
The old man nodded and took over the box from strong giant.

Then he looked at strong Qingtian and said: "you go to be busy with you, remember, this period of time must keep a low profile in the blood temple as far as possible, this is an important period of our development, we must not use gas."

"Don't worry, I know." Strong giant serious nod.

The old man continued: "did Tang Long kill him?"

Hearing the name of Tang long, a sinister light flashed through his eyes: "that guy is too cunning, hiding in a seal array, we can't get in."

"What seal array is so powerful?" The old man asked curiously.

Lie Qingtian gnawed his teeth and said: "this seal array is in a mountain. It may be an array left by someone in ancient times. But it was used by this boy. Damn it, this boy is lucky this time, but I can definitely kill him!"

"How are you going to kill him?" the old man frowned

"I know that he has some special skills, and I believe that he will be able to leave that place, and even if there is a sealed door to the world in such a site, it's not strange, so I decided to give up doing it there."

After a pause, he said in a deep voice, "I want to get to Gongsun's family first. I'll fight Tang Long on the way to Gongsun's family."

The old man frowned and said, "what if you still fail?"

"Then I will fight Gongsun family." Strong Qingtian bit his teeth: "I must kill him, because he has the power of the stars, he is in, many people will ask him about the lightning God flower, this matter Gao Tianye can't explain, so Tang long must die!"

"You know that's best!" The old man nodded: "I hope you can succeed this time, otherwise, it will bring you great trouble!"

"I know!"

Li Qingtian's face is gloomy.

This time, he is the biggest capital, even if Tang long can leave the ancient ruins, it is absolutely inseparable from the Gongsun family.

The Gongsun family is really powerful.

However, all the strong members of Gongsun's family were not all in the family.

With the help of the elder of the blood temple and his quiet arrangement, when Tang Long arrived at Gongsun family, it was the most vulnerable time for Gongsun family.

At that time, strong Qingtian knows that he can kill Tang long as he moves fast!

Of course, he also has to go to Gao Tianye.

Some surface work, he has to do.

After discussing with the old man in detail, strong Qingtian got up and left. After a short time, he had quietly arrived at a secret mansion in gaotianye.

Two hours later, Gao Tianye got the news and came back in a hurry.

Together, they went into a secret room, started the isolation and demarcation of the secret room, and then sat down face to face.

Lie Qingtian did not speak, Gao Tianye first asked: "what's going on? Why is Tang long missing?"

"You ask me about it, and I want to ask you about it." Strong giant glares at Gao Tianye.

Gao Tianye frowned: "didn't Tang Long go to Zhongli family?"

"He's gone to Gongsun family!" Strong strong weather angry staring at Gao Tianye: "high childe, I am really disappointed with you, gave you such a long time, the result you gave me such a news!"

"I went to Gongsun family, how could it be like this?" Gao Tianye frowned: "no wonder..."

"No wonder what?" Strong giant glares at Gao Tianye.

Gao Tianye said, "I said how could you be so angry. I thought you would miss Tang long when you saw him. It turns out that Tang Long didn't go that way. It's really my negligence this time."

No wonder permanganate and potassium permanganate have not been found.

But of course, he can't tell lie Qingtian.

At this time, permanganate and potassium permanganate have returned, and have been back for several days.

Miyagi, look at me again, though it will be another chance for you

"I hope you don't let me down next time." Strong giant snorted: "high childe, I have been helping you to train puppet dead men, if I let you do such a thing you can not do, then, I will really doubt your sincerity of cooperation with me!"

Gao Tianye nodded: "Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan, if they really can't, give it to me!"

"Give it to you?" Strong giant Leng Leng Leng: "what meaning?"

Gao Tianye bit his teeth: "if I have to, I will try to do something and send someone to deal with her. It can be considered that I have returned your kindness this time, and also show my sincerity in cooperating with you."

"I hope you can help me." Strong giant nodded.

After a pause, he looked at Gao Tianye and asked, "how's the Qianji keel there?"

"Very well." Gao Tianye said: "Qianji keel has taken the blood of the star God, and has already possessed the power of the stars.""Well, now you should be able to pull him in better." The way of strong prime.

Gao Tianye nodded: "I sent someone to find him. Although he is very busy now and seems to be studying a mysterious thing, it seems that it is a hair thing called a zombie, but he is quite good to the people I sent, and also want the blood of God!"

"Where's the magic incense family?" Asked strong giant.

"There is no progress for the time being." Gao Tianye said: "it is obvious that the ink fragrance qingluan still has some doubts about your God blood."

"It's no surprise." Strong giant nodded: "you did not use this God blood before, do not also doubt?"

"That's true." Gao Tianye nodded.

After a pause, he looked at lie Qingtian and asked, "the new God blood you developed is really so good. Those dead men can really be completely controlled by me?"

"Of course Strong giant heavy key nodded: "those dead men, promise to let you have a big surprise."

Gao Tianye asked, "what kind of surprise?"

Strong giant proud way: "my blood Temple control mutation Warcraft means, you should know, you control those dead, when control mutation Warcraft, can sign soul contract!"

Gao Tianye heard the words of strong Qingtian, his eyes suddenly showed thick joy.

It is the best news that lie Qingtian has developed a mutant death warrior who can sign a soul contract with him.

He is now full of ambition.

With the mutant death warrior that lie Qingtian helped him cultivate, plus that he was already controlling the Danshi alliance with his palm, plus his own star power, and Tang Long's auction house, he felt that he could quickly climb up the blood temple.

"When I come back from guhuang, my plan is going to start completely!" In Gao Tianye's eyes, there is a touch of uplifting light.

Strong giant sky looks at Gao Tianye this appearance, in the eye one wipe disdain a flash to die.

He stood up. "It's over. I'll go first."

"Good." Gao Tianye nodded.

He sent Li Qingtian away and came back again. He immediately found permanganate and potassium permanganate: "lieqingtian just said that Tang Long changed his route. It seems that Tang long should have made some changes on the way."

"No wonder we didn't find Tang long." Permanganate looked at Gao Tianye and asked, "what are we going to do next?"

"You go to Gongsun family." Gao Tianye pondered: "I don't think strong Qingtian is good at putting on a dry rest, but in any case, Tang long can't die now. He has great use value to me."

"We're going." Permanganate and potassium permanganate nodded: "Mr. Gao, you may rest assured that we will ensure the safety of Tang long."

Gao Tianye's eyes showed a sharp: "I hope once, Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan can die!"

At this time, the ruins where Tang Long was located, outside the extremely magnificent palace, had already completed a heavy project.

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