"Shuya there, I'll tell her!" Tang Long Road, and then removed the isolation of the cultivation room, two people went out together.

They saw dantai Shuya in the hall of the hall. She looked at Tang Long and asked, "how are you doing with your seclusion?"

"It's almost done." Tang Long said with a smile: "I have gained a little from the understanding of the array. Next, the things here are finished. We should go back!"

"Shuya, I can't go back with you!" Shuya said

"Why?" Dan Tai Shuya asked curiously.

Tang Long said, "I have to do something. I want to go back to my family."

"Let's go there together!" Dan Tai Shu Ya Dao.

Zhong Li Xueyan naturally wants to help Tang long.

So at this time, she looked at dantai, Shuya and said, "Shuya, we've been out for a long time. Moreover, we haven't told Gao Tianye about your coming out. Moreover, there are many things about the auction house. I think we'd better go back first!"

"That's it Dan Tai Shuya thought about it and nodded.

She knew that she could not delay her flight for a long time. Otherwise, Gao Tianye, who was very suspicious of her guess, would be more and more suspicious of her.

Although she is now dissatisfied with Gao Tianye, she still decides to give Gao Tianye a chance for the sake of the two families.

She intends to end the matter here and try to repair the relationship with Gao Tianye.

Zhong Li Xueyan and Dan Tai Shuya leave together.

Tang long did not leave immediately.

He has one more thing to do here.

At this time, he directly moved his mind and summoned the death demon and the Holy Light demon from the sky sealing flag.

The death demon and the Holy Light demon looked at Tang long, and the death demon asked in doubt: "Stinky boy, everything here has been solved. What else do you want us to do?"

Tang long looked at them with a smile: "remember before, you asked me to help you find a mansion!"


Two people Leng Leng Leng, follow in front of the eyes are a bright!

They did not have their own residences in the Fengtian flag, unlike the king of the abyss and Su Xiaoman, or Xuanyuan Tianzhen.

And their mansion is pretty good.

The eyes of the demons of death and light were looking at the magnificent palace ahead.

This is obviously a very, very nice palace.

"You have a little conscience, you know to take our words to heart!" The demon of death looked at Tang long, and at this time, he also gave a heartfelt praise.

The light demon was obviously very satisfied with the mansion.

She looked at Tang Long and said, "you have to help us deal with this mansion."

"As long as you are satisfied with the residence, I will handle the rest of the matter." Tang Long said, his mind moved, his eight animals, as well as 140 purple fire wolves, were all called out by him.

It is not easy to get such a big building into the sky flag.

The key is that this magnificent building must not be damaged at all.

Tang Long and his beast, together with the king of the abyss, all came out to help. Even 144 purple fire wolves were under the control of Tang Long and were busy here together.

After nearly a day's struggle, at last, such a large and magnificent palace was moved into the sky sealing flag by Tang long.

In this way, in the flag of heaven, the demons of death and the demons of light have their own homes.

What's more, the furniture Tang Long got before was also given to the demons of death and light. Even the defense array of such a large palace fortress is still perfectly preserved.

Of course, Tang Long has canceled the totem summoning array. After all, the light and death demons do not know this array.

After all this, the death demons returned to the flag of the Tang dragon.

Tang Long contacted Qin Ziyi in his heart and returned to Fengtian city through the Huixin gate of Qin Ziyi, and then went directly to Baihua Valley to find the king of Warcraft.

The king of Warcraft, their poison is obviously very strong, one by one appears to be depressed.

It took Tang long a whole day to remove all the poisons in the king of Warcraft. Then he looked at the king of the abyss and asked, "what's the situation of the research base you found?"

"There are ancient jungles all around, and the people of the blood god's hall have arranged poison miasma array in the jungle, and there is a very strange poison inside, without any flavor, even we can't detect it at all!" The king of Warcraft said, "so we are all poisoned by carelessness."

After a pause, he continued, "fortunately, we didn't scare the snake."

Tang long thought about it and said, "the research base of the blood temple is also very important to me. I need to have a good understanding of the basic situation of the research base. In this case, I have to go there in person!""When are you going?" Asked the king of Warcraft.

Tang Long said: "you go first, and inform me when you get to the place." After a pause, he continued, "I'll let Xianer go with you."

"Good!" The king of Warcraft nodded.

Tang Long and the king of Warcraft, and so on, roughly discussed, the king of Warcraft is to prepare.

At this time, Tang Long is also thinking about one thing.

The king of Warcraft and other supernatural animals can be transformed into human forms. So Tang Long thinks that huangquan needle can also stimulate the king of Warcraft's fighting power? At least in human form, it should be possible.

"I have to study this problem carefully recently."

In his heart, he also made a decision in secret.

Next, Tang Long plans to go to the baby girl Ye Qingling immediately, because just a few days ago, ye Qingling told him to let him go to her side.

Now that Tang Long has dealt with the affairs here, he has time to go and have a look.

He was about to contact Ye Qingling in his heart. Suddenly, Meng Xiaomeng's voice rang out: "brother Tang long, I have returned to Qingyun sect!"

"Is everything going well?" Tang Long asked in his heart.

"It's going well for the time being." Meng Xiaomeng said: "I have met my so-called fiance in the blood Temple according to the method of magic fragrant qingluan."

"What's his name?" Tang Long asked

Meng Xiaomeng said: "in Qingyun sect, his name is against heaven. He is a true disciple of Qingyun sect. He is highly valued in our Qingyun sect. I knew him before."

Tang Long said: "you think of a way to set up a bureau, and then wait for me to go, we will clear up the adverse weather line together!"

"Good!" Meng Xiaomeng agreed.

Next, Tang Long and Meng Xiaomeng chatted for a while, and Tang Long cut off the spiritual connection between Meng and Xiaomeng.

Then, he contacted Ye Qingling in his heart: "ling'er, where are you now?"

"We are in a strange place!" Ye Qingling's voice sounded joyfully in the heart of Tang Long: "brother Tang long, we are just about to contact you!"

"Is it?" Tang Long laughed in his heart and said, "are there any good things there?"

"Yes, it is!" Ye Qingling said happily: "we have arrived at a strange continent, called the black devil continent. A very strange thing is happening in this continent at this time."

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