"I will unlock the seal array!" Tang Long smile: "this problem is not difficult to me!"


The old man looked at Tang long, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Tang Long said faintly: "you don't need to be curious. I'm proficient in the array, because I'm a grave robber. I don't have the special skills in this respect. I'm afraid I can't eat this food!"

"Grave robbers!" The old man looked Tang Long up and down, and then his eyes fell on Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan beside Tang Long: "these two rare girls will steal the tomb with you?"

After listening to the old man's words, Tang Long was surprised.

The old man saw that Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan were girls. The old man's eyesight was obviously very good.

You know, the public prosecution Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan dress up, in fact, are also very good, although pretty, but generally not easy to see flaws.

The key is that they all change their voice with vitality.

The old man looked at Tang Long: "young man, you are still tender, but not in a hurry. We will meet again. So, it is meaningless to say more now. Take something and go away."

"Will you meet again?" Tang Long was stunned again.

The old man looks shabby, but Tang Long suddenly feels that this old man is not simple!


He didn't ask any more.

He picked up the box containing the heart of hell, took in the flag, and then left with Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan.

Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan follow Tang Long from left to right.

At this time, both of them were very curious.

Gongsun Mo'er asked as he walked: "dragon, I always feel strange about that old man."

"Whatever it is." Tang Long glanced at his mouth and said, "we have something to do now. It's better to be less curious." After a pause, he also said, "this man just said that we will meet again anyway. I don't know what it means."

Zhong Li Xue flue: "will he stare at us?"

"Don't worry. If he's staring at us, I'll see it in a minute." Tang Long said: "I have been quietly exploring his movements. He has gone to sleep with his eyes closed. There is no breath on his body. Moreover, no one is around him."

"That's good." Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan are relieved.

They know that Tang Long's ability to explore this aspect is much better than them. Obviously, the old man's situation at this time is not to track them, nor is it necessary to send someone to follow them.

The old man didn't pay any more attention to anyone and went on sleeping there.

Next, the three continued to hang out here.

Unknowingly, they have arrived at a place where all kinds of rare treasures are traded.

For a long time, the stalls here are trading all kinds of rare treasures, as well as various spiritual weapons and swords.

Tang Long turned his head and looked at the clock from the snow smoke and magic dance flying snow: "we turn around here, if there is no harvest, go back to rest and come back tomorrow."


Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan nodded.

At this time, Tang Long was far away from the old man, more than six or seven hundred meters away. However, he was still making use of the vast sea and quietly exploring the activities there.

There has been no movement there.

Even at this time, because the old man's things had been exchanged by Tang long, the old man's stall had only left the strange turtle, and the old man did not add anything to the stall.

Tang Long was not very curious about the turtle on the booth.

He knew what it was.

The tortoise was not a general Warcraft, but a small immature beast. It was a divine beast whose talent level had reached level 6.

At this time, the little beast obviously grew very low, only to the level 5 level of Warcraft.

"Dragon, look over there, what's that?"

All of a sudden, the bell beside Tang Long left the snow smoke and gently pulled the sleeve of Tang long.

Tang Long looks at Zhong Li Xue Yan, and then looks at the direction that Zhong Li Xue Yan points to. Suddenly, his eyes are bright.

He saw a strange thing!

This is a rare weapon.

Flying knife!

"There are flying knives in this place

Tang Long also felt very coincident at this time, because the throwing knife is a weapon rarely used by people, and the stronger the people, the less they use the throwing knife.

But here it is the Throwing Knife weapon.

And this is obviously not an ordinary flying knife. The whole body of the flying knife is flashing with strange red light, and the flame is burning on it!

The flying dagger is no more than the length of the palm. It is carved with mysterious and exquisite patterns. It looks exquisite and beautiful.

What's more, there is a strong flame in the flying dagger. Once Tang Long explored it, he was sure that it was a artifact, and it was a very rare artifact!This should be a high-grade artifact!

Tang long, an ordinary high-quality artifact, can't be admired by him, even if it's a knife. Although he likes to use it very much, he already has Canghai sword and blood drinking sword at this time.

So he doesn't like ordinary knives.

But the throwing knife is different.

He never had a suitable throwing knife to use, but a powerful attack means he cultivated himself was the throwing knife. Unfortunately, with the improvement of his strength, because there was no suitable artifact, he had rarely used the magic power of Throwing Knife.

There is only one throwing knife here!

However, when the strength reaches the level of Tang long, a throwing knife can produce a thousand kinds of attack means!

"go and have a look

He said, with Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan, he walked towards the flying knife, and soon came to the side of the flying knife.

The owner of this stall is a middle-aged warrior who looks in his early thirties.

The martial arts man has a sly face, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

However, Tang Long only buys things, and naturally doesn't care about the appearance of the stall owner.

"How much is the throwing knife?"

His eyes fell on the warrior of the stall owner.

"It's not a common thing. It's made of tianrongdixin meteorite combined with hundreds of precious metals. It's almost as good as a wild artifact." "My sun Shuguang Yu assures you that such a small flying knife will definitely surprise you the most!" explained the warlord

"What surprise?" Zhong Li Xueyan asked curiously.

Sun shuguangyu laughed, and his eyes fell on Zhong Li Xueyan. Suddenly, his eyes showed a touch of extreme greed, but he quickly lowered his head without trace: "this throwing knife is a depiction of the mysterious array."

"Formation?" Tang long looked at the throwing knife and became very curious.

He had not had time to look at the Throwing Knife carefully before, but he did.

On a closer look, his eyes also showed a touch of shock!

What sun shuguangyu said was true. The throwing knife is indeed a very rare Throwing Knife, and there is an extremely mysterious ancient array on it.

If Tang Long was not very proficient in the array, he would not have seen it.

Even though he could see that the ancient array was arranged on the Throwing Knife, he did not see what it was.

Obviously, this array was portrayed in the process of making throwing daggers. Moreover, it was very mysterious. In this case, the difficulty of making the throwing dagger into a artifact is directly increased by 100 times!

Those who are not very proficient in making artifact can't make such throwing knives.

The value of this throwing knife is obviously very high.

It's just that, after all, the throwing knife is too small to be used by very few people, so even though the throwing knife is really very special, it still limits the high price of the throwing knife.

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