"Originally, the star Troll can also go to artifact space, and the star Troll obviously hopes so, so that he can become much more free. I hope my decision is correct."

Tang Xiaohu thought in his heart. When he moved his mind, he saw the sword in his hand.

Suddenly he was speechless.

In the artifact space of his sword, the star troll is staring at the five element real demon fiana, who is also staring at the star troll, and holding her bone whip tightly in her hand.

On fiana, the thunderbolt and lightning burst out, the ice flame roared wildly, and the bone whip in her hand also whined.

She glared at the star troll, angrily scolded: "star troll, this is my five element real devil's territory, you dare to rob, believe me or not I'll kill you!"

"Kill me? Who in the world can kill me The star Troll glared ferociously at feiana: "originally I just wanted to come in and have a look. I didn't intend to stay here, but you were so vicious that I didn't want to go. I just wanted to occupy here!"

"Occupy here, you want to be beautiful!"

Feiana jade face frost, although extremely beautiful, but also shows a kind of fierce and murderous spirit.

She stared at the star troll and said angrily: "although you have the power of the stars, I am not vegetarian either. Although my strength is limited, it can be comparable with that boy's strength. You want to control that boy to improve my strength, and my strength can also be improved with that boy. What can you do with me?"

Star Troll a strange smile: "hey hey, even if I do not enhance the strength, you are not my opponent!"

By this time, he had turned into a young man of twenty-eight or eight.

He looks so handsome!

Staring at fiana, he suddenly flashed into a colorful light, and rushed towards her.

"My aunt is afraid of you

Feiana scolded, and the black bone whip in her hand, with the sound of crying and howling, broke out the strength of ice, fire and lightning, and attacked the star Troll fiercely.

All of a sudden, these two guys are fighting together in this artifact space.

"That's not very good."

Tang Xiaohu's divine consciousness is in this artifact space. Watching the fierce battle between the star troll and fiana, he suddenly feels powerless.

This star troll, if you want to chase girls like this, I'm afraid it will never catch up with you!

"This star troll, does he understand feelings?"

"Fiana is so beautiful, can't the star Troll look up to it, don't like it?"

Tang Xiaohu thought helplessly.

He felt that if he went on like this, the star troll and fiana would probably become enemies. It's just that the two guys can't be a couple. If they fight against each other, they may become a big problem for him.

"It's better to separate them!"

Tang Xiaohu thought in his mind, and immediately looked at the star Troll fighting fiercely and said: "this magic space is really too small, star troll, I think you'd better go to subdue the magic pestle space!"

The magic subduing pestle, whose full name is King Kong subduing devil pestle, is much stronger than the sword Tang Xiaohu used at this time.

Star Troll body shape flash, back dozens of meters, turn to look at Tang Xiaohu way: "King Kong subdues the devil pestle?"

"I'll ask my teacher's wife for it!"

Tang Xiaohu said, Shenzhi immediately withdrew from the artifact space of the artifact sword, and then turned to look at Ye Qingling: "Qingling Shiniang, the Vajra subduing pestle, I want to use it first."


Ye Qingling didn't say anything, and readily agreed.

Although the Vajra subduing pestle is indeed a very good artifact, she also felt that it was of little use when she looked at it, because she knew that Tang long would obviously not use the artifact of the Vajra subduing pestle.

Moreover, it seems that no one around Tang Long is suitable to use this artifact.

She took out the Vajra pestle and handed it to Tang Xiaohu.

Tang Xiaohu takes over the magic pestle.

At this time, his body, a group of colorful light is also suddenly flying out, it is the star Troll of a real body.

This is really a separate body to look at Tang Xiaohu very direct way: "hurry up to subdue the devil pestle to me!"

"You want it?" Tang Xiaohu was stunned.

He was going to put his own soul mark on the pestle, and then let the star Troll stay in the magic space of the magic pestle, so as not to fight with her every day.

"I just don't have the right weapon. This pestle is also suitable for me to watch!" said the star troll

"All right."

