"At that time, it was the best time for me to deal with Li Qingtian!"

Tang long thought in his heart that he had made a decision that he should hold the sky at the right time and make his whole body black.

But he had one more thing to solve.

This is the blood demon pill.

"I hope the Wenren family can study the final secret of the bleeding magic pill earlier. If we can work out the antidote, it is the best. If we can't find out, just this blood demon pill will be enough for all the major sects in the world to have infinite disputes!"

"Of course, the problem of divine blood must be solved first."

He looked at Xuanyuan sky array and said, "you can study it again and see what method can kill the spirit insects."


Xuanyuan sky array nodded, and his attention had fallen on the dark island in front of him.

He's already studying the defensive border outside the island.

The king of the abyss and others are also studying this defense barrier, and they want to see if they can untie the defense barrier and go to the island to have a look.

It is a pity that they have studied for a long time and have no clue.

Tang Long also began to study the defensive border.

The defense barrier is not only very powerful, but also obviously very profound. Tang Long circled the island and spent several hours looking at all the places. Finally, he could not lift the defense barrier.

It was already dark.

Tang Long was also a little tired at the moment. He took out the quick fortress from the sky sealing flag and went to the quick fortress to rest with Gongsun and Mo'er.

Time is in a hurry, the twinkling of an eye is already dawn.

Tang Long got up and cleaned up a little. Just after walking out of the rapid fortress with Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan, he saw the Xuanyuan sky array busy in the sky above the dark island.

At this time, Xuanyuan sky array has summoned the true spiritual apocalypse.

The true spirit and Apocalypse are flying in the air, and the flight track is very mysterious, obviously flying in accordance with a mysterious array of strange routes.

With the rapid flight of the true spirit apocalypse, strange blood red light clusters flew out of the body of the true spirit apocalypse. These light clusters soon turned into mysterious blood red runes.

The blood runes all fly towards the energy barrier ahead.

The king of the abyss is not far away at this time, looking at Xuanyuan sky array busy.

With the busy Xuanyuan sky array and the rapid movement of the true spirit and apocalypse in the air, one by one mysterious blood red runes flew to the energy boundary, and then quietly integrated into it.

On the energy boundary, there are layers of blood red ripples.

The blood red ripple diffuses in the junction, which gradually melts into a layer of blood red.

"Don't you..."

When Tang Long saw this situation, he could not help but see a surprise that he was looking forward to.

Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan are also looking forward to this energy boundary.

Xuanyuan sky array has been busy.

Such a busy, blink of an eye passed more than an hour of time.

At this time, the silver energy barrier protecting the dark island in front of us has changed from silver white to blood red!

Then Tang long heard that the Xuanyuan sky array in the sky suddenly burst into a violent drink: "open!"

With the sound of the sound, countless mysterious blood runes suddenly burst out of the body of the fast-moving true spirit apocalypse, turning into meteor clusters of blood red light, all flying towards the energy boundary as fast as lightning.

This blood red light bombards the energy barrier.

And then, they're all absorbed by this energy boundary.

At this time, a layer of blood red light suddenly shines on the energy boundary, and then in the dazzling red light, there are many tiny cracks in all directions of the energy boundary!

"Click, click..."

All around the energy boundary, there are such sounds of fragmentation.

The sound of fragmentation becomes clearer and clearer, and the cracks in the energy junction are more and more dense and obvious.

After a minute, the whole energy boundary suddenly broke apart and turned into blood red all over the sky and swept away in all directions.

This sweeping momentum swept Tang Long and they all flew hundreds of meters away.

By the time Tang Long stopped their retreat, the energy barrier outside the dark island in front of them had completely disappeared.

At this time, Xuanyuan sky array has already flown in front of Tang long.

He looked at Tang long, and his eyes were filled with pride: "boy, although you are really good at array, it seems that you are still a little worse than me!"

"You are better than me in this respect!"

Tang Long nodded to admit.

In fact, he did not lose to Xuanyuan sky array in array attainments.

However, most of the arrays he learned were from the great world and some powerful arrays in the blood demon world. He didn't know much about them. Although many of the mysteries of these arrays were interlinked, he didn't study them constantly like Xuanyuan sky array.He usually has too many things. Even though he has got a lot of inheritance about the array before, he has not yet mastered all of them.

Of course, it's only a matter of time.

Because of this, it will take him longer than Xuanyuan array to break the energy boundary.

At this time, the energy barrier is broken, and they can land on Shanghai Island.

"Let's go and have a look at this island!"

As Tang Long said this, he had already pulled up Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan's hands to fly toward the island in front of him.

The red flame lion and the snow wolf king have been transformed into human forms, and they have also arrived at the Tang dragon's side.

The red flame lion looked at Tang Long and said, "boss, if the defense boundary is broken, I can find out the treasure of heaven and wealth on the island. I found that there are many treasures on this island!"

Tang Long listened to the words of the red flame lion, and a surprise reappeared in his eyes.

He was also more and more looking forward to it.

"Quick, go and find the treasures of heaven and earth!"

He said in a hurry, but he was stopped by the Xuanyuan sky array: "Stinky boy, wait a minute. This island is absolutely not simple. There must be a very strong ancient array arranged on it, and the island seems to be some unusual!"

"How unusual?" Tang Long asked.

He looked around and found no dangerous smell on the island.

Xuanyuan sky array looked at the island in front of him. He thought deeply: "do you see the shape of the island, don't you see anything?"

"See what?" Tang Long was stunned.

Before, the island was completely covered by the energy barrier, but he didn't care.

Xuanyuan sky array is different. When he untied the seal, he was in the high altitude above the island.

From that angle, of course, he could see the whole island more clearly.

Xuanyuan sky array said: "this island is connected by 360 reef islands. The shape of the island is like a giant dragon circling in the sky."

After a pause, he continued: "the appearance of the dragon is an ancient array I heard of!"

"Ancient array?" Tang Long was stunned: "what array?"

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