mysterious energy."

Of course, Tang Long knows what Qianji keel said, what is the mysterious energy contained in his star Troll's blood.

That's the kind of strange energy contained in the radioactive crystal.

He looked at Qianji keel and asked, "what secret does the star Troll contain to stop bleeding?"

Qianji keel said: "the star Troll hemostasis I got seems to contain the medicinal power of more kinds of medicinal materials. Obviously, it is the result that someone studied for a long time before they found out."

After a pause, he continued: "I have tried a little, and I have come to the conclusion that the blood of the star Troll can make people's blood change, but it can make people's heart and mind not be swallowed up by the power of the stars, because there is a strong special energy in the blood of the star troll, which seems to be a mysterious material that can be distributed and separated For a long time, the life force condensed from the blood of star Troll

"How could there be such herbs?"

When Tang long heard the words of Qianji keel, he was very surprised.

The greatest feature of the power of the stars is that after being integrated into the blood, it can give birth to a strange breath of life in the blood, so as to produce a new spirit with the help of blood.

Then, the spirit can grow rapidly and become a powerful special energy body. It can control other people's mind, erode other people's mind, and completely control other people's body.

If the blood obtained by Qianji keel contains the energy that can decompose the breath of life, even if the power of stars is bred for a long time, it will not be able to condense a new spirit.

If so, the star Troll's blood is used, there will be no danger.

Tang long looked at Qianji keel and said, "of the two jars in this box, which one contains your new star Troll blood? I've got to take a good look at it and see if it really has the characteristics you're talking about

If this kind of medicine that can decompose the breath of life really exists, Tang long must try to find it. Maybe he can solve Tang Xiaohu's troubles.

Although before, Xuanyuan sky array has found a new way to solve Tang Xiaohu's troubles, but this method is only trying.

It's going to take a long time.

Once that method fails, Tang Xiaohu will inevitably face a more dangerous situation.

Therefore, Tang long had a strong expectation for Qianji keel to get the new star Troll's blood.

Qianji keel said: "the jar on the left in the box is the one you left me last time. The blood of star Troll you researched out is contained in the jar on the right, which I got by accident."

Tang Long quickly took out the jar on the right side of the box.

"Hope not to disappoint me."

He secretly thought, opened the jar, suddenly a strong force of stars, spread out from the jar.

He smelled the blood of the star troll in the jar, then ran his vitality to explore it, but also noticed some differences.

The star Troll's blood in front of his eyes is slightly different from that of the nigger bear's star Troll's blood. Moreover, it seems to contain some cold breath!

"It's the blood of the star Troll that has changed again."

Tang Long now, of course, can't immediately see what secrets these star trolls' blood contains.

He looked at Qianji keel and said, "master of Qianji world, where did you get this blood?""I found it by accident!" Thousand machine keel channel.

After listening to Qianji keel's words, Tang Long suddenly knew that this guy was obviously unwilling to tell him the origin of the blood.

He didn't ask any more.

"How much blood do you have?" he continued

You know, at this time, Tang Long opened the jar and looked at it. There was only a little blood of star troll in it, which was rarely very good.

Qianji keel said, "the blood I got in total is only those in your hand."

After a pause, he continued, "I have studied this period of time, but I have also worked out a reason."

"What have you developed?" Tang Long asked.

Qianji Longgu said: "I have found that there are three rare things in this blood. One of them is a treasure of my blood demon world, the cold blood cicada, the other is the Jiutian miexin grass, and the other is the blood of a poisonous beast, which is the blood of the purple Yin blood spider!"

"These three kinds of things contain strange poisons, and it seems that these strange poisons contain powerful energy and have a great impact on human soul!" Tang Long said: "it seems that these three things have played a great role in this blood and can decompose the condensed breath of life!"

"I think so." Qianji keel said: "in addition, this blood also contains dozens of rare natural treasures, as well as four or five other kinds of virulent poisons."

After a pause, Qianji keel sighed: "unfortunately, this blood is only a little bit!"

Tang Long asked, "you come to me to continue to study this blood?"

"No "Remember the last time I asked you to study the blood of the star Troll?"

"Of course I do!" Tang Long nodded.

Qianji keel said: "I remember that I gave you some diluted star Troll blood, but later when you gave it to me, the star Troll hemostasis became rich and much more!"

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