Tang long looked at the baby girl, and he was a little speechless in his heart. He hugged her and asked, "what mischievous things have you done recently?"

"I didn't do anything naughty." Ye Qingling looks up at Tang long, his big eyes are full of doubts.

Tang long looked at the baby girl like this, and immediately guessed that the baby girl might have forgotten the little lion. He had to remind him, "did you put something in the most important warehouse of Fengtian city?"

"The most important thing, the warehouse?" Ye Qingling Leng Leng Leng, followed by "ah" A: "brother Tang long, bad, I forgot a thing!"

Tang long curled his lips: "where did that lion come from?"

"Lion?" Ye Qingling was stunned: "what lion? There are no lions

"That's what you put in the warehouse, isn't it a Warcraft? Isn't that a lion? What's more, you girl is too naughty. How can you put the lion in my research place? "

He was also a little angry with the girl.

That star Troll's blood is very precious, although he only put a part of it there, and a part of it in Xuanyuan Tianzhen, but this girl is also too naughty!

How can such an important experiment be destroyed by this girl!

Ye Qingling looked at Tang Long and said, "what I put there is not a lion, but an egg!"

"Egg?" Tang Long Leng Leng Leng: "where to come from the egg?"

"This is me and yue'er together, as well as Xiao Hu. We found it by accident when we left the space of the chaotic place last time and went out to play."

"How did you find the egg?" Tang Long asked.

"It is under a cliff. There is an ancient cave in the cliff. When we break into it, we can see that the cave is in a mess. It seems that we have experienced a great war. We look for it and find an egg. It is a blood red egg. There are many mysterious runes on it."

After a pause, ye Qingling continued: "we looked at the egg very curious, so we took the egg back. Then, we tried various ways, but we could not hatch it We just want to try That's it

"You girl

Tang Long helplessly curled his lips. Everything has happened. What else can he say?

But, he also wants to frighten this baby girl for a while, lest later this baby girl has any new idea.

"Ling'er, you can never do this again. Do you know, this time you have broken my big event. I will probably be killed by strong Qingtian because of your affair this time!"

He looks at Ye Qingling very serious way.

When ye Qingling heard Tang Long's words, his eyes were filled with fear.

At that time, she just thought that her idea was very interesting and curious, but she didn't think about destroying Tang long.

At this time, his heart was also very nervous: "brother Tang long, is there something to do with strong Qingtian? I don't know. What can I do? Don't go to the blood temple in the future? "

Tang long held the baby girl in his arms and sighed: "although this is a dangerous thing, I will try to overcome it. However, if you are naughty in the future, in case of any accident, it will be bad!"

Said, looking at the baby girl: "later you really want to have these ideas, feel fun, at least tell me first, you know?"

"Well, I see." Ye Qingling nodded obediently.

"Let's go and see Xianer. I haven't seen her for a long time." Tang Long helped up the baby girl in his arms: "that egg thing, you should disappear."


Ye Qingling agreed.

Tang Long pulls Ye Qingling and soon sees the North Palace fairy.

What's more, Mu Qingcheng also came out of the sea and was discussing with the North Palace fairy.

Seeing Tang Long coming, Bei Gong xian'er was obviously very happy. He looked at him and asked, "dragon, have you finished all the things in the blood temple?"

"It's over for a while." Tang Long went to Beigong Xianer and sat down: "how about this way? Have the people of luochazong settled down? "

"Settled down." Beigong Xianer said: "although this cattle demon city is not particularly prosperous, it is also suitable for living. You can rest assured that luoxianzong's people are here."

"Is there any news from Qiankun market?" Tang Long asked.

Beigong xian'er shook his head: "there is no news from there all the time. Moreover, I sent several people to inquire about the transmission array leading to the other side. If I knew it, it would be sealed!"

"All sealed?" Tang Long frowned: "the wizard wants to spread the news, so it must not be the work of a wizard. It can only be done by the people of the Archean sect, and it must be related to the blood temple!"

"I think so." "The North Palace fairy son way:" you in the blood god temple that side, did not get this information"Not yet. I only know that the temple of blood seems to be actively preparing for war." Tang Longdao.

"Dragon, I always feel that the battle of this catastrophe in the blood temple will come soon!" he said

Even if this catastrophe comes, we don't have to be afraid at all. " Tang long looked at Beigong Xianer and comforted him: "we have the heaven soul world. The world gate to the heaven soul world is completely controlled by us. If we have to, we will go to the heaven soul world and hide!"

He said this just to reassure Beigong xian'er.

In fact, he was worried about it in his own heart.

The great market of heaven and earth happened very suddenly, but even so, it could be controlled and influenced so quickly by the people of ancient ancestral clan. This is really beyond Tang Long's expectation.

The most important thing is, why did the ancient clan close this influence?!

In this way, Tang Long immediately felt that the unexpected event in the great market of heaven and earth, and the several Archean sects involved in controlling the influence, obviously had great problems.

I'm afraid that the interior of these taiguzong doors, which are closed to the news, are already very bad!

Next, Tang Long digs off the topic and doesn't continue to talk to Beigong Xianer about something that will make them worried.

He knew something about this place and chatted with Beigong Xianer at will.

In a hurry, it was half an afternoon.

Tang Long bid farewell to the northern Palace Xianer and they, summoned the wisdom heart gate between Gongsun and Mo'er, and returned to the Tang mansion in the city of genius.

Zhong Li Xueyan has also finished dealing with the auction house at this time.

Moreover, Gongsun Mo'er has told Zhong Li Xueyan that Tang Long has something to say when he comes back to find them.

They were practicing in the training room, and on the other hand, they were waiting for Tang long.

Tang Long came and looked at them and said, "I'll tell you something else first." As the voice dropped, Tang Long took out the pieces of paper with various metal materials.

Two of them were handed over to Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan: "the things written on them are of great use to me. You can find ways to get people to help find out. The more, the better, and it is of great use."


They nodded and took over the paper.

Zhong Li Xueyan curiously looked at Tang Long and asked, "these are some rare metal materials. What do you want these to do? Are you going to use them to refine a large number of weapons?"

"No Tang Long smiles: "I want to make the third generation of rapid fortress."

As for the rapid fortress, Zhong Li Xueyan and Gongsun Mo'er of course already know that. At this time, they don't ask more questions. They put away the paper and plan to wait for a moment, and go to find the things written on them through their own channels.

Next, Tang long looked at Zhong Li Xue Yan and Gongsun Mo'er, and said seriously, "now what I want to say is a very, very important and secret thing."

"What's the matter?" Both of them knew that Tang Long was serious when they saw him. What Tang long wanted to say was very serious.

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