After a pause, Tang long looked at Meng Xiaomeng and apologized: "little trouble, I really want to go over and have a look at things in the big market of heaven and earth. Otherwise, in case of something big, it will be bad."

"That's it Meng Xiaomeng buried his head in Tang Long's arms: "then I'll wait for you outside Qingyun sect. Will you come and join me when you're finished?"

"Good!" Tang Long nodded.

At this time, his heart is also very helpless, his recent things are too much.

Meng Xiaomeng also knows that Tang Long has a lot of things to do. She is not unwilling to accompany her, so she can understand.

At this time, she also got up from Tang Long's arms and left his arms. She said seriously, "brother Tang long, go ahead. You can rest assured here. I will pay attention to my own safety and won't let you worry."

"I'll let the king of the abyss and Su Xiaoman stay here." Tang long looked at Meng Xiaomeng and said, "they drive a fast fortress to send you off."

Meng Xiaomeng shook his head: "you'd better take them with you. The rapid fortress is here with me, and I don't know how to use it. Moreover, in my space ring, the space is very small, and I can't put down the quick fortress. In case of anything, it's not easy to hide the rapid fortress!"

"No problem!" After listening to Meng Xiaomeng say so, Tang Long doesn't say much.

After all, Meng Xiaomeng's strength is also very strong now, and Meng Xiaomeng has two contract animals, and the tianmink is more powerful.

Although the swallowing marten has not yet woken up, mengxiaomeng's dark fire phoenix has also grown well at this time.

With the Phoenix in, Meng Xiaomeng will not be very hard to drive.

"Let's go to the king of the abyss."

Tang Long and Meng Xiaomeng left the lounge together to find the king of the abyss.

Next, the king of the abyss and Su Xiaoman both returned to the sky sealing flag of Tang long.

Tang Long and Meng Xiaomeng left the rapidity fortress together. Tang Long took the fast fortress, bid farewell to Meng Xiaomeng, canceled the magic power of all kinds, and returned to its original state. He summoned the wisdom heart gate between the northern Palace Xianer and appeared in front of Beigong Xianer.

At the moment, the North immortal palace is in the cultivation room.

This is not in the Forbidden City, but in a large and luxurious manor in the Qiankun market. The girls of Luo Xianzong are living in this manor now.

Outside the manor, there is a busy street in Qiankun market.

On both sides of the street, one by one, there are all medicine shops, large and small, that buy medicinal herbs. However, scattered, there are also several inns and restaurants.

Tang Long was in a training room in the manor. Looking at the northern palace fairy in front of him, Tang Long asked, "what is the situation here?"

Beigong Xianer said: "I also heard Dahan and Yuzhu tell me about the situation here. They said that at first, the people of the Youming poison sect robbed the herbs everywhere, as if they were trying to find out the strength of the warriors in the big market of heaven and earth. Now that they have not met any rivals, they immediately attack the Qiankun market boldly."

"Trial? Was it really just a trial before Tang Long frowned and thought.

It didn't seem so simple, he thought.

"No matter what kind of ideas this door is trying to make, it will be completely exposed at noon tomorrow," he said

Tang Long asked: "tomorrow noon, how many people will go to the square of the heaven and earth market to compete with the people of the netherworld poison sect? To what extent has the strongest of them reached? "

"I don't know how many people will go." Beigong Xianer said: "we have received the battle post here. Dahan and Yuzhu have investigated the situation outside. As far as I know, among those martial artists of Youming poison sect, the most powerful one is already in the realm of emperor!"

"The emperor is so strong Tang Long frowned.

The strength of the emperor's realm is stronger than that of the gods and emperors. Even if it is the Tang dragon now, it is not easy to deal with the strong one of the emperor's realm.

"How many powerful emperors are there in Youming poison sect?" Tang Long asked.

"It's not clear." Beigong Xianer said: "the reason why Dahan knows that there are strong emperors in Youming poison sect is because of the events of robbing medicinal materials before the big market of heaven and earth. Among them, the emperor is strong."

"The enemy is dark and I am clear, and the enemy's strength is very strong. In this case, those people in the big market of heaven and earth will surely try their best to seek help everywhere, and will find more powerful people to deal with the Youming poison sect. How dare the Youming poison sect to make enemies like this Why did you do this? "

Tang Long frowned and thought.

Looking at Tang long, the northern palace fairy asked, "what should we do now?"

Tang long thought for a moment and said, "we are not very clear about the specific situation of this matter. Let's go to meet Dahan and ask Luo Xianzong's people to withdraw first. For tomorrow's competition, I have to go there in person to find out the situation."

"I'll go with you." North Palace fairy road.

Tang Long shook his head: "you don't want to go. I'll go and see the situation myself. I can attack and defend when I go back."Said, pause, still way: "I take big Han together past."

"No problem." Beigong Xianer nodded.

She also knew that if she followed Tang long in the past, if something happened, Tang long would be worried about her safety and would be bound to do things.

If she is not here, Tang long can be bold and reckless.

Li Dahan's strength is already very strong. If you go with Tang long, you don't have to worry too much.

"Tomorrow, I will wait for your news in the manor with the people of luochazong." North Palace fairy road.

Tang long thought and nodded.

Then, Tang Long cancelled the isolation and boundary of the cultivation room, and went out with Beigong Xianer to find Li Dahan.

Li Dahan and Yuzhu are there.

They were in the living room, discussing things with several people of luochazong.

Seeing that Tang Long and Bei Gong xian'er suddenly came together, Luo Xianzong's several people were wide eyed. After all, Tang long did not come in from the outside, but from the inner hall.

They have been sitting in the living room, did not see Tang Long come in from the outside, how suddenly came out of the inner hall?!

Of course, Li Dahan and Yuzhu know that Tang Long has a heart of wisdom, so they are not surprised to see Tang long so suddenly.

Li Dahan looked at Tang Long and said, "boss, do you know what happened here?"

"I see." Tang Long nodded.

Hearing that Yuzhu looked at Tang Long and asked, "are we going to participate in the battle tomorrow?"

"Of course." Tang Long was very sure: "no matter how, we should at least find out what idea the youmingzong is. After all, we will develop in this big market in the future."

After a pause, Yuzhu and Li Dahan said: "Yuzhu, you don't want to go tomorrow. The people of luochazong also stay at home. Dahan and I will go there."

"Good!" Yuzhu and Li Dahan nodded at the beginning.

Tang long thought about it, looked at Li Dahan and said, "by the way, Dahan, I want to give you something. You can go to the training room with me now."

"Give me what?" Li Dahan looks at Tang Long and asks curiously.

"You'll find out." Tang Long turned and left.

Li Dahan followed quickly.

Soon, they went into a training room. Tang Long's mind moved and called out the five elements mountain.

Although the magic weapon of Wuxing mountain is very rare and powerful, it is not very useful for the present Tang long.

The most important thing is that Wuxing mountain is the accessory magic weapon of Pangu axe. , the fastest update of the webnovel!