
The energy fist of the ice flame directly produces a powerful explosion.

The explosive force turned into a violent and violent wind, which swept towards the front and directly attacked the two top demons.

The two top demons were blown out.

"Lei Guangdun!"

At the moment when the two top demons were blasted off, Tang long used the magic power of thunder light escape and rushed towards one of the two peak demons.

And at the same time, his mind moved, condensing the God of destruction thunder.

The God of doom rushes towards the top demon who is blown out at the other end.

Tang Long has already rushed to the side of one of the two top demons, and his fist turns into a storm and bombards out one after another!

With the blow out of his fist, a group of colorful light energy groups flew out and bombarded the peak demon, falling on the top of the devil.

This peak demon king was bombarded by Tang long so fiercely that he was directly exploded by the bombardment.

At this time, the doomsday Raytheon has also rushed to the side of the other peak demon king. On the body of mieshi Raytheon, a series of lightning contains the power of thunder and lightning laws.

This one after another flash of lightning, all mercilessly bombarded on the top of the devil's body, this peak demon again bombarded fly out.

Tang Long smashed one of the top demons. Just after taking a breath, he heard a sound of blood spurting.

He quickly turned his head and saw that it was Li Dahan who spurted blood.

At this time, Li Dahan, bombarded by a peak demon, vomited blood and flew towards Beigong Xianer.

And that peak demon king, positive momentum is fierce to rush toward the North Palace fairy son.


Tang Long snorted coldly.

His body flashed, and a thunderbolt exploded at his feet. The whole person disappeared in the same place. In an instant, he had already appeared beside Li Dahan.

At this time, Beigong Xianer has arrived at Li Dahan's side.

"Back off

Tang Long said in a deep voice. His body flashed and he was in front of Beigong Xianer and Li Dahan.

Beigong Xianer knows that although the fighting power of the peak demon king in front of him is very strong, he is definitely not Tang Long's opponent. Moreover, he also knows that Tang Long has inspired his potential and can never delay time.

So at this time, she immediately helped Li Dahan back.

Yuzhu flew over to see Li Dahan's injury.

The Tang dragon here, already holding the blood drinking knife, launched a domineering attack on the peak demon in front of him.

Meanwhile, Li Dahan's golden Kui Niu and Beigong Xianer's supernatural beast, on the other hand, jointly blocked the attack of a peak demon.

Although the fighting power of these beasts is weaker than that of the top demon king, there are many of them, including Li Dahan's and Beigong Xianer's.

Together, the four beasts can barely resist the attack of the top demon.

The most important thing is that at this time, the situation is controlled by Tang long.

The fighting power of the peak demon king who fought with Tang Long was weaker than that of the peak demon killed by Tang long before, so Tang Long killed this peak demon in less than two minutes.

And Tang Long's destroying God of thunder has also disappeared from the explosion of the former top demon.

Then he went to support the Dragon God of the Tang Dynasty.

Tang Long didn't go to help him. His figure flashed. He went to Li Dahan's side and explored Li Dahan's injury. He felt relieved.

Although Li Dahan suffered internal injury, the internal injury was not very serious.

Tang Long agglomerates huangquan Shenzhen needle and helps Li Dahan to cure his internal injury. At this time, Tang Long is also a little anxious.

He felt that Li Dahan's strength had been improved a little bit slowly. After all, the war between the big world and the blood demon world was about to begin.

Li Dahan's strength at this time is not enough to cope with the coming war.

"We must go to the Xuanji Hongmeng cave as soon as possible, so that the people of Tangmen can improve their strength. This matter can't be delayed any longer."

"What's more, my strength has to be improved as soon as possible!"

Tang long thought secretly.

He soon helped Li Dahan to cure his internal injury and took out two healing elixirs for Li Dahan to take.

And at this time, Tang Long's destroying God of thunder, together with the several supernatural beasts, finally killed the last peak demon.

"All the way down the road, we must be more careful, and no matter what the situation, we must not be disorderly, do not disperse, we rush out!" Tang Long said in a deep voice.

At the same time, he also used the vast sea to feel the situation in all directions.At this time, the whole market of heaven and earth, the sky and the earth, are constantly thundering, and the sound of screams and the roar of the peak demon king are also constantly ringing.

Of course, there are also a lot of people in the big market of heaven and earth, who are fleeing in all directions.

There are a lot of witches and top demons, chasing and killing everywhere.

There are, of course, quite a number of people who have escaped.

After all, the pursuit of witches is to frighten these people in the big market of heaven and earth, and it is not really to kill them all. Otherwise, who can go outside to publicize the news that the blood demon Kingdom has invaded the whole world?

Tang Long and his party flew away in a direction outside the market.

Tang Long is naturally in the front.

He used the magic power of the sea to explore all directions, explore the powerful momentum of the surrounding wizard and the peak demon king, and specially flew to the place where the war power of the wizard and the peak demon king was relatively weak.

Not long ago, he has been flying to the edge of the big market.

If you continue to fly from here, you will be able to leave Qiankun market. If you continue to fly forward for a period of time, you will arrive at another city, and then you can leave through the transmission Hall of this city.

However, if you want to reach the land of Manau, you still need to go back and forth for a while.

Originally, the transmission Hall of Qiankun market had a space wormhole leading to the land of Manau. However, at this time, the transmission Hall of Qiankun market had been occupied by witches for a long time. Of course, Tang long could not leave there.

Beigong Xianer, beside Tang long, is also paying close attention to the surrounding activities.

Li Dahan is supported by rain bamboo. At this time, while flying forward, he is also gathering energy and trying to recuperate the internal injury.

The crowd was flying, and on the left and right sides in front of them, a thunderous roar suddenly rang out.

Then, more than a dozen top demons burst out of their bodies with incomparable power of blood demons, and they rushed towards them. All of these top demons were extremely powerful.

And behind these top demons, there are five fierce witches.

The eyes of these five witches fell on Tang Long and they were clearly summoned by the top demons in front of them.

"Kill these people for me!"

One of the witches, staring at Tang Long with gloomy eyes, gave orders directly.

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