"Not bad!" Duan yinpeng, in the face of the old man's question, actually admitted directly: "I am indeed a member of the blood demon world, and even, our netherworld poison clan is originally from the blood demon world."

"Impossible. The exit of the blood demon world to the whole world was sealed hundreds of thousands of years ago. You are definitely not the people of the blood demon world!"

The old man said in a deep voice, very positive.

"Of course, I am a member of the blood demon world. You people in the big world are so naive. How can we not really come to the world when we are so powerful?" Duan yinpeng laughed with pride and looked very proud: "you may as well tell you that before long, our people in the blood demon world will rule the whole world. At this time, it is just a beginning!"

"Just the beginning!"

The old man stares at Duan yinpeng, his pupils narrowing slightly.

He is a member of the archaic sect and a member of the evil spirit sect!

The most important thing is that this place has been under the control of the evil spirit sect for a long time. It has secretly controlled many forces, and even the whole evil spirit sect is already carrying out some important things.

Key hand, he has a secret!

How could someone from the blood Temple appear here, but he didn't know it at all?!

How could this be possible?!

"Who are you?" The old man stared at Duan yinpeng: "the blood devil power on you, although it seems to be, is definitely not the blood Demon power of the blood demon world. Moreover, for hundreds of thousands of years, I have countless skills in the whole world that can cultivate this blood Demon power. So, don't talk nonsense!"

"Can countless skills cultivate the power of blood demons? I'm curious Duan yinpeng looked at the old man and said with a smile, "in this case, you also exert the power of blood devil. I'll have a look!"

"Well, I'll let you know. I'll convince you!"

In the old man's eyes, a touch of gloom broke out, and then the old man's body, unexpectedly, also broke out a blood red light!

"The power of the blood devil!"

Duan yinpeng glared at the old man in front of him, his eyes full of shock and obvious panic!

Under the competition platform, Tang Long is also shocked!

"This old man is obviously a warrior in the market of heaven and earth. Obviously, he is in opposition to the people of the netherworld poison sect. However, the martial artists of the netherworld poison sect have already said that they are the people of the blood god hall. This Yes, it seems like this. In fact, it should have been like this... "

Tang long thought for a moment, and then he woke up.

You should know that the blood temple is now very powerful. When it comes to the world, many things are in the dark. How can those who are quietly controlled by the blood temple have no means.

Obviously, among these people here at this time, there are people in the hidden blood temple.

However, the people in the blood temple are very deep, even the Wizards here are not aware of it.

At this time, there are people and witches in the blood temple!

"People and witches from the blood temple are all here. What will happen to this situation today?"

Tang Long frowned slightly.

At this time, the situation here is becoming more and more uncontrollable.

Tang Long knows that if one is not good, this incident here will cause extremely serious consequences, which will put the whole world in absolute danger.

This is a fuse!

Here, it is likely to become the starting point of a catastrophe.

Next to Tang long, Li Dahan was stunned.

He looked at Tang Long and said, "boss, what's going on here? Is it true that some people in the world can cultivate the power of blood demons?"

"Yes, it is." Tang long looked at Li Dahan and said faintly, "don't I practice the power of blood demon?"


Li Dahan wanted to say something, but he didn't say it in the end.

At this time, the old man was staring at Duan yinpeng, and his eyes were full of cold and murderous spirit: "Duan yinpeng, are you the Youming poison sect running here, deliberately turning over the things hundreds of thousands of years ago, making rumors and causing trouble, what is the conspiracy?"

"Rumor? Do I seem to be making a rumor? I'm a blood demon! " Duan yinpeng snorted coldly: "if you don't believe me, kill me, you will know."

"Indeed, kill you, the spirit flies out, naturally know!" On the old man's face, there was a sharp murder.

Tang Long is under the competition platform. He can be sure that the old man is definitely a person from the blood god temple.

Moreover, the old man would not kill Duan yinpeng by normal means.

If Duan yinpeng is killed, the spirits of the bloodthirsty master or the bloodthirsty devil will fly out. When the warriors of the heaven and earth market see such spirits, at least those of the archaic sect may recognize them.

If so, the secret of the blood demon world will be exposed immediately!

A war of annihilation will begin soon.

Now, the blood Temple obviously doesn't want to fight against the whole world.They need to get rid of witches first.

The old man stared at Duan yinpeng and said coldly, "I've come to see if you really have the soul of a bloodthirsty devil, or do you have a skill that can cultivate the power of blood demons like my evil spirit sect!"

"Evil spirit clan, this old man is actually a member of evil spirit clan!"

When Tang long heard the old man's words under the competition platform, he couldn't help frowning.

He has already met the people of the evil spirit sect.

When Murong Changhe assessed him to participate in the battle of Kunlun ruins when he was in Lingxiao temple, he was assassinated by the people of the blood god hall at that time under the arrangement of Murong Changhe.

At that time, Murong Changhe took out some evil spirit beads, which were unique to the people of the evil spirit sect, and they were a special thing for the people of the evil spirit sect to practice.

Connecting this incident, Tang long felt a little nervous: "it is very likely that the evil spirit sect has been seriously eroded by the blood temple, and even, it is likely that it has been controlled by the blood temple. Otherwise, how could Murong Changhe say so easily about the evil spirit sect?"

"In the world, how many Archean sects are controlled by the blood temple?"

Tang long had a very bad feeling in his heart.

However, he also knew that the old man on the competition platform, that evil spirit sect guy, was obviously trying to destroy the plan of Youming poison sect.

Tang Long has been able to confirm the action of Youming poison sect this time. It is obviously a wizard's action. The wizard wants to let the people of the whole world know that the people in the blood demon world have returned to the great world.

The purpose of the wizard is to stir up a war between the blood demon world and the whole world as soon as possible.

The winner, of course, is a wizard!

Now, the blood demon world must be about to defeat the wizard. How can we be willing to fight on both sides of the world at the same time.

After all, if the wizard mixed into the world, and the blood demon world occupied the whole world, the wizard would certainly become a big problem for the people in the blood demon world.

Tang Long didn't want the blood temple and the whole world to go to war now, because in Qingyun sect and Lingxiao temple, they were already dealing with the blood Temple secretly, preparing for the future.

Moreover, the Tang clan can not cope with such a major war.

All this takes time!

So Tang long at this time, of course, did not want to expand the immediate matter, hoping to find a solution.

However, he did not have a good way to solve the immediate problems.

"We can only go one step at a time and look at the development of the situation. It's really not possible. People from all over the world can cultivate the power of blood demons. After all, there is an evil spirit sect here, and the words of Taigu sect can make people believe that they can fool for as long as possible."

"It's just that, in any case, after this incident, many Archean sects must take action, so the blood temple has to speed up its action!"

"It seems that time is really running out!"

Tang long at this time, the heart is also more and more nervous.

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