Alchemy competition continues.

Tang Long next, the success rate of refining miraculous elixir was greatly improved, and he successfully refined seven miraculous elixirs in one breath.

However, the quality of these successful alchemy elixirs is relatively general.

He refined the seven elixirs, in addition to the one previously refined, the quality of the remaining elixir was the highest, that is, a three grain elixir.

Among the 50 alchemy masters, the achievements of these seven elixirs can only be counted as middle.

However, he had refined a fairy pill before.

At this time, there were only two alchemists on the competition platform to refine the elixir, and both of them were refined elixir. Tang long ranked in the top 10 in terms of total score.

However, the first place is obviously not him at this time.

He did not care about these, continued to refine the elixir, watching, he began to refine the last one.

Most of the other alchemists began to refine the last elixir.

All the Dan masters in the competition were all attentive at this time.

All the people watching the competition looked at Tang long one by one. At this time, a touch of curiosity appeared in their eyes, and one by one they were guessing:

"it seems that this boy has his own way to refine the elixir."

"I think this boy's level of refining elixir is special. If he wants to refine high-quality elixir, there seems to be no way to guarantee the success rate, and if the success rate is guaranteed, the quality of the elixir he refined will not be very high."

"It seems that it is, but on the whole, the boy's level of refining elixir is not bad."


The old man sitting in the air was looking at Tang long, and his eyes also showed a touch of curiosity. Tang Long's level of refining elixir made him a little confused.

Tang long, the last elixir, has been refined.

This is a five stripe elixir.

He stopped and glanced at the elixirs around him. At this time, these Dan masters and the last elixir had not yet been refined. The fastest one was just beginning to condense the pattern of the tenth elixir.

Several slow Dan division, at this time just began to refine the eighth elixir.

Tang Long saw that few of these alchemists could refine the elixir, and a smile appeared on his face.

He did not disturb other alchemists in refining the elixir. He was elated to bow his hands to the people under the competition platform. His face was so proud that the people under the platform were speechless again.

The old man sitting in the air shook his head helplessly when he saw Tang Long's proud appearance, but he didn't say much.

Soon, the last dan master had finished refining the elixir.

The alchemist who refined the elixir, together with Tang long, had only two alchemists in total. Therefore, of course, Tang Longli became the second in this competition.

The first one is the Dan master who refined a grain elixir before.

After the competition, Tang Long got five points again. At this time, the old man sitting in the air as the referee also flew down and handed a sign to Tang long.

This is the identity card for the third round of competition.

The third round of Danshi competition will be held in the morning of tomorrow. Tang long will be the first group of Danshi to compete on the stage tomorrow.

Tang long accepted the sign, jumped off the competition platform, and walked quickly to the place where the array competition took place.

At this time, the array competition he was going to take part in had already started. Some martial artists who took part in the array competition were already in a hurry over there, and they all quickly walked into a space door.

Tang Long hurriedly passed by, but there was no time to ask. He had just given the identity card of his array competition to the martial arts judge, who urged him to go in quickly. You are already the last one. If you don't go in, you will automatically abstain


Tang Long agreed, but without saying much, he went to the door of the space that was about to disappear.

Through the door of this space, he has appeared in a very open place.

This is a room.

The room is very large, more than 10000 square meters.

There are 36 stone pillars standing in the room. The stone pillars are shining with red light, and many kinds of mysterious runes are carved on them.

Moreover, there are many mysterious runes carved on the walls and on the ground of this room.

"What kind of formation is this?"

Tang Long turned his head and looked around. He was not in a hurry.

Besides, there is no door in this room. He can't leave the room if he doesn't crack the array.

He stood on the edge of the array, observed for about five minutes, and finally saw the clue of the formation: "I didn't expect that a dishaquigang array was arranged here."

It's known by Tang long.This is a very powerful array in Qimen dunjia. It not only has a very strong defense ability, but also has a strong attack power.

The 36 columns in kuigan array are sealed with powerful energy.

If Tang Long rushes into the array, the di Sha Kui Gang array will be launched immediately. These 36 upright pillars will immediately move up and surround Tang long in the middle to form a Kui Gang defense circle.

Moreover, the energy of the powerful blood Demon power will also gather rapidly in the array, which can condense 36 qui gon monsters in the array.

Kuigan's fighting power is comparable to that of the people who set up the array.

Tang long did not know the strength of the warrior who arranged the array, so he did not dare to rush into the array easily at this time.

Tang Long has absolute confidence in cracking this array.

"I just need to step on kuigan step and display the array of Tiangang Beidou array to restrain it. This array will not be launched, and I can easily pass this array."

Tang long thought.

However, at this time, he was still very cautious. After observing carefully for a while again, he made sure that his judgment was not wrong at all, and after determining all directions of cracking the array, he began to break the array at ease.

At this time, outside, the referee of the array competition was holding a pamphlet and looking at the names one by one.

He has seen the name of Tang long.

And he also saw some simple information records behind the name.

He is obviously interested in Tang Long:

"this is Tang long, the Tang long in the city of genius. Unexpectedly, he won the first place in the first array competition. It seems that the boy trained by Gao Fu is really not simple!"

"I don't know if he can break through the qui gon formation in this competition. I believe that in half an hour, someone will be able to break through the array. Can he come out of the top ten? I'm really looking forward to it..."


He was talking in a low voice, and suddenly there was a roaring sound in front of him. Then, in a space in front of him, there was a strange twist.

Following in this twisted space, a door of space emerges.

"This, this..."

The warrior has seen a man come out of the door of this space. This is the last person to enter the door of this space.

He knew that this man was Tang long, the one in the city of genius.

In such a short time of less than 10 minutes, Tang Long broke the array and came out!

"That's too much of an exaggeration."

The warrior glared at Tang Long with an unbelievable face.

This warrior is also very proficient in the array. He knows that it will take him at least 20 minutes to pass the array without knowing in advance.

Tang Long broke the array in less than ten minutes. How can he not be shocked?!

He couldn't help looking at Tang Long who came to his eyes and asked in disbelief, "boy, did you pass that array?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!