Tang long looked at Xiao Que'er and said, "in order to ensure safety and avoid unnecessary trouble, I have to dress up as a person who has never appeared before, and you, it is better to have a female companion in men's clothing."

After a pause, he continued, "I have the identity card of the blood temple. You can dress up as my subordinate and go with me."

"Good!" Little bird agreed.

Before Tang Long came here, he had already known when he was in the city of genius that this time, the blood god temple had sent several sons of the family together to investigate the case.

So many childe brought people here. If we want to seize the credit, we must try our best to investigate the case and dispatch our own right-hand men. Although all the people brought are the elite of the blood temple, in this case, there will be a big flaw that can be used by Tang long.

This flaw is: the people brought by these childe must not be familiar with each other.

Moreover, after the accident here, the blood god temple quickly transferred to control the martial arts here, and they may not be familiar with each other.

Tang long will seize this flaw.

Next, Tang Long and bird began to dress up.

First of all, Tang long used the magic power to transform his appearance into the appearance of No. 3 Tang long in the sea of spirits, and changed his clothes like those of the blood god temple.

At this time, he also decided that after leaving here, when he had time, he would change the image of several people in the spirit sea again.

Of course, the appearance of No. 1 Tang long in his spirit sea and the appearance of going against the sky are absolutely not allowed to move.

After dressing himself up, Tang Long helps xiaoque'er.

The Little Sparrow children dressed up as men and dressed up as a emaciated warrior in their early 40s.

Although xiaoqueer has a very good figure, under Tang Long's careful concealment, her beautiful figure has been fully hidden. Even if you look carefully, it is difficult to see that she is actually a girl.

After finishing these preparations, Tang Long took out several kinds of herbs which gave off light astringency, and smeared them on xiaoque'er to hide her unique girl's good smell.

Then in the cave, he also made some arrangements, layout very carefully.

"Now, we can leave!"

After nearly an hour's work, Tang Long was quite satisfied.

Xiao Xiao Er nodded and followed Tang long.

Tang Long went to the entrance of the mountain, opened the isolation and defense barriers of the mountain entrance, and then quietly walked out of the cave with Xiao Que'er. At this time, he also explored again that there were dozens of strong breath around it.

Even, there are a lot of powerful breath, is moving towards this side slowly.

"Frey, wait a minute. Don't be nervous. Just follow me. Don't talk." Tang Long said to Xiao Que'er in his heart with Hui Xin men.

Little bird was a little nervous: "young master, this may be surrounded by people from the blood temple, can we go out?"

"With me, of course you can go out!" Tang Long was sure in his heart.

"Well, I believe young master."

Small bird heard Tang Long firm voice, the tension in the heart immediately reduced a lot.

She felt that as long as the young master said so, she would certainly be able to do it.

Tang long, at this time, has burst out a faint breath of death and destruction, and exerted a weak blood Demon power.

Even, he took advantage of the fact that some people were already paying attention to this side and some people were coming towards this side, he was already shouting: "come on, come on, come on, I found a cave here. Obviously, people have lived in this cave, and they have lived in sacred animals!"


"Where is the cave?"

"Come on, let's all go and have a look. Maybe it's the person we're looking for!"


Around the chaotic sound suddenly sounded, dozens of people speed up to this side of the rapid.

You know, the research base here has been harassed by people and rescued so many sacred animals. This is definitely a big event in the blood temple.

If anyone can solve such a big problem and solve it, he will definitely get a great reward in the blood temple.

But if you can't solve the case, many people will be very sad.

So when they heard that there was a situation here, the people around the blood Temple all rushed to this side.

And more people in the distance, also aware of the movement, came this way.

There have been several people, in a hurry to Tang Long around them.

Beside Tang long, Xiao Que'er doesn't dare to say anything, but stands quietly beside Tang long. Tang Long has taken out his own identity card, which is the identity card of the three-star master of the blood temple.

The identity card represents not very low.

A warrior looked at Tang Long and asked, "how can you suddenly appear here?"

"Of course we are investigating the case!" Tang Long said seriously. Then he diverted the attention of these people and pointed to the cave not far away: "have you all checked this place before? But did you find this cave? "Everyone's eyes follow the place where Tang Long points.

There is a cave there.

However, before these people, many people have walked here and checked the environment here. Although there are traces of Warcraft, and even traces of people passing by, the cave has not been found.

They didn't find that the cave was normal. After all, Tang long had arranged a psychedelic array at the entrance of the mountain before.

At this time, the array is removed, and the cave will appear.

In fact, the psychedelic array can not be concealed from everyone. There are many ways to destroy or discover the psychedelic array. If there is a special situation, someone will fight here, destroy the array, or someone with a good array can also see the clue.

However, these people are obviously unable to do so.

Looking at these people, Tang Long explained: "the entrance of the mountain was initially equipped with a psychedelic array. Fortunately, I knew about the array, broke the array and found the cave!"

"What's in the cave?" Asked a warrior.

"There were people who lived there, and there were beasts, and I'm sure, not long ago." Tang Longdao.

"Let's go in and have a look."

A warrior said, his body flashed and went into the cave.

The rest of them, too, are heading for the cave, hoping to find more useful clues in it.

Of course, Tang long would not follow in. With huixinmen in his heart, he said to xiaoque'er, "we should look for clues everywhere, slow down, be serious, and leave here slowly!"


The little bird agreed with her heart.

Around, there are more than a dozen warriors coming in a hurry. When they see the cave, they come to ask Tang long.

These people don't doubt Tang long.

First of all, Tang long at this time diffused the power of a light blood demon, containing the breath of death and destruction, which is obviously the breath possessed by the people in the blood temple. Secondly, Tang Long seems to be with them, carefully investigating the case.

The most important thing is that Tang Long's strength is obviously not very strong. Obviously, he has no ability to do anything to destroy the research base.

"What's going on?"

A warrior came to Tang Long and asked.

Tang Long said in a hurry: "the cave in front of us has just left, and there are traces of supernatural animals. We look around here, hoping to find out where those people have fled!"

"Oh, there is such a big clue. Go and have a look!"

After listening to Tang Long's words, the man quickly flashed and headed for the cave not far away.

A few others followed.

At this time, some voices were heard in the cave:

"there are fur falling from the fur blanket here. Obviously someone has rested here. It seems that at least they have rested for a long time!"

"I'm sure someone left soon!"

"I smell feminine. It's light, but I'm sure there's a woman here for at least two days!"

"You impudent guy, you study women all day long. I can't smell any woman's smell. Your nose is more intelligent than that of a dog!"

"Quick, look around, maybe you can find a trace!"


Tang Long was not far away from the cave at this time. He had been exploring the sea, exploring the surrounding movement and the situation in the cave.

He heard the voices of those people in the cave.

At this time, he was a little nervous, but he didn't dare to show it. In his heart, he said to xiaoque'er: "we walk towards the left, slow down. There are few people there. We should be able to get out!"


Xiao Que'er agreed, followed Tang long, and slowly walked in the direction of Tang long.

Gradually, Tang Long and they have gone further and further.

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