"Don't worry, brother Tang long. Little tiger is getting better recently. And I tell you, he seems to be able to use some star power." The little princess's voice in the heart of Tang Long happily rang: "recently, we often go to some places of mountains and rivers. Little tiger will stay in some places every time, and will try to communicate with the star troll."

"Tiger and star Troll things, we must have enough patience, to take time." Tang Long said: "you should also communicate with Xiaohu more, so that when necessary, you can support him more."

"We will." The little girl said: "brother Tang long, in a few days you will arrange some time to come here."

"Good!" Tang long promised, "when I'm finished, I'll come to you."


After chatting with Ye Qingling for a while, Tang Long contacted the leopard Xue Lingyue with huixinmen. He also chatted with Xue Lingyue for a while, explaining his own situation.

After that, he left for Madison city.

He spent a day in madiwen City, accompanied by Oriental ice and night, until the next morning, Tang Long returned to Tang Fu, the city of genius.

At this time, Zhongli Xueyan is also ready.

Having breakfast with Tang long, Gongsun Mo'er goes to the auction house. Tang Long and Zhong Li Xueyan leave Tang Fu in a hurry and head for the delivery Hall of the city of genius.

Along the way, he was always cautious.

Through the transmission array of the city of genius, to Shengtian City, Tang Long never found anyone staring, but he became curious.

"It is impossible for lie Qingtian not to stare at me. According to his style of conduct, the whole Tang mansion is watched by him. As long as I leave the city of genius, he must have prepared means to deal with me."

"But how can nobody stare at me now?"

"Unless lie Qingtian has a definite way to deal with me, this guy can't be so tolerant. What exactly does he think of to deal with me?"

Tang long thought secretly.

Although he was very busy during this period, he was always cautious about strong Qingtian.

If he leaves the city of genius with huixinmen, he is not afraid that strong Qingtian can detect it. Moreover, if he was in the city of genius, with his present reputation and importance in the city of genius, strong Qingtian would not dare to fight him easily.

However, if lie Qingtian knows that he has left the city of genius, he will certainly not miss any chance to kill him with his style of conduct.

But now, he doesn't see anything unusual at all.

Not even the sixth sense.

"It's better to be cautious. After all, I'm with Xueyan now. I must at least ensure the absolute safety of Xueyan!" Tang Long secretly thought, and Zhong Li Xueyan together, in the streets of Shengtian city for a long time, this left together.

Then, together in a hurry toward the moon city.

To the transmission Hall of the moon city, through the transmission array to the magic owl palace, Tang Long successfully arrived at the magic owl palace and met the generals.

In addition, I also saw the ink fragrance qingluan.

During this period, Mo Xiang qingluan was always curious about Tang long.

She was curious about Tang long because of the general's attitude towards Tang long.

All the information she has investigated about Tang Long shows that Tang Long is arrogant, shameless, thick skinned, greedy and basically worthless.

But such a person, how can the generals listen to Tang Long like that?!

Moreover, every time the generals mentioned Tang long in front of her, they always looked elated and even showed off. This situation made Mo Xiang qingluan feel incredible.

If the general is a worthless waste, that is all, but the general is obviously not.

Mo Xiang qingluan knows that the means of generals and ministers are very powerful!

Before Mo Xiang qingluan planned to be with the generals, she had already planned to let them listen to her everywhere.

But now that they are in the demon lord palace, she has completely listened to the generals!

It's not that the generals are more fierce, nor are they forcing her. Every time a general or a minister asks her to do something, there are always many reasons for her to listen to her. The generals and ministers always have a way to persuade her to give up some of her proposals.

So gradually, she even got used to letting the generals to help her with some problems. Because the generals and ministers always get better results when they deal with these problems than they do by themselves.

The ink fragrance qingluan can see that the generals really admire Tang long.

However, like Tang long, such a seemingly worthless person, how can people like generals and ministers admire him?!

Moreover, no matter Gongsun Mo'er or Zhong Li Xueyan, among the younger generation of the blood temple, they are the best among the best. How can such two girls like a shameless person?!

Even the last time Mo Xiang qingluan and Tang long had a negotiation in the magic owl palace, she also had a lot of curiosity about Tang long. She felt that Tang Long was like a group of misty water.She wants to know Tang long very much.

It's a pity that she has never seen Tang long.

This time she saw Tang long, she also felt that Tang Long might have something important to do.

She stood beside the generals, looked at Tang Long and asked, "childe Tang, what's the matter with you coming to the demon lord Palace this time?"

Tang Long said: "I want to go back to the blood demon world."

The general immediately complacently said: "boss, you don't know that the Taiyi Xianzong has been basically controlled by me, and the road leading to the dark gate here has been completely controlled by us with the help of qingluan."

Tang Long nodded and asked, "if you don't get rid of all the people who are in the demon lord's palace?"

"Of course not The general said triumphantly, "I have kept several. Although they are very good, I know very well that they are strong Qingtian people, but I have always pretended not to notice them!"

"Good!" Tang Long nodded with satisfaction: "don't say more, I'll start with Xueyan."

"Boss, I'm ready for everything. Just follow me." The general said, turning to look at the ink green Luan: "qingluan good wife, you wait for me at home, wait for me to send my eldest brother to the blood demon world, then come back to harm you!"


The ink fragrance of qingluan suddenly turned red.

This general and minister, how could he not pay attention to his words? He really shouldn't have given him everything and treated him so well.

Now, this guy is really more and more unscrupulous.

Tang Long listened to the general's words, but also a little speechless, glared at the boy, but did not say anything.

Zhong Li Xueyan is also very speechless in an audience.

She turned her head and looked at Tang long, but she turned her lips.

The generals looked at the rosy face of Mo Xiang qingluan. They turned their heads and looked at Tang Long with a smile: "boss, do you think my qingluan is a good person? What a good wife

Obviously, there is an ostentatious meaning in this.

Tang Long also praised: "you boy, you can find a girl like qingluan. It's a blessing that you've cultivated for several years. You can't treat others badly."

"Of course, I take my qingluan as my treasure!" The way that the generals and ministers are proud of.

The pretty face of Mo Xiang Qing Luan is even more red.

Her heart, at this time is inexplicable sweet joy, after all, said this sentence is not other people, is her deep love, her man.

Next, the generals and ministers took Tang Long through a transmission array to the Taiyi Xianzong. They went all the way to the dark gate.

A lot of people have been changed to guard the dark gate.

Some of the people who didn't change them all looked strange.

These people look a little dull, and on the body, unexpectedly all show a light of death!

Even, there is a very special breath hidden in it!

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