According to the idea of Qianji Baiyu and xunkong, it is better for these people to be checked by Tang long, so as to ensure that the current LingXiao palace has the largest number of available high-level people.

Therefore, the task of Tang Long is extremely heavy.

To deal with such an important matter, the reclusive power of Lingxiao Palace also came. However, only five people came, and the rest did not come.

What's more, the reclusive power of LingXiao palace has also been lost in the case of chaotic blood jade. Now, only these five people can be fully trusted by xunkong and Qianji Baiyu.

The rest of the reclusive powers are not here today.

Xunkong, of course, has some words for those reclusive powers who didn't come. After all, the original cave of Lingxiao temple is also a very important place. There are many important treasures of LingXiao palace.

So, of course, there will always be guards there.

There are three reclusive powers left over there. They are worth trusting or not. Xunkong and Qianji Baiyu are not sure.

But they felt that there had been problems with so many reclusive powers before, and it was impossible for some of the remaining reclusive powers to have problems.

Of course, they made arrangements for it.

When this is over, Tang Long needs to go there.

Next, Qianji Baiyu and xunkong walked into the front of the hall with Tang long.

Qianji Baiyu is the Supreme Lord of LingXiao palace. Facing such a big thing, he has to stand up and say something in person.

Tang Long follows Qianji Baiyu without saying a word.

The people in the LingXiao palace don't care much about Tang long.

As soon as Qianji Baiyu made a speech, Tang Long didn't care much about it. He didn't listen to what Qianji Baiyu was saying and thought about his own affairs. In this way, Qianji Baiyu had already made arrangements.

Looking at the warrior in the main hall, he said in a deep voice: "we have arranged a safe room. Everyone can go in one after another. As long as we can clearly answer our questions, we can make sure that nothing happens."

After a pause, Qianji Baiyu looked at the five reclusive powers in front of him and said, "the next thing here is for you."


Among the five reclusive powers, a fat old man with a smile nodded.

Then he looked at Tang Long and said, "Hey, little boy, you look like an adult!"

After listening to this guy's words, Tang long felt a little nervous. Didn't this guy's words make people in the hall doubt him?!

Qianji Baiyu also frowned and looked at the fat man: "today's business, you must be more serious, otherwise, I'll lock you in the women's heap, you can't go out for three days and three nights!"

"You, you, you..." Fat immediately a face of panic, staring at thousand machine white feather!

He knew that no one else in LingXiao palace could do such a thing, and Qianji Baiyu would certainly be able to do it.

Tang Long looks at this fat old man's reaction at this time, in the heart suddenly very curious, this guy seems to be very afraid of women's appearance.

"Can't this guy do something?" Tang long thought in his mind and couldn't help looking at the fat man.

The fat man immediately glared at Tang Long: "what are you looking at? I'm more powerful than you!"

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Qianji Baiyu coughed twice.

For this fat man, even he is helpless. Although the strength of this guy is a little weaker than him, he is also very strong in the reclusive power of LingXiao palace.

However, the fat man is not a good thing in fact, some of his heart's thoughts, it is like the general continuous river.

But this guy is practicing authentic boy skills!

This makes the fat man in some things, his heart is always very entangled!

In fact, when his strength reached his level, he had already broken through some shackles, and there was no fear. Even if he broke this skill, his strength would not decline.

But this guy likes to brag about it.

The point is, this guy has a pain!

Qianji Baiyu no longer said much, but with xunkong and Tang long, he turned and walked into a door not far away, and soon walked into the door.

At this time, Tang Long has arrived in a very large and empty room.

There is a door directly in front of the room.

Xunkong opened the isolation boundary of the room so that people outside could not know the situation in the room.

After the barrier was opened, he looked at Tang Long and said with a smile: "do you know what kind of arrangement is in the room behind the door in front of you?"

"What kind of arrangement?" Tang Long asked curiously.

Xunkong took a look at Qianji Baiyu, and then he said with a smile: "in fact, there is no special arrangement in that room. There is a door of space in that room. There are three people in it. That's all.""Three? Who are they? " Tang Long asked curiously.

"Of these three people, two of them are the disciples of the Supreme Lord. Of course, this disciple belongs to the top secret in LingXiao palace, and no one knows about it."

"Top secret disciple?" Tang Long Leng Leng Leng: "they are very powerful?"

"Although their strength can not reach the level of reclusive power, they have also reached the peak state of the emperor of heaven. They are about to reach the ancestral realm." Thousand machine white feather at this time, the face also appears a touch of small complacency: "this is my thousand machine white feather, the most take the result of the hand."

Tang Long asked curiously, "don't you say there are three people in the room over there? Who is the other one? "

"Of course, it's the little girl's grandfather!" Qianji Baiyu laughed, then narrowed his eyes and looked at Tang Long with a smile: "Stinky boy, you must have eaten that precious girl? How about that girl, isn't she

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Hearing Qianji Baiyu's question, Tang Long is speechless.

The supreme patriarch, ask anything!

He immediately changed the subject: "what are you going to do with the three of them in that room?"

Qianji Baiyu did not speak.

Qianji Baiyu's side, xunkong's eyes flash away with a sharp breath in his voice: "as long as you are a traitor, if you walk into that room, don't think about it again. Even the spirit will be destroyed!"

After listening to xunkong's words, Tang Long was also a little chilly.

It is obvious that xunkong and Qianji Baiyu have killed their planes today, and they are obviously going to lay heavy hands on them.

However, Tang Long also knows that this is the fastest way to solve the internal problems of LingXiao palace.

He looked at xunkong and asked, "what is the real progress of investigating the power of blood demons in other places outside now?"

"No progress, but more and more problems." Xunkong sighed: "the blood demon pill you mentioned before is now in many parts of the world, constituting a very serious disaster, and therefore, more people can use the power of blood demon!"

In Qianji Baiyu's eyes, at this time, there was a heavy look: "the key is that the wizard's recent behavior is also very crazy, everywhere heard that there is a demon king appearing!"

Tang Long asked, "what's the reaction of the evil spirit sect?"

"It looks as if it is the same as before, but it has been announced to the public that the people of the evil spirit sect can really cultivate the power of blood demons and have very good skills in cultivating skills." The voice of the sky sank.

After hearing this, Tang Long frowned fiercely: "if I guess right, the evil spirit sect is recruiting disciples widely, isn't it?"

"Yes." Xunkong nodded heavily.

Qianji Baiyu said: "because of this, I have to work hard to solve the internal problems as soon as possible. Then I have to find a way to unite with Qingyun sect to complete this task. I'm afraid it will take a long time."

Tang Long nodded: "the urgent task now is to unite with Qingyun sect. Otherwise, the strength of a sect will be very difficult to resist the coming storm, and after this, the blood god hall will definitely take action against Qingyun sect!"

"Let's start today."

Xunkong said that he had already walked towards the door leading to the outside, and soon went to the door, opened the door and went out. , the fastest update of the webnovel!