Red flame lion, snow wolf king, golden monkey, and so on, these are very high-level deities, and obviously did not grow up.

If we take all kinds of conditions, they will be studied in the absolute base.

Although there are also accidents, such as Gongsun Mo'er's contract god beast, such as Zhong Li Xueyan's contract god beast.

However, these accidents are very few. They depend on the strong background and strength of the family. What's more, the families need to find these animals themselves and cultivate them from childhood to ensure that they can successfully sign soul contracts with the family members.

If the god beast that can not sign the soul contract, even if the god beast with higher level is obtained by the people of the blood temple, the final result must be sent to the research base, and the final outcome can be imagined.

Tang Long has so many magical beasts, and even more, there are Zhong Li Xue Yan's divine beasts.

Obviously, none of them has been mutated, and they all live well.

Moreover, these are basically the beasts of the world.

When the blood red wolf king saw these animals, he could not help but see a puzzled look in his eyes. Then the wolf king's eyes fell on the snow wolf king.

At this time, the wolf king was transformed into human form.

At this time, the snow wolf king, a very beautiful girl, stood beside the red flame lion, and did not speak.

Of course, the red flame lion also turned into human form, which is a powerful and heroic image.

Although the snow wolf king is like this at this time, the blood red wolf king can see at a glance that this is definitely the wolf, and like it, it is the king of wolves and the top existence among the divine beasts!

The blood red wolf king looked at the snow wolf king for a long time, and his eyes fell on Tang Long again. His eyes were full of doubts: "who are you?"

Tang long at this time, of course, will not say that he is a man of the world.

He looked at the wolf king and said, "I'm very different from those people in the blood temple that you've seen. I like divine beasts, and treat all divine beasts equally. I never use them as tools."

After a pause, he said, "even if I have the chance, I will go to destroy the research base of the blood temple!"

"Destroyed the research base of the blood temple?" The blood wolf king was stunned and looked at Tang long. His eyes were shocked: "some time ago, a man appeared in a research base of the blood god temple. He made a big fuss over the research base and saved hundreds of animals. Is this man you?"

Tang Long listened to the wolf king's words, but he couldn't help being stunned.

This matter, this blood wolf king unexpectedly knows!

Tang long thought about it, but he admitted: "I don't care what the rumors are outside, but I did it. I took a lot of supernatural animals and saved some of them!"

The blood wolf king looked at Tang long, and his eyes softened a little: "although what you rescued is a god beast in the whole world, but in any case, your behavior and the vast majority of people in the blood god hall are indeed somewhat different."

After a pause, he asked, "I heard that your name is Tang Long?"

Tang Long smile: "the world is big, the number of people called Tang Long is countless, what's more, this name in the blood temple can also make me less trouble, do you think?"

The blood wolf king was silent for a moment and nodded: "do you want to transfer what you have done to others, so that the people in the blood temple will not trouble you?"

"So to speak." Tang long did not give much explanation, saying: "the power of the blood temple is too powerful. Even if I can't stand some things, I can't touch them with them!"

After a pause, he looked at the blood wolf king and said, "I see you have a heavy internal injury, and I happen to be a Dan God!"

The blood wolf king was stunned.

Listen to the meaning of Tang Long's words, actually is to help it heal?!

Is there such a good human being?

In the blood wolf king's cognition, there are only three kinds of human beings.

These three kinds of people, one is those in the blood temple, who want to seize it and make it become the material for studying variation, and the other is to seize it and force it to become the contractual god beast by various means.

Another kind of person is to kill it.

It looked at Tang Long and said, "do you want me to be your contract beast?"

Tang Long smile: "this kind of thing if you want, I certainly 10000 agree, but if you do not want, I will not force, and I know, you certainly do not want."

The blood wolf king didn't speak.

Don long stopped and said: "your injury is obviously very heavy. I'd better check your injury first. Then, you can rest assured. Now I have no malice to you, because if there is, I have no need to cover up."

The blood wolf king thought about it, but also admitted that Tang Long said this.

If people from the blood Temple seize it, the result is definitely to take it for research and try to control it with drugs.

Other people in the blood demon world seize it. Now it has grown to this level. It is obviously unwilling to enter into a contract with others. Then 80% of them will be killed directly.The blood wolf king knows that he has fallen into the hands of Tang long. Tang long does not need to pretend to be anything now.

But at this time, to make the blood wolf king completely believe in Tang long, the blood wolf king can not do it.

It was hesitating.

Tang Long didn't want to delay here. Seeing that the blood wolf king hesitated, he had to be tough. His powerful momentum burst out, and the power of divine power swept out and rushed toward the blood wolf king.

Suddenly, the blood wolf king felt as heavy as a mountain, unable to move.

Around a head of blood red giant wolf, of course, also felt the strong momentum of the blood wolf king..

The blood red giant wolves thought that Tang Long was going to fight the blood wolf king. They immediately roared and roared, and their powerful blood Demon power broke out again, which was to rush towards Tang long.

"Don't move!"

Tang Long said in a deep voice, a hand flashing colorful light, has fallen on the blood wolf king's forehead.

All of a sudden, there were so many blood red wolves around. Although they were all very angry and staring at Tang long, they did not move.

The blood wolf king looked at Tang long, and there was no fear in his eyes.

Those blood red giant wolves are still 30 meters away from Tang long. They don't know the situation of Tang long at this time, but the blood wolf king is very clear.

Because, although Tang Long's palm pressed on its forehead, but the burst of strength is obviously very soft, obviously not to kill it, is to explore its internal injury.

Moreover, although Tang Long exerted his divine power to force it to move, it was obviously controlled by Tang Long and did not cause any harm to it.

The blood wolf king did not move or make a sound.

It did not know what Tang long wanted to do to it at this time, whether it was kind or malicious.

But it soon learned.

Tang Long's hand soon left the blood wolf king's forehead, and then there was an extra box in his hand. The box opened and all the elixirs in it were placed!

Healing elixir!

And this is not a general Jinchuang pill, but a very precious healing elixir: xumai Huxin Dan.

This kind of elixir is refined from some rare healing elixir. It has an excellent therapeutic effect on the damage of meridians and viscera. , the fastest update of the webnovel!