Tang Xiaohu was stunned and gave the magic wand to the star troll.

The star Troll holds the magic subduing pestle, and the strange colorful light on his body bursts out, covering the demon subduing pestle, and then the magic subduing pestle bursts out with a strange colorful light.

And the smell of demonic pestle began to change mysteriously at this time."This..."

Tang Xiaohu looks surprised at King Kong subduing pestle.

Next to Ye Qingling and so on, is also curiously looking at the Vajra subduing pestle.

At this time, a strong smell of death and destruction broke out on the Vajra subduing pestle.

Moreover, on this Vajra subduing pestle, there is gradually a layer of mysterious and extremely colorful lines of light!

Obviously, this pestle is undergoing great changes, and it is also a change in nature!

"Hehe, this pestle will be my own after that The star Troll's body, hehe, gave a strange smile. Regardless of Tang Xiaohu's surprise, his figure flashed, and together with the demon subduing pestle, he directly turned into a light group and disappeared in front of Tang Xiaohu.


Tang Xiaohu's heart suddenly jumped, and he quickly moved his mind. God realized the artifact space of his artifact sword.

He knew that the star Troll must have gone to fight with fiana again.

As expected.

When he realized the artifact space of the artifact sword, he immediately saw that there were many kinds of artifact in the hands of the star troll, and even on the artifact, there were extremely mysterious colorful lights.

This artifact is just a Vajra subduing pestle.

And it is extremely strange that at this time, on the Vajra subduing pestle, countless colorful light energy arms flew out. The arms skyrocketed, flashing colorful light, and attacked toward the fiana.

Tang Xiaohu explored it and found that the Vajra subduing pestle had become a magic weapon in such a short short film!

"Well, how could this be possible?"

Tang Xiaohu is a little sluggish, totally can't think of it!

You know, it's very difficult to refine artifact into magic weapon.

But the star troll, in a short time, actually turned the Vajra pestle into a magic weapon!

This is too fast!

The star Troll has the Vajra subduing pestle, and the attack power is dozens of times stronger. Although feiana is also very powerful, because of the soul contract with Tang Xiaohu, the strength is suppressed as much as Tang Xiaohu, and is completely suppressed by the star troll.

Feiana is attacked by the star troll and retreats!

Tang Xiaohu was completely helpless.

"What should I do?" Tang Xiaohu looked at the fierce battle between the two guys, but he was more surprised that the star Troll turned the magic wand into a magic weapon.

At this time, he also couldn't help asking, "big devil, how did you turn the magic wand into a magic weapon?"

"I am a star troll, eternal existence. As long as the artifact I use is branded with my spirit, it can be baptized by the eternal star river. Isn't it easy to become a magic weapon?" The star Troll arrogantly said.

Tang Xiaohu immediately said, "can you turn my magic weapon sword into a magic weapon?"

"Of course not!" The star Troll blasted feiana out with a pestle, and then said, "my spirit is very special. It contains the power of the universe and stars. The magic weapon I quenched must have my spirit brand on it. Once the mark of the spirit disappears, the magic weapon will become an ordinary artifact."

After a pause, the star Troll continued: "the most important thing is that my magic weapon is in other people's hands, and I can't exert any power of the magic weapon at all. I can only use it as an ordinary artifact."

"That's it Tang Xiaohu was a little disappointed.

At this time, the star Troll had attacked fiana again.

Tang Xiaohu didn't know how to persuade him.

"Let's fight for a while. If you're tired, don't fight. Anyway, it's not so easy for the five element real devil to die. Moreover, although the star troll is very powerful, the five element real devil will not be very weak."

Tang Xiaohu thought so, and then no longer to care about the fight between the two guys.

His mind moved, and his consciousness withdrew from the artifact space.

At this time, ye Qingling and they have already arrived at the bottom of the inheritance beads in front of them, ready to accept the inheritance.

Tang Xiaohu also immediately went to accept the inheritance.

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