"My God!"

Tang long felt that he was already a little dizzy. Ten thousand strong men in the realm of emperor of heaven, such a powerful and terrifying lineup, even if they were placed in those Archean sects of the whole world, such a powerful lineup was incomparable!

The key is that these people are all as well-trained as soldiers.

The old man looked at Tang Long and said with a faint smile: "how about it?"

"These are the guards of Weiyang palace?" Tang long looked at the old man in disbelief. He was so capable. How could he cultivate so many strong men in the realm of emperor of heaven.

And these strong people, incredibly all extremely take the order!

Old man ha ha a smile: "want to dominate the world, want to dominate the sky, you think, without some real capital, can you do it?"

"No way." Tang Long also nodded in agreement with the old man's words.

It's just that the old man's capital is too exaggerated!

Tang Long has been in the blood god temple for such a long time, and he has some understanding of the blood demon world. However, how could he never hear of such a powerful man with such terrible strength!

How can such a person be unknown in the blood demon world?!

The old man looked at Tang Long and said, "what you see is only one tenth of the comprehensive strength of Weiyang palace."

"One tenth!" Tang Long's eyes widened again!

"If you want to dominate the world, the people in the realm of the emperor of heaven are obviously not enough. I have prepared more powerful people for you to achieve hegemony." The old man looked at Tang Long and said, "there are five ancestors and two ancestors."


Tang Long is completely shocked and sluggish!

There are five ancestor gods and two ancestor emperors. Can such a person listen to him?!

At this time, the old man seemed to be saying to himself: "my greatest wish in my life is to become the overlord of the world one day. I hope that the order of the world can be changed according to my ideas, but I can't do it now!"

Tang Long looks at the old man with some doubts.

At this time, the old man's eyes, showing a very obvious sadness and helplessness.

However, Tang Long couldn't see anything wrong with the old man at this time. He couldn't help but ask, "master, do you have internal injury? Or sick? "

"No, I'm not hurt, I'm not sick!" The old man shook his head. "I'm fine. I'm just going to die."

"Very well, just about to die!" Tang Long didn't understand.

The old man smiles: "you don't need to know this. I know how ambitious you are. Even I know you better than yourself. I just want to make sure of some things, so there will be some arrangements. That's all."

"What do you want to be sure of?" Tang Long asked curiously.

"What I want to be sure of is what happens next." The old man light way, continues to move forward.

Tang Long was puzzled.

But he didn't say anything. With Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan, he walked on with the old man, walked through several squares, and saw a shocking scene.

This Weiyang palace not only has so many powerful people in the realm of the emperor of heaven, but also has tens of thousands of top-level divine beasts.

The most important thing is that Tang Long has made sure that all these belong to the old man!

the countless money and treasures in Weiyang palace and the powerful warriors here all belong to the old man.

When he inherits here, all this belongs to him!

He can let these people do anything, no matter what his orders, these people will never say a word of no, they will follow the orders to the letter!

Even if he let these people die, they won't blink!

This is definitely a powerful force that anyone who wants to dominate the world will want very much!

This is the absolute power that can dominate the sky!

No matter who, get this powerful power, is equal to get the supreme power, can have everything you want!

At this time, the power was in front of Tang Long's eyes.

It can even be said that he has got it now.

At this time, he followed the old man into a luxury palace, and now the time, is also night, the old man looked at Tang Long and said: "next, you can enjoy it!"

"Enjoy what?" Tang long looked at the old man and asked.

The old man smiles and claps his hands.

All of a sudden, the sound of fairy music curled up, and more than a dozen beautiful girls came in. These girls were in their twenties, with excellent figures and beautiful faces.

Any one of them will never fall in the snow smoke with Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li.

They came over and looked at Tang Long with deep affection in their eyes. Even, they seemed to have a mysterious power that captured people's hearts and soul. They sent out from their eyes, which made people feel turbulent.What's more, their clothes make Tang long look at them and feel their blood boiling!

These are the girl's clothes that Tang Long wants to see most in his heart!

"This, this, this..."

Tang Long feels his throat is smoking!

The old man came to Tang long, and his voice was floating: "these are all yours, the power of Weiyang palace, all the people here, and the women in front of you, and even more women here, all belong to you!"

"So many miraculous medicines are yours too The old man said in Tang Long's ear, the voice seemed to have a kind of mysterious magic, let Tang long at this time, is actually some trance.

He felt that he was now the world's overlord.

Everything, all in their own control, all things, are his.

He holds great power, one word can dominate the lives and deaths of hundreds of millions of people!

If you want something, you just need to stretch out your hand, and someone will be sent to him immediately. Even, any woman he likes can come to him immediately with a word from him!

the peak of life, but so it is!

"I can have these, this..."

Tang long looked at everything in front of him, and his heart was filled with blood!

and at this time, beside him, the old man's voice sounded softly again: "these are all yours, but you have to pay a little bit, you have to give up these two women around you!"

"Give up? Let me abandon the two women around me Snow smoke and Mo'er? "

"Shit, how could that be?"

Tang Long's heart was filled with infinite anger.

He can get everything and have such great power. How can he abandon the two women around him? !

he turned his head in anger and glared at the old man.

The old man smiles: "I'm going to die. Before I die, I have only one wish, that is, I need two women to bury me. I only care about them. I don't want to touch their hair. I just need them to die, die quietly and bury me with them!"

"No way!"

Tang Long seems to have been stabbed in the heart.

Before those expectations, those hot blood, instant all thoroughly cool!

That's his bottom line!

This is the taboo that he can never be touched!

The old man didn't expect Tang Long's reaction to be so fast and so resolute.

Looking at Tang long, he couldn't help being stunned: "don't you think about it anymore? In front of you, but the world's top power, with these, you have everything

"I don't have to think about your terms!" Tang Long firmly said: "snow smoke and Mo'er, I can't give up when I die!"

"Each of these women in front of you is absolutely no worse than you two women. Moreover, you are only sacrificing your two women. You can get much more than this. You are not willing to do this!"

The old man looked at Tang Long with suspicion in his eyes.

Tang Long frowned: "in addition to this condition, other conditions I can promise you, but this condition, absolutely not, absolutely!"

"Well, I'll let ten thousand people from Tangmen bury me with me!" The old man changed the condition: "is that ok?"

"How do you know Tangmen?" Tang Long glared at the old man.

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