Of course, Tang long will not conceal Zhong Li Xueyan.

He used huixinmen to tell Zhong Li Xueyan the general situation of the matter, and then asked Zhong Li Xuefeng: "the high-level of the blood god temple, have you made any decision on this matter?"

"Yes." Zhong Lixue flue: "the high-level of the blood god hall has issued an order to let the childe of every big family go to solve the case together. Whoever can find the murderer fastest is the one who can make great achievements and get a great reward!"

"The eldest childe went to solve the case, and the big families were the backing. It seems that the blood god hall really attaches great importance to this matter!" Tang Long frowned.

He was not worried about himself.

This time, he did a very clean job in the operation of the blood Temple research base.

He went with so many supernatural beasts, and he did not use the power of blood demons. Although Xuanyuan heaven array was called out to help him, the scene was extremely chaotic at that time, and the strength between heaven and earth was howling, which could not be noticed.

The most important thing is that he is now in the city of genius, and he was with Gao Tianye and them just now.

Who will suspect the childe who is investigating the case?!

He is worried about the generals!

After all, he came to the research base from the realm of Kalan. The generals and ministers are in charge of the Kalan realm now. Even if the general has just become the overlord of the demon lord's palace, he will be involved in this matter.

"Attention has to be diverted from this matter!" Tang long thought secretly.

He asked Zhong Li Xuefeng in his heart: "did your family ask you to investigate this matter?"

"My family has sent someone else to deal with it. After all, I have my own business at the auction house and I can't get away from it. Moreover, I prefer that there are more suitable people in my family to do it."

"That's the best!" Tang Long nodded.

Zhong Li Xuefeng: "I contact you because the magic incense family gave me a message."

"Magic fragrance family?" Tang Long Leng Leng Leng: "what news?"

Zhong Li Xuefeng: "the ink family told me that they learned that lie Qingtian would be busy with some things during this period of time. Moreover, people from huangquan Palace also went to investigate the research base. At this time, the interior of huangquan temple was very empty."

"What do you mean..." Tang Long's heart suddenly jumped!

He wanted to go to huangquan palace for a long time. If he had a chance now, it would be a good chance!

At once, the attention of the blood temple can be shifted from the research base to the huangquan palace, which can reduce a lot of trouble for the generals and ministers!

And this can also do a lot of damage to giant!

Zhong Li Xuefeng: "last time you told the generals that you wanted to let the magic incense family inquire about the matter of huangquan temple. The general and the Minister discussed with Moxiang qingluan. Qingluan arranged the whole thing in person, and she has already arranged the whole thing."

"Qingluan arranged it. This girl is also smart. Moreover, it didn't waste my efforts." Tang long thought in his heart.

Moxiang qingluan helped him to inquire about this matter, and helped him arrange it. Obviously, he had chosen to stand in line.

After this, the magic incense family must be on the side of the Tang family.

Tang Long quickly asked, "how did qingluan arrange it?"

Zhong Lixue flue: "at noon tomorrow, the attention of the blood god hall will shift to the investigation of the research base. Even some people in huangquan temple will be distracted by this matter. Huangquan temple is the most empty time!"

"This is an opportunity indeed Tang long thought for a moment and asked, "how can I get into huangquan palace?"

"After noon, I'll contact you at noon, and I'll check the situation." Zhong Li Xue flue: "I will meet with the people of the magic incense family first, and make sure everything is good."

Tang Longlian said, "honey, you must be more careful!"

"Don't worry, I just go to understand the situation, and I don't go to huangquan palace to learn about the situation. Therefore, there will be absolutely no danger." Zhong Li Xue flue: "I quietly go to see the people arranged by the magic incense family, and will not let anyone know."

"Good." Tang long promised in his heart, but he couldn't help but exhort for a while. Let the bell leave the snow smoke and pay attention to safety.

After discussing these, Tang Long reconnects with Ling Qingyao.

At this time, Ling Qingyao was already ready there. Tang Long summoned the Huixin gate between Ling Qingyao and Tang long, and he appeared directly in front of Ling Qingyao.

Here is also in a training room, which of course is also equipped with isolation and enchantment.

Tang long looked at Ling Qingyao and asked, "is master xunkong outside?"

"Well." Ling Qingyao nodded and said, "master, I've seen the person you've treated. I think it's because of the blood demon pill that this person has become like that."

"I had this conjecture before!" Tang Long's voice dropped and he stopped. Looking at Ling Qingyao, he asked, "what do you think of this matter, master xunkong?"

"He is in a hurry to see you now. He wants to know something from that man. I didn't tell him about the blood demon pill." Ling Qingyao stopped and continued, "that man has been in a coma, and I can't find out more.""Let's go out and have a look." Tang Long looks at Ling Qingyao road.

Ling Qingyao nodded and was about to untie the barrier of the cultivation room. She suddenly thought of something. She looked at Tang Long and said, "dragon, you have forgotten that you are in LingXiao palace. You are not what you are now. You want to use the magic power of all kinds."

"If you don't say it, I almost forget it!" Tang Long nodded.

In LingXiao palace, he has been using the image of Tang Long No.1 in his spirit sea.

What he really looks like is unknown to xunkong.

Tang Long uses his magic power to change his appearance into that of Tang long, No. 1 in Linghai. Ling Qingyao looks at it and feels that there is no flaw in it. Only in this way can he break the barrier of the cultivation room.

But at this time, Meng Xiaomeng's voice suddenly sounded in the heart of Tang Long: "brother Tang long, I have something to look for you!"

"There's something wrong with the little trouble. How could it be so coincidental?"

At this time, Tang Long was also complaining.

Why are things all piled up together? At this time, Dongfang binger is still waiting for him in the snow mountain. He has been worried about destroying lie Qingtian's research base there.

What's more, she didn't come out of the cave alone!

He asked Meng Xiaomeng in his heart: "little trouble, what's the matter with you there?"

Meng Xiaomeng said, "as I told you before, let my grandfather meet you. I have arranged it. When do you have time?"

"I certainly don't have time now!" Tang Long frowned: "two days later."

"Two days, why is it so long?" Meng Xiaomeng was a little unhappy: "don't want you for a long time, just let you quietly explore my grandfather's vitality."

"I know." Tang long thought for a while and said, "how about tonight?"

"Good!" Meng Xiaomeng agrees immediately.

Obviously, this girl is also a little anxious about this matter.

Tang long can fully understand Meng Xiaomeng's anxiety.

Meng Xiaomeng now, obviously wants to know whether her grandfather has become a blood demon world person and has been devoured by his soul.

Moreover, after confirming this matter, the affair that Qingyun sect looks for the hidden blood god temple people can be carried out quietly. Otherwise, it is too dangerous for Meng Xiaomeng to investigate this matter in Qingyun sect!

Tang long thought for a moment and said to Meng Xiaomeng in his heart, "little trouble, I'll go to see you soon after I've finished my work here!"

"That's good!" Meng Xiaomeng agreed and said, "I'm going to arrange this. I'll be waiting for you to come before dawn tomorrow."

"Good." Tang Long agreed.

In fact, he also hopes to finish this matter as soon as possible, so as to let the Qingyun sect's affairs unfold as soon as possible.

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