"Nothing happened in Lingxiao Palace during this period of time." Ling Qingyao shook her head: "everything is normal."

Tang Long asked, "master xunkong didn't come to you?"

Ling Qingyao said, "no!"

Tang Long nodded: "it seems that they have not started the chaotic blood jade plan. They should be short of manpower, waiting for the granddad to come to help."

Speaking, Tang Long's hand, has more than a box.

Open the box, and there are three elixirs in the box. Of course, this is the elixir he refined before, which can enhance the spiritual power.

Magic flying snow is the Dan teacher, and at this time the strength of spiritual strength is not weak, even more in this LingXiao palace, Tang Long also hopes that her strength can be higher.

Although you are also a Dan master, you are absolutely safe in the heaven soul world.

Although Lingxiao temple is a very good Archean sect, and xunkong is the master of Feixue and lingqingyao, there are hidden blood demons and even witches.

In case, there will be danger.

Therefore, Tang long thought about it and decided to give the magic dance snow the magic elixir to enhance spiritual power.

He gave a magic elixir to Feixue. Tang Long said, "this is the medicine I just got. You can take it now."

After a pause, he continued, "I have to go to Qingyun clan."

He went to Qingyun sect, of course, to meet Meng Xiaomeng, and also to give Meng Xiaomeng the remaining elixir.

In addition, he also wants to see how Meng Xiaomeng is in Qingyun sect, whether there is any danger, or whether Meng Xiaomeng has found out something in Qingyun sect these days.

The magic dance flying snow took the elixir and took it immediately and began to practice.

Tang Long holds Ling Qingyao in his arms and chats for a while. He leaves and goes to Qingyun sect and appears in Meng Xiaomeng's boudoir.

Meng Xiaomeng looks at Tang long. Her pretty face is red and beautiful.

Tang long just said to Meng Xiaomeng that he wanted to come here. He didn't specifically say what he was going to do. He just said he had to come. This reminds Meng Xiaomeng of what Tang Long told her before. When he came to Qingyun sect next time, he would do her harm.

She thinks Tang Long is coming to harm her.

In fact, Tang Long said that sentence, have come several times, but always busy.

Meng Xiaomeng thinks that she is going to be eaten tonight.

"Brother Tang long, do you want to wash it?" Her eyes with a layer of hazy moving brilliance, shy, there are expectations, but also with a little tension.

Voice down, she has been in a hurry to lower her head, heart beating.

Originally in her heart, actually already had the full preparation, but when the matter came to an end, she was nervous again.

No wonder, after all, she hasn't experienced it.

Tang long looked at Meng Xiaomeng's appearance at this time, and immediately guessed some thoughts in his heart. He could not help but burst into a fire.

But I still held back.

It's not too early now. He will go to practice soon.

I'm leaving early tomorrow morning.

He doesn't want to do such an important thing with Meng Xiaomeng, and finish it in such a hurry, which will leave Meng Xiaomeng with regret.

Moreover, he also hopes that Meng Xiaomeng's mental strength can be improved and some benefits can be obtained as soon as possible.

"I came here to give you an elixir." Tang Long took out the box containing the elixir: "this is an elixir that I just refined. If it can enhance the spirit, I think of you immediately."


Meng Xiaomeng takes a look at the box in Tang Long's hand.

Tang Long has opened the box. In the box are two elixirs that emit colorful light. On the elixir, there is a breath of pure spiritual power.

These are obviously two spiritual elixirs.

"Brother Tang long, how can you treat me so well?" Meng Xiaomeng saw these two elixirs, and her eyes were moved.

Since she was with Tang long, she found that no matter what good things Tang long had, she would always think of her.

Moreover, as long as she has any hidden danger, as long as Tang Long knows, as long as he thinks about it, he will come to help her deal with the matter properly and make her safe.

Ever since she knew that her master was a person from the blood temple, Meng Xiaomeng was always nervous and hesitant. But after establishing a relationship with Tang long, she was constantly dispelled by Tang long.

This makes her heart, always have this sense of security, can feel the thick warmth and happiness.

Although Tang Long is often not around her, she can always feel Tang Long's love for her.

This kind of situation, let her in the heart special comfortable, sweet.

"Brother Tang long." Meng Xiaomeng gently calls out and directly throws herself into Tang Long's arms. At this moment, even if Tang Long takes her away and eats her, she won't say no.She felt that he could do whatever he liked.

Tang Long nibbled on his pretty face: "well, I don't have much time. I have to go on my way tomorrow morning. Now let's go to practice first. I'll practice with you."

"Well." Meng Xiaomeng answered, still nestled in Tang Long's arms.

Tang long looked at her with a smile. He took her legs and held her in his arms: "you are really my little trouble. I need to hold you even when I walk."

"I just want to trouble you and trouble you all my life. If you don't want to, I don't care!" Meng Xiaomeng's eyes, like crescent moon, are full of deep joy, and her voice is full of delicate and domineering words: "I am your woman. You have to want it, and you don't want it too!"

"Well, you have said that. What can I do?" Tang Long made a very sad look: "it seems that I am going to be troubled by you for a lifetime. How miserable it is!"

"Cluck!" Meng Xiaomeng is amused by Tang long.

Of course, she knows that Tang long will not really feel that she is very troublesome, and she is confident in herself and knows that Tang long must like her very much.

"Brother Tang long, I will trouble you by your side every day after you have solved the matter of the blood temple." Meng Xiaomeng said happily.

Tang Long bowed his head and chewed on her pretty face without saying anything.

Meng Xiaomeng is extremely intelligent and considerate at this time. Her delicate jade hand is already in Tang Long's arms, pointing to a door, and sweetly saying, "that's my special training room. Only my man can enter it."

In a flash, Tang Long arrived at the door of the training room. He opened the door and went in.

Meng Xiaomeng's room is equipped with isolation and boundary, so there is no need to open the isolation boundary in the training room.

Tang Long gives Meng Xiaomeng a magic elixir to improve his mental power, and then they begin to practice.

After three hours of practice, Meng Xiaomeng stopped.

Her spiritual power had already reached the edge of breakthrough before, and at this time, she had also improved a lot, from the second level spirit level Dan God to the second level true level Dan God level.

She sat beside her, quietly waiting for Tang Long's cultivation to be completed. Her delicate and beautiful face was full of cute sweet smile, which was a mess of beauty.

Unfortunately, Tang Long has no time to appreciate her beauty.

Tang Long is still practicing.

His mental strength is also a breakthrough.

Different from Meng Xiaomeng, before Tang Long's spiritual strength, he had already reached the peak of the five grade heaven level Danshen. The breakthrough at this time was not to break through a small class, but to break through a large class.

Therefore, it will take him a long time to break through.

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