Tang Long took Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan's hand and turned his head to look around him. The mountains around him were undulating, and he could not see the edge in all directions. From afar came the thunderous roar, as if he were bombing the heaven and earth!

It was obviously the roar of a waterfall.

Moreover, the waterfall is obviously very majestic, and the sound makes the ground shake.

"Boom, boom..."

Tang Long is a little curious. He looks at the place where the voice comes from. He can see from a distance that mountains rise into the clouds far ahead.

What's more, it's a row of connected cliffs.

On the cliff, the rolling water from the height of tens of thousands of meters, suddenly poured down, forming a long, extremely broad and powerful waterfall!

The width of the waterfall, even more than 500 meters, is really appalling!

"I've never seen such a big waterfall before!" Tang long looked at the waterfall in the distance and couldn't help feeling.

The old man with white beard laughed: "when we open the ancient ruins and get the things in them, when we come out, you may as well go to the waterfall to have a look. Staying in such a place can shake the soul. It's really a good place to clean up the soul!"

Tang Long smile: "when the time comes, I will go and have a look!"

"Let's not talk about it now. Let's go and have a look at the site first." The old man with white beard said, turning his head to look at several warriors around him, who had taken the lead in flying forward.

They were flying in the opposite direction to the waterfall.

The old man with white beard looked at Tang Long and said with a smile: "OK, let's go, and we can get to the place soon."


Tang Long nodded and flew forward with Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan. After more than ten minutes' flight, Tang Long suddenly felt a heavy feeling in his heart.

And at this time, he felt that there was an extremely strong breath in all directions around him.

Although the breath was well hidden, Tang Long always used his magic skills to explore the situation around him. Therefore, the hiding of these people could not escape his exploration.

If only a lot of martial artists were hidden, Tang long would not care.

However, he was already very nervous.

On the surface, it always seems indifferent.

He looked around casually. In Tang Long's eyes, a dignified look flashed away: "although the breath around is well hidden, it is obvious that these breath is different from the general warrior of blood temple!"

"It seems that..."

Tang Long frowned a little, more seriously to explore the surrounding movement.

The breath that he found is obviously far away from him. If he is a general warrior, he can't detect it at all.

Even if Tang Long is now in full swing, even though he has exerted his magic power in the field of the sea, he has only vaguely detected a trace of that breath.

Exploring the breath, Tang long could not help but be shocked!

"The power of the stars!"

Tang Long's heart suddenly had a very bad feeling.

In addition, he always had a vague sense of danger in his heart, which made him immediately have a guess: "there are many people around here, and these people are likely to have the power of the stars!"

So many people have the power of stars, which is obviously abnormal!

In the blood god hall, Tang Long knew that the person who had the most research on the power of stars was obviously lie Qingtian!

"Is it true that Li Qingtian knows me when I come here? But since he knows that I am here and knows my whereabouts, how can he not come here in person? "

"Or, he was caught up in something, so he set a trap here to hold me down and wait for me to come from the trawl net in front of me?"

"If so, I'm in the urn now, they should do it now!"

"Anyway, I must be very careful now. This is a small world, and I can't find the exit in any way. I can't open it. I have no way to go back here."

"Now it's up to you to act according to circumstances!"

Tang long thought about the Countermeasures in his mind, and knew that he was in great danger at this time.

But he also knows that strong giant is definitely not here now.

Otherwise, how can strong sky not come to deal with him?!

"The surrounding area must have been surrounded. If I start now, I will be trapped in a lot of siege, and I must find the right time. However, I can't delay time. I believe that even if Li Qingtian is not here, I will surely come here soon."

Tang long thought about the Countermeasures in his mind. He followed the old man with white beard and was still flying towards the distance.At this time, he had to tell Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan about the situation through huixinmen.

After all, they are already under siege.

First of all, he contacted Gongsun Mo'er with huixinmen: "Mo'er, the situation is not right. I found that there are many martial artists around here. Moreover, the breath of these martial artists diffuses faintly, which contains the power of stars!"


Hearing Tang Long's words in his heart, Gongsun Mo'er was shocked.

Fortunately, at this time, people around her did not pay much attention to her, to also did not notice the change in her eyes.

She quickly said in her heart, "dragon, do you mean that this could be a trap arranged by strong Qingtian? How can this be possible? Only the two of us know the route I chose with Xueyan

Tang long thought for a while and said, "it's very likely that we were discovered on the way here, and sent the message by some special method."

Gongsun Mo'er said nervously, "what shall we do now?"

Tang Long said: "from now on, you must be careful all the time. As long as we have a chance, we must break out first. As long as we leave their encirclement, we can get out."


Gongsun Mo'er agreed.

And then, Tang Long contacted Zhong Li Xueyan and told Zhong Li Xueyan these words.

Zhong Li Xueyan's heart is also extremely shocked.

She didn't expect that she and Gongsun Mo'er arranged the plan carefully. To a great extent, it was to prevent her from being discovered by lie Qingtian, but she was eventually discovered by lie Qingtian.

At this time, she is also trying to make no abnormal appearance, but her heart has been very nervous.

White beard old man and others, still with Tang long, they are flying forward, time is not long, has reached the top of a high cliff.

"To the place!" White bearded old man.

At this time, he has stopped flying, Tang Long and others of course also stopped.

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