"Soul bug, I've never heard of it!" Tang Long frowned.

Qianji Longgu said: "this spirit bug has been a taboo in ancient times in our blood temple, and it is extremely difficult to cultivate it. Moreover, the treasures of heaven and earth that breed this kind of poisonous insects are extremely rare. Even if I have heard of it, I don't know how to cultivate this kind of spirit insects. ”

Tang Long said: "do you mean that there is such a spirit insect in the blood of the star Troll given to you by Gao Tianye?"

"Yes Qianji keel nodded solemnly: "this kind of poisonous insects in the blood, in the primary stage of growth, is extremely difficult to be found. I have studied for a long time, and used some special means to catalyze the blood. Of course, thanks to the blood you have given me, it seems that there is a strong catalytic growth ability in those blood you study!"

Tang Long glared at Qianji keel: "you integrate the blood of star trolls I studied with the hemostasis of star trolls given to you by Gao Tianye?"

"Indeed." Qianji keel nodded: "otherwise, I won't have this discovery!"

"What does this discovery represent?" Tang Long asked.

Qianji keel said: "I'll tell you the role of the spirit bug first."

"Good." Tang Long nodded.

Qianji keel said: "the spirit bug is very mysterious. It can release a kind of mysterious energy, and suddenly control people's thoughts at a specific time. It even makes people unconscious, like hallucinations."


Hearing the words of Qianji keel, Tang Long's heart suddenly shocked!

The spirit bug can suddenly control people's thoughts. Does this not mean that if someone can control the spirit insects, they can control the people's thoughts through the spirit insects?!

Gao Tianye

Tang Long's heart was filled with cold.

Of course, he is not afraid of Gao Tianye, but Li Qingtian!

Now, Gao Tianye has publicly said that what kind of lightning God flower is being cultivated, which can let many people have the power of stars!

What is hidden behind this!

Tang Long asked in a hurry: "this Gu insect in blood, how long can produce effect?"

"After my research, I infer that in about three months, the insect will be able to fully grow up in human beings and possess the power to control people's thoughts."

After a pause, Qianji keel explained: "at the beginning of cultivation, this insect must be fed with the blood of the master. At the beginning of cultivation, the insect can be branded with the spirit of the master. After that, the insect can be controlled by the spirit of the master!"

"Controlled by the mind!" Tang Long was shocked again: "do you mean that after taking that kind of blood, after three months, that person can be controlled by the spirit of the demagogue master?"

"It should be." Qianji keel nodded, and then went on: "of course, the spirit bug is also limited."

"What are the limitations?" Tang Long asked.

Qianji Longgu said: "the consciousness of controlling people by the spirit insects can not last for a long time. At most, it can support one hour at a time. After an hour, the spirit insects will be exhausted and will enter a dormant state. The controlled people will wake up, but the previous memories will disappear completely."

"That's bad!" Tang Long frowned fiercely.

He knows that the black hand behind this matter is definitely strong Qingtian.

If lieqingtian popularizes the blood of star troll and uses it in the blood temple, the consequences are unimaginable!

If strong Qingtian uses this method to control some people, and then uses these people to deal with him, he will always face danger in the blood temple.

Qianji keel paused and continued: "this is only the preliminary result of my research. I only have these knowledge about the spirit insects. However, the spirit insects cultivated by the blood of star trolls will become more terrible!"

Tang Long frowned and looked at the thousand machine keel: "that blood you didn't take?"

"By chance, too!" A touch of happiness flashed in Qianji keel's eyes: "at the beginning, I really wanted to take it, because Gao Tianye took it himself. However, after all, I was doing research, and my curiosity was stronger. More importantly, I was afraid of the power of the stars, and you were helping me with the research. So, I resisted not taking it and quietly took it to do research!"

"If only you didn't take it!" Tang Long breathed a sigh of relief.

Now the Qianji keel can also help him a lot. He absolutely doesn't want the Qianji keel to be controlled by lie Qingtian.

After thinking about it, he looked at Qianji keel and said, "Gao Tianye is probably completely unaware of the contents of this blood. What are you going to do about this? Tell Gao Tianye? "

"I can't tell Gao Tianye." "My research is only in the preliminary stage, and I don't know whether Gao Tianye has been controlled by people now," Qian Ji keel said

After a pause, he looked at Tang Long and said solemnly, "I come to tell you that you must not use that blood rashly. Even if Gao Tianye gives it to you, no matter how nice it is, you must not use it."Tang long curled his lips and said, "My vitality contains the power of stars. What's the use of that blood?"

"That's true." Qianji keel nodded: "I have to go back and continue to study this matter. I have to see what the spirit bug has become. However, it may take a longer time. It needs to be experimented on animals or people!"

Tang long looked at Qianji keel and said, "you are not going to say this?"

"Not yet." Qianji keel solemnly said: "first choice, Gao Tianye's blood and where it comes from. I don't know who is behind the scenes. I don't know. I can't frighten the snake, otherwise it may bring danger to myself."

"That's true." Tang Long nodded.

Who knows the high level of the blood temple, is there anyone using this blood now.

Although Tang Long knows that this matter must be strong Qingtian, can he and strong Qingtian present relationship, he can not easily say it.

The point is, who can believe something that has no evidence at all?

"Do I want to tell Gao Tianye about this?" Tang long thought secretly.

Tang long did not dare to make a decision easily.

Perhaps this soul Gu insect thing, Gao Tianye also knows, is to make a plot with strong Qingtian.

If so, Tang Long tells Gao Tianye, isn't it equal to seeking his own way to death!

He thought about it for a while, looked at the Qianji keel and asked, "how far can lie Qingtian control the spirit insects? It's impossible for such a control to be free from the limitation of distance? "

"There's a distance, of course, but I don't know exactly." Thousand machine keel channel.

After a pause, Qianji keel continued: "my research is only in the early stage. I only know the basic characteristics of some spirit insects. After the spirit insects are integrated with the blood of star trolls, together with the poison that melts vitality, I am not very clear about what will happen. I am not sure how strong the blood control ability is It will take time! "

Tang Long nodded.

He can fully understand that.

Even if there are spirit insects in the blood, whether there is such a risk after mutation must be seen after a long period of time for people taking this blood.

Moreover, after all, the master of the insect is not here. Without the master's command, the insect will not react at all.

This makes it harder to detect the danger.

Tang long looked at the keel of Qianji and said: "master of thousand machines, you should continue to study this aspect. I will also try to study it. If there is any discovery, we will contact you in time."

"Good!" Qianji keel nodded.

Tang long thought for a while and continued: "in addition, I think that in order to be safe, you'd better tell some of your best friends about this matter implicitly. Of course, you also know the seriousness of the matter. It's necessary to be careful."

"I think so." Qianji keel's voice dropped, looking at Tang long, he said seriously: "I'm here to tell you first, because there are several big families behind you, and there is also a Dan Shi League. If this kind of blood reaches the Danshi League, the consequences can be imagined!"

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