At this time, when these strange blood red runes were integrated into Tang Long's body, Tang Long also felt that a lot of mysterious information suddenly appeared in his mind.

But now, he still does not know what kind of inheritance he is accepting.

It's been a while.

On the old man in front of him, the blood red Rune gradually stopped. In Tang Long's mind, a lot of messy information was still churning. Tang Long still couldn't figure out what the information was.

Just when he wanted to know more about the information in his mind, in this inheritance space, a space in front of him suddenly appeared a golden shining energy scroll.

The scroll opens slowly.

The scroll is more than 10 meters long and more than 3 meters high. On the scroll, large characters with golden light appear:



archaic thunder mantra.

This is a very mysterious and profound curse.

When the curse is used, it can condense the powerful energy of the nature of heaven and earth, break out the limit power of the spiritual pulse, and open up a spiritual space to store energy and spiritual pulse space. When necessary, it can use a thunderbolt to increase its combat power by 40 times!

The attack of archaic thunder curse can be added to any kind of magical power.

Although this is a curse of natural disasters, it can not be launched at will. It needs to gather enough spirit and spirit power, and it can not be used continuously. If it is used once, it needs at least an hour's recovery time.


when Tang Long saw the lines on the scroll ahead, he felt his heart pounding wildly.

This is a kind of ferocious curse!

And it's the curse of natural disaster!

"I didn't expect that the first place in the competition of Tianjiao and Danshi could get such a strong reward. I didn't come in vain!"

"It seems that I chose to take part in the competition of Danshi. It's really a wise choice!"

Tang was very happy.

Although this ancient thunder curse can only be cast once in an hour, it is so powerful that it can definitely save lives when it is important!

It's no joke that you can instantly increase your combat power by 40 times!

And Tang Long knew that the power of the curse would not be exhausted all at once.

The power of this curse can last for four seconds!

In four seconds, Tang long can use his fast attack means to attack continuously. This power is absolutely earth shaking!

Tang Long began to seriously study the curse of natural disasters, and tried to gain the power of inheritance in this scroll.

At this time, in the inheritance space of this scroll, a kind of magic energy suddenly surged up, which converged rapidly towards Tang Long and integrated into Tang Long's impression hall.

In Tang Long's mind, the previously chaotic information became clear gradually.

Tang Long has learned this kind of Curse of natural disaster from the ancient thunder mantra.

However, the curse of natural disaster is extremely profound. Even if Tang Long has learned it at this time and wants to exert its greatest power, Tang Long still needs to constantly practice and realize.

And he still needs to practice this curse.

"In this period of time, I must fully understand the ancient thunder mantra, skillfully use the disaster curse of this day, and give full play to its power as soon as possible!"

Tang long thought secretly.

It took him an hour to accept the inheritance.

An hour passed by in a hurry. At this time, Tang Long's divine consciousness had also retreated from the inheritance space, and the scroll in his hand had also closed it.

There was a clear surprise in his eyes, looking at the old man as a referee.

At this time, the old man was looking at him with a smile on his face.

Then Tang long heard the old man's voice: "there are two kinds of rewards for the first place in the array competition. I can decide to give one of them to the first place Tang long, you should be satisfied with the reward I gave you! "

Tang Long knew that the voice could not be heard by others at this time. It was the old man who gathered his breath to speak to him.

Obviously, the old man was courting him.

"Thank you for your success At this time, Tang Long was also the way to gather Qi into sound.

He knew that the old man had given him such a big surprise. Obviously, the old man could not have given him such a surprise in vain.

In his opinion, the old man must have something to ask of him.

Looking at the old man, he continued to gather his breath and asked, "master, what can I do for you?""I'll go to see you tonight. You'll wait for me in the back mountain where you live. You're the only one who can't let anyone know." The old man stopped, and the voice continued to spread into Tang Long's ear: "I hope you don't let me down."

"Certainly not!" Tang Long quickly and seriously gathered Qi into a voice.

He was curious.

He didn't know why the old man came to him at night.

At this time, he suddenly felt that a brand in his arms had produced a strong breath of energy.

He knew that the last match of the array was about to begin.

It was almost noon.

He's a little hungry.

But obviously, he doesn't have time to eat now.

At this time, there were not many people in the place of the competition. After the competition, the old man sent them away one by one.

Three of the top ten people are still here. These three people are also holding an inheritance scroll at this time, and they are obviously accepting the inheritance.

Tang long did not know what inheritance these people were accepting.

Tang Long was sure that the inheritance they accepted could not be the curse of natural disasters.

The inheritance of the curse of natural disasters is not so easy to get. Even if it is the extremely mysterious scroll given to him by the old man just now, the inheritance in this scroll can only be used twice at most!

Such a scroll has long been different from the general inheritance scroll, and even this scroll can no longer be called inheritance scroll.

This scroll is called the ghost book!

Only a warrior whose strength exceeds that of his ancestral realm, and the warrior must be a Dan God with more than eight grades of strength, can the book of ghost be successfully made.

Making ghost books is time-consuming and has a very low success rate.

It will take at least a year for the Dan God of a strong ancestral territory to make such a book. Moreover, this period of time must always be closed and can not be distracted. Only in this way can the success rate of less than 10% be achieved and the book will be successfully made.

What's more, the materials for making the book are extremely rare!

Therefore, this kind of special inheritance scroll is extremely precious, and the value of this ghost book is priceless.

Tang long looked at the old man in front of him and returned the book to him. He no longer gathered his breath to form a sound. He said, "master, I have to take part in the array competition, so I can't delay here."


The old man nodded and said nothing more.

Tang Long is no longer hesitant, and has no longer dared to hesitate. After all, at this time, he has already felt that the energy from the brand in his arms is becoming weaker and weaker.

That is to say, he must rush to take part in the competition immediately, otherwise, his qualification for this array competition will be cancelled!

"Farewell, younger generation!"

Tang Long's voice dropped and his body flashed. He was already heading for the place where the array competition was going. , the fastest update of the webnovel!