"It seems that this brand should be a high-quality treasure, and obviously it has some special functions. In such a competition, it's very convenient to have such a special thing. No one will miss the competition carelessly."

Tang long thought to himself, put the brand away.

Then he turned his head and looked around, and his eyes fell on a distant place.

There are also a lot of people signing up there.

The competition held at that place is the competition of array.

"My accomplishments in the array are also good. Of course, I have to go and have a look at this array competition. If there is no accident, at least I can earn a lot of points!"

In his mind, Tang Long walked quickly.

There are also a lot of martial artists who have signed up for the array competition.

Tang Long walked over and successfully signed up.

Then, he had another piece of blood red brand which was almost the same as before.

He put both brands on his chest and put them away.

"Next, I have to go to the martial arts place to register." Tang long thought in his mind, but he did not dare to delay. He hurried towards the place where the martial arts competition took place.

He knew that in these competitions, the speed of martial arts competition should be the slowest.

However, Gao Tianye has already told him that the martial arts competition is the most important.

For all the competitions here, only the top 20 will be selected for the final competition, while for the martial arts competition, the top 300 will be selected for the final competition.

Moreover, this final competition is totally a contest of military strength. The top 100 of them will be selected to go to guhuang Shendi.

Each of these 100 people can also get a talisman of death.

Tang Long went to the registration place of martial arts competition.

At this time, Gao Tianye has already signed up and has gone to a place to start the competition.

Tang Long signed up late, so he needs to wait for a while.

At this time, Tang long already felt that a powerful force came from the brand of Danshi competition on his chest.

"It's my turn to compete with Dan Shi!"

Tang Long got a sign for the martial arts competition, so he turned around in a hurry and soon arrived at the place where the Dan Master Competition took place.

Here, there is a big competition platform.

There were 49 Dan masters on the stage. Tang Long knew that his competition was to be conducted with the 49 Dan masters. He did not ask any more questions and jumped directly onto the competition platform.

A warrior in his early fifties came over and looked at the Dan masters on the competition platform and said, "give me your brand."


These Dan masters promised to give the old man the signs they had just signed up for.

The old man took away the brand, then looked at the 50 Dan masters and said, "now, I'll explain the rules of the competition. Compare and try the most basic Dan Ding and refine ten breathing pills. According to the quality of the elixir, the winner can carry out the next round of competition."


The 50 Dan masters all agreed in a loud voice.

"Competition begins!"

The old man said, with a flash, he flew directly into the air and sat cross legged in the air to monitor the competition.

Dozens of warriors came up and stopped in front of Tang long, and then they all took out a very common Dan Ding of first-class spirit tools and put them in front of Tang long.

Then the warriors took out another box.

In the box, of course, there are herbs for refining Huiqi pill.

Tang Long knew that the Dan masters he was competing with were absolutely the best among the younger generation of the blood god temple, and these people must have been the Dan masters in the whole world.

These people are the people of the whole world who have been devoured by bloodthirsty demons and bloodthirsty demons.

In the blood demon world, there was no Dan master who could cultivate spiritual power.

The competition has begun.

The 50 Dan masters on the competition platform have already started their own busy work, making preparations before refining the elixir.

Tang Long also began his own busy.

He is absolutely confident in his level of refining elixir.

Moreover, his Dan division's strength is very strong after all.

In addition to Tang Dan's 50 masters, most of them are only in the spirit of Tang Dan.

And among them, the highest level is the third spirit level Dan God.

Tang Long is already the seven level spirit Dan God.

But in the blood god hall, Tang long did not show the real strength of his Dan master, only showed the degree of three grades of true Dan God.

In this way, the level of Dan Shi's strength is enough to cope with the competition in front of us, let alone the competition. What we compare is not the strength of Danshi, but the level of refining elixir.The martial judge, sitting cross legged in the air, felt the powerful mental power of the 50 Dan masters, and his eyes immediately fell on Tang long.

In his eyes, at this time also can not help but emerge a shock.

Tang Long seems to be a young man, and he is obviously the youngest among the people who have taken part in the competition.

However, the youngest Tang Long is actually a Dan God!

And it's a true Dan God!

Unfortunately, as a judge, the martial arts didn't know that the real power of Tang Long's Danshi had already exceeded the level of the third level of true Dan God, and exceeded a lot.

However, even if Tang long at this time showed the strength of the Dan division, also can let this as a referee martial arts feel very surprised.

He immediately took out a pamphlet and read it:

there is the name of Tang Long and some basic information about Tang long.

Looking at the most basic information of Tang long in the pamphlet, the warrior immediately saw a look of expectation in his eyes:

"Tang long, is he the genius of refining elixir in the city of genius? The strength of the Dan master is really strong. I don't know how good he is in refining the elixir... "

"It is said that although his level of refining elixir is very high, it seems that he is somewhat unstable, but he also hears that Gao Fu has deliberately concealed something..."

"I will know everything in the next contest..."

The warrior squinted and glanced at Tang Long quietly. His eyes immediately shifted.

Tang Long is already refining elixir.

Although he doesn't want to be outstanding now, he also knows his name. Many people here must have heard of his name.

And he knows that some people here certainly know a lot about his performance in the city of genius.

"In that case, I'll give you a good surprise!"

He thought to himself.

At this time, he has made a decision to refine the level of his own elixir, but also here, to show a good.

Of course, his success rate of refining miraculous elixir also needs to play a good role!

The warrior sitting in the air always seems plain, but his attention is always quietly paying attention to Tang Long's elixir. He hopes to have a more comprehensive understanding of Tang Long through this competition.


All of a sudden, among the alchemists refining the elixir, a big bang broke out in a Dan Ding.

A Dan master failed to refine the elixir.

This is Tang long.

At this time, Tang Long's face was depressed, but he looked at the broken elixir in the cauldron. His brow also wrinkled fiercely. He took a look at some busy Dan masters around him and began to refine the second one.

Of course, the warrior in the air knew that Tang Long's first elixir had failed.

All of a sudden, he was also a black line.

You know, Huiqi pill is the most basic elixir. It's easy to refine it successfully. Tang Longtang's Danshen can't even refine Huiqi pill. It's really

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