Tang Long has already flown up to the competition platform in front of him.

At this time, all the things to be prepared on the test bench were ready. There were 50 pieces of lower level spirit utensils lined up on the test bench. Beside each of them, there were two boxes, one big and one small.

Among these two boxes, one of the big boxes contains the medicinal materials used for comparison, and the other box is used for storing miraculous elixir.

Dan masters have been on the test bench soon.

The position of Tang long at this time is in front of the 11th Dan Ding.

The old judge had already flown into the air again. He stopped at a height of five meters. In front of Tang long, he turned around and sat down in the air with his knees crossed.

His expression at this time always seemed calm and peaceful.

The Dan masters of the contest were all ready, quietly waiting for the old man to speak.

The old man glanced at Tang Long and said, "this is the last competition. Out of 50 of you, you will select the top 10, and the top 10 will have extra major rewards."

After a pause, he went on to say: "this time, what we tried to refine is a kind of elixir which is very difficult to refine. The name of this elixir is called the pill of bringing the dead back to life!"

"What, refining the elixir

Heard this name, compared to the Dan teacher on the test bench, one eye all stare big!

Even, the eyes of so many people watching the competition under the competition platform were all widened, and their eyes were obviously unbelievable.

Tang long before, but did not hear of this pill.

Fortunately, at this time, the old man in the air began to explain the elixir:

"many people must have heard of this elixir, but I believe that not many people know about this elixir. This kind of elixir needs 555 kinds of first-class precious medicines, plus 555 kinds of elixir. Only after integration can it be successfully refined!"

"Although the grade of these herbs used to refine the life reviving pill is not very high, it is also very difficult to find. Therefore, you should cherish these herbs when compared with those used in trial!"

"Reviving the dead pill is an excellent healing elixir. Refining the quality of the golden elixir can keep people alive for an hour before they die, and refine them into holy pills. If the seriously injured people die less than an hour, taking this elixir will be able to revive and guarantee a day's life."

After a pause, there was also a look of seriousness in his eyes: "if it is refined into an elixir, if it is taken by a person who is seriously injured and dead, this person can even be rejuvenated, can continue to connect the heart pulse, and can make him not die in at least one year."

"If within this year, the martial arts practitioners who take the elixir can take good care of their bodies and look for rare medicinal materials to treat internal injuries, they will be able to recover their internal injuries!"

"Of course, if the dead are destroyed and unable to take the elixir, then there is nothing to do."


Listening to the old man's explanation, Tang Long was also shocked.

Obviously, this is a rare treasure elixir that can save lives!

The most important thing is that he can refine the elixir!

"I must find a way to get this kind of elixir. Once the blood demon Kingdom and the whole world are at war, this elixir can play a great role in the critical moment."

Tang long thought secretly.

However, he did not think about how to get the elixir.

He knew that such a pill must be extremely precious.

The blood god hall holds the Dan Fang, certainly will not let others know easily.

The old man in the air continued: "all the herbs for refining the pill of bringing the dead back to life have been prepared. You don't need to worry about anything else. You just need to refine those herbs into miraculous elixirs. All the refined elixirs, as well as the herbs used to refine them, are not allowed to take away any of them!"

The voice fell, the old man's eyes once again swept Tang Long and others, and then said in a deep voice: "now, the competition begins, some people concentrate on refining the elixir!"

Hearing the old man's voice falling, all the Dan masters who took part in the competition hastily picked up the box with herbs in front and opened it.

There are only five herbs in the box.

Obviously, each of them had five chances to refine this life reviving pill.

A Dan division, at this time is a serious face, seriously prepared, this began to refine the spirit pill.

The people watching the competition under the competition platform were all attentive at this time.

After all, the elixir required to be refined in this competition was too difficult. It was extremely difficult to refine a successful, extremely rare elixir.

More than 1000 kinds of medicinal materials are integrated. It is too difficult to refine this kind of elixir successfully. Even if the gods of blood demon kingdom are alchemy gods, the chance of refining this kind of elixir is less than 10%!

And refining this kind of elixir, it is very difficult to refine high quality.

However, the present 50 Dan division, after the first five rounds of competition, finally came to the present.Of course, the level of their alchemy masters is very good.

One by one, they are concentrating on refining elixir.

Tang long had already decided that he must win the first place in the competition, so at this time, of course, he also had to be more serious, at least to ensure that he could refine a miraculous elixir.

It takes a long time to refine the pill.

It takes 20 minutes to refine a elixir successfully.

At this time, 15 minutes had passed. Among the 50 Dan masters on the competition platform, one third of them had broken their elixirs and declared their refining failed!

Tang Long's elixir was not broken at this time,

and at this time, there was a light golden light in his cauldron.

Outside the golden light, there is a circle of golden lines.

It is obvious that what he is about to refine is a golden elixir. It is a golden elixir with the quality of one grain.

Such achievements have been very good. After all, it is very difficult to refine the life recovery pill successfully. It is quite difficult to refine it into a golden elixir.

"BAM, BAM, BAM..."

Five minutes later, there was a burst of sound.

On the competition platform, the elixirs refined by 50 alchemists all burst into pieces one after another, leaving less than 20 elites. At this time, the elixirs they refined had not been broken.

Tang Long's elixir did not explode.

And in his Dan Ding, a circle of golden lines has been gradually shrinking, gradually shrinking to the rapidly rotating gold elixir in the Dan Ding.

"Are you going to succeed?"

The old man sitting in the air looked at the golden elixir in the Tang Long Dan Ding. At this time, there was a surprise in his eyes.

But at this time, he suddenly heard the sound of "bang", and the golden elixir in the Tang Long Dan tripod suddenly flew up from the tripod.

Of course, it was not Tang Long's golden elixir that exploded, but the spirit elixir refined by a Dan master next to him. The Dan master almost refined a three grain golden elixir, but it failed in the end.

Tang Long's elixir is obviously going to be successfully refined.

Next, there are seven or eight elixir's elixirs exploding, but Tang Long's elixir has been refined and refined successfully.

The elixir had already flown into his hand, and then he put it in a box in front of him.

What he refined was a golden elixir with a grain quality.

"This boy, not bad!"

The old man in the air, as a judge, looked at the golden elixir of Tang Long's successful recovery from the dead, and his eyes also showed a smile of admiration.

After all, so many alchemists failed to refine, and it was not easy for Tang long to refine successfully.

What's more, the six elixirs who successfully refined the elixir for the first time. The quality of the pills they made were only miraculous elixirs. Besides Tang long, only one person refined the golden elixir.

What this man refined was a two grain golden elixir.

Although the score of this Dan division is better than that of Tang long, however, Tang Long was in the second place at this time.

This achievement is enough to satisfy the old man in the air.

